iMPACT! News

Changing the World

Local and Global Ministry and Mission

Sept/Oct 2024



Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14

During July, SBCC members provided over $500 worth of practical and gratefully received supplies for the Students to Scholars ministry of New Life Covenant Church in Atlanta, GA. Supplies given include Magnet Blocks, snack boxes, paper towels, printer paper, hand soap with refills, hand sanitizer, and trash bags. The children also received dozens of books to help fill their library.

During their visit to Atlanta, SBCC member Maxine Rhodes and Missions Outreach Coordination Nita Owens helped clear space and rearrange books in preparation for the SBCC donations.

For over 22 years, Students to Scholars volunteers have worked with children and youth in the English Avenue and Vine City communities of Atlanta because they “believe everyone deserves a chance to be seen, to be loved, to be disciplined, to have a voice, and to be hopeful about their future. Furthermore, we serve because we believe all students can learn, grow, and live into God's plan for their lives.”



“When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.” – Proverbs 31:26

On August 8, Missions Outreach Coordinator Nita Owens and SBCC member Bernadette Galleguillos stepped into the Women’s Wisdom Circle, a special time provided by the Lord, to offer practical skills and spiritual encouragement to the new and expectant young mothers at City Team Heritage Home.

Nita guided the young women in preparing a delicious and economical dish called “Porcupines,” made from hamburgers, seasonings, and Rice-a-Roni.

SBCC member and leader of Heritage Home Jennifer Dickinson and Bernadette led the young women in an encouraging Bible reading and prayer time.

As a faith-building exercise, Bernadette asked the young mothers to write or draw a prayer letter to God as if they were conversing with Him. “Think about your life and what you would like to happen in your life. Have enough faith to write down things big and small,” she said. They will revisit those prayers in six months to see how God answered.

Bernadette explained that there are many ways to pray, but for her it is a conversation with God. She sees this exercise as a tool to use when one is under stress. “Write or draw your prayer and leave everything with Him. Then you can go about your day.” She says the exercise triggered a unique personal response from each woman.

“SBCC women, sharing your life skills with these young women can change their lives,” Bernadette says. “It’s such a gift to participate, and I will go each time. It’s only two hours every other month. I’ve found a new ministry. I am blessed by it all.”

 To participate in the next Women’s Wisdom Circle, click here.


"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it." – Proverbs 22:6

Sixteen SBCC members attended the Nonprofit Youth Services Fair presented by the SBCC AWAKEN Youth Ministry on Sunday, August 18. Although the fair had a small attendance, it was big on connections.

Marcie Senter, Shepherd's Gate Development Officer for Livermore and Brentwood, was excited about visiting South Bay Community Church to worship. She exclaimed, “This seems like a warm and wonderful place to come. Since I live in Union City, it is an easy drive.” Shepherd’s Gate helps women and children escape abuse, addiction, sex trafficking, and homelessness.

Local friends from Pathlight International stopped by to learn more about SBCC’s relationship with Pathlight International in Belize and to offer support locally. Stay tuned.

SBCC member Lynn Lockett, Director of SBCC’s non-profit Genesis, met and talked with Zae Illo, Operations Manager for Youth Spirit Artworks and the Tiny Home Project in Oakland.

They spoke about how Genesis's services can benefit transitional youth ages 18 to 24 served by YSA. 

Nadine Watson represented and presented information on the National Council of Negro Women. SBCC will engage more with her about how we can get involved in upcoming events. This was a great segway and resource for rebuilding our Women’s Ministry.

“I was excited to meet Nadine and her husband, Anthony Watson, who are Ashley’s parents. I went on and on about what an asset Ashley is to our organization as the Youth Pastor and a valued member of the P.E.A.C.E. Core Team,” says Missions Outreach Coordinator Nita Owens.

Ashley says, "We had a fantastic turnout at the nonprofit fair, with six incredible organizations in attendance. Sixteen congregation members actively participated, engaging with each organization and learning about their impactful work.

The event fostered meaningful connections and highlighted the importance of supporting our youth through various programs and services. We are grateful to everyone who attended and look forward to future collaborations that will continue strengthening our community."

SPOTLIGHT: Bernadette Galleguillos

“Then Jesus said to them, ”So wherever you go in the world, tell everyone the good news.’” – Mark 16:15 The God’s Word Translation

“I’m not a minister or a street preacher; I didn’t know how I could obey the Lord’s command in Mark 16:15 to preach the Gospel to every creature.” SBCC member Bernadette Galleguillos shares how she found her answer to spread God's teachings for all by understanding that God gave her a “heart of service.” Through her heart of service, she can help people who wish to know God by spreading the love of God and caring for His people in the world.

The SBCC Spiritual Gifts Survey revealed that Bernadette has the gift of encouragement. “In everything I do, whether it’s through friendships or ministry, it's really from my heart. It can be as simple as a kind word for someone or praying for someone going through a hard time. I give willingly, graciously, joyfully because I am grateful for what God has done.”

“When I go to Heritage Home and see those young women, many faced with insurmountable odds, I feel the presence of God there. What He enables me to do helps to encourage their faith in Christ.”

You may know Bernadette from the ministries she participates in or served with at SBCC: ASAM, servant leader in Adult Christian Formation ministry, Sojourners, small groups, Bible studies, including Chronological, The Wired Word, and Sunday School teaching.

“I believe every believer has a heart of service. It may be working with children, singing in the choir, or the prison ministry – there are so many ways of revealing God’s kingdom on earth. South Bay Community Church offers everyone an opportunity to show their heart of service, to find their own niche, with love, not duty or obligation; it's what SBCC is about.”

Visit the SBCC Virtual Ministry Fair.

South Bay Community Church

47385 Warm Springs Boulevard,

Fremont, CA 94539


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