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IMBeR IPO-China newsletter

Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office - China

IMBeR Welcomes the New Scientific Steering Committee Chair


May-June 2024,

No. 41

IMBeR and Its Sponsors' Announcements


In This Issue

Cover News

-IMBeR Welcomes the New Scientific Steering Committee Chair

---------------------------IMBeR and Its Sponsors Announcements

-IMBIZO7 Registration

-CLIOTOP Task Team News

-2024 ESSAS Annual Science Meeting

-Call for Papers: Journal of Sea Research Special Issue on EO-WPI Project

-IMECaN Newsletter

-IMBeR Coffee Reception

-Call for Applications for an Early-Career Scientist to Join the SCOR Executive Committee

-Call for Review of 2024 SCOR Working Group Proposals

-2024 SCOR Annual Meeting

-SRI Cogress

---------------------------IMBeR IPO Host's Announcements

-International Training Workshop Application

---------------------------Editor Picks

-New Publications


Events, Webinars and Conferences


Jobs and Opportunities

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IMBeR International Project Office - China is fully sponsored by

IMBeR is a Large-Scale Ocean Research Project under SCOR and a Global Research Project under Future Earth

Editors: GiHoon HONG, Fang ZUO, Kai QIN, Suhui QIAN from IMBeR IPO

IMBeR's IMBIZO7 Conference 23-26 September 2024 in Rabat, Morocco. IMECaN Early Career Researchers’ event on 22 September is open to all IMBIZO7 participants. Registration for accepted abstracts is open until July 31, 2024.

第七届IMBeR IMBIZO会议将于9月23日至26日在摩洛哥拉巴特举行,22日为IMECaN早期职业研究人员活动,活动对所有IMBIZO7参会者开放。已被接收摘要的参会者请于7月31日前完成注册

CLIOTOP Task Team #2023/04 Wins "Excellent Poster Award" at the Third AI Oceanography Forum in Qingdao, China

气候变化对海洋顶级捕食者影响研究 (CLIOTOP) Task Team #2023/04成果获“第三届人工智能海洋学论坛”优秀奖

2024 ESSAS Annual Science Meeting: “Exploring the dynamic interface of human and marine life in high-latitude coastal zones”, 18-21 June, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada

北极与亚北极区海域生态系统研究项目(ESSAS)2024年科学年会:探索高纬度沿海地区人类和海洋生物的动态界面 将于 6月18至21日 在加拿大纽芬兰圣约翰斯举行

Call for Papers: Special Issue of the Journal of Sea Research. Submit by 30 June 2024. IMBeR OC-PC Study Group. EO-WPI Project: Expanding EO data usage to address climatic changes in the marine biosphere of the northwest Pacific and Indo-Pacific regional seas

Journal of Sea Research专辑稿件征集,截稿日期为6月30日。来自IMBeR OC-PC工作组,EO-WPI项目: 拓展对地观测数据应用,赋能西北太平洋和印太海域海洋生物圈应对气候变化

IMECaN June newsletter is released. Click to read


IMBeR Coffee Reception:

Journey of field sampling on the coasts of Indonesia, Bangladesh, and China

Click to watch the recording

IMBeR Coffee Reception:



Call for Applications for an Early-Career Scientist to Join the SCOR Executive Committee. Deadline for submission of applications: 28 June 2024


Call for Review of 2024 SCOR Working Group Proposals. Send comments before 31 August 2024


2024 SCOR Annual Meeting, 16-18 October, Qingdao, China. Pre-Meeting Event will be organised in recognition of the 40th anniversary of the SCOR China-Beijing National Committee.

国际海洋研究委员会(SCOR)2024年年会将于 10月16至18日 在青岛举行,届时将举办 中国参加国际SCOR 40周年庆祝活动

The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress (SRI), 10-14 June, Helsinki and Espoo, Finland & online


IMBeR IPO Host's Announcements


International Training Workshop on the Carbon Sequestration Estimate and Capacity Building of Coastal Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Maritime Silk Road Countries (CBC-MSR), 7-21 September, Shanghai, China. Apply by 26 July


Editor Picks


Projected ocean temperatures impair

key proteins used in vision of octopus hatchlings


Authors: Qiaz Q. H. Hua, Dietmar Kültz, Kathryn Wiltshire, Zoe A. Doubleday, and Bronwyn M. Gillanders

Journal: Global Change Biology


Global warming is one of the most significant and widespread effects of climate change. While early life stages are particularly vulnerable to increasing temperatures, little is known about the molecular processes that underpin their capacity to adapt to temperature change during early development. Using a quantitative proteomics approach, we investigated the effects of thermal stress on octopus embryos. We exposed Octopus berrima embryos to different temperature treatments (control 19°C, current summer temperature 22°C, or future projected summer temperature 25°C) until hatching. By comparing their protein expression levels, we found that future projected temperatures significantly reduced levels of key eye proteins such as S-crystallin and retinol dehydrogenase 12, suggesting the embryonic octopuses had impaired vision at elevated temperature. We also found that this was coupled with a cellular stress response that included a significant elevation of proteins involved in molecular chaperoning and redox regulation. Energy resources were also redirected away from non-essential processes such as growth and digestion. These findings, taken together with the high embryonic mortality observed under the highest temperature, identify critical physiological functions of embryonic octopuses that may be impaired under future warming conditions. Our findings demonstrate the severity of the thermal impacts on the early life stages of octopuses as demonstrated by quantitative proteome changes that affect vision, protein chaperoning, redox regulation and energy metabolism as critical physiological functions that underlie the responses to thermal stress.

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Fig. 1 Heat map of significantly reduced protein levels across different thermal conditions. Similar proteins were significantly downregulated under future temperatures (in bold) when compared to control (left) and current (right) temperatures (adjusted p<.05 in MSstats). Proteins are grouped according to their key functions which are labelled on the right of the heat map. Fold change values are shown as absolute values and labelled for each protein and treatment for ease of comparison. Grey bars refer to non-significant changes for the protein in that treatment. 




Viruses finally reveal their complex social life


Author: Carl Zimmer

Source: Quanta Magazine

New research has uncovered a social world of viruses full of cheating, cooperation and other intrigues, suggesting that viruses make sense only as members of a community.

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Fig. 2 Far from solitary particles, viruses engage in social behaviors within cells and hosts. (Carlos Arrojo for Quanta Magazine)




Climate change-driven cooling can kill

marine megafauna at their distributional limits


Authors: Nicolas Lubitz, Ryan Daly, Amy F. Smoothey, Patrick Vianello, Michael J. Roberts, David S. Schoeman, Marcus Sheaves, Paul D. Cowley, Laurent Dagorn, Fabien G. Forget, Marc Soria, Victor M. Peddemors, John D. Filmalter, Paul A. Butcher, Greg Brett, and Adam Barnett

Journal: Nature Climate Change


The impacts on marine species from secular warming and heatwaves are well demonstrated; however, the impacts of extreme cold events are poorly understood. Here we link the death of organisms from 81 species to an intense cold upwelling event in the Agulhas Current, and show trends of increasing frequency and intensification of upwelling in the Agulhas Current and East Australian Current. Using electronic tagging, we illustrate the potential impacts of upwelling events on the movement behaviour of bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas, including alterations of migratory patterns and maintenance of shallower dive profiles when transiting through upwelling cells. Increasing upwelling could result in ‘bait and switch’ situations, where climate change expands subtropical species’ distribution, while simultaneously exposing climate migrants to an increased risk of cold-mortality events at poleward distributional limits. This shows the potential impacts of increased cold events, an understudied aspect of climate change research, and highlights the complexities of climate change effects on marine ecosystems.

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Fig. 3 Seasonal movements of bull sharks in southern Africa and eastern Australia based on acoustic detections. (a) Map of southern Africa showing the extent of the upwelling zone and the location of Breede River within it, as well as the extent of the area bull sharks utilized past the upwelling zone. (b) Map of eastern Australia showing the extent of the upwelling zone and the location of Sydney Harbour within it, as well as the extent of the area bull sharks utilized past the upwelling zone. (c) Timeline for acoustic detections of bull sharks tagged in Breede River (blue rectangle) and Pinnacle Reef (ID6–ID12). (d) Timeline for acoustic detections of bull sharks tagged in Sydney Harbour. Map created in ArcMap (v. 10.8) using the World Ocean Base Map. Credit: Esri, GEBCO, NOAA, Garmin.




Evolution of bioluminescence in Anthozoa with emphasis on Octocorallia


Authors: Danielle M. DeLeo, Manabu Bessho-Uehara, Steven H.D. Haddock, Catherine S. McFadden, and Andrea M. Quattrini

Journal: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


Bioluminescence is a widespread phenomenon that has evolved multiple times across the tree of life, converging among diverse fauna and habitat types. The ubiquity of bioluminescence, particularly in marine environments where it is commonly used for communication and defense, highlights the adaptive value of this trait, though the evolutionary origins and timing of emergence remain elusive for a majority of luminous organisms. Anthozoan cnidarians are a diverse group of animals with numerous bioluminescent species found throughout the world's oceans, from shallow waters to the light-limited deep sea where bioluminescence is particularly prominent. This study documents the presence of bioluminescent Anthozoa across depth and explores the diversity and evolutionary origins of bioluminescence among Octocorallia—a major anthozoan group of marine luminous organisms. Using a phylogenomic approach and ancestral state reconstruction, we provide evidence for a single origin of bioluminescence in Octocorallia and infer the age of occurrence to around the Cambrian era, approximately 540 Ma—setting a new record for the earliest timing of emergence of bioluminescence in the marine environment. Our results further suggest this trait was largely maintained in descendants of a deep-water ancestor and bioluminescent capabilities may have facilitated anthozoan diversification in the deep sea.

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Fig. 4 Phylogeny of Anthozoa with bioluminescent states and depth ranges. Time-calibrated tree adapted from Quattrini et al. (2020) based on UCE data, with names updated based on taxonomic revisions to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) or updated octocoral classifications from McFadden et al. (2022). Classes are colour coded (dark grey bars, Octocorallia; light grey bars, Hexacorallia) and orders are indicated (Ce, Ceriantharia; Co, Corallimorpharia; R, Relicanthus). Medusozoan (Me) outgroup is indicated in white. Taxon branches are colour-coded based on known genus-level depth ranges (green, shallow &lt; 200 m; purple, deep &gt; 200 m; blue, shallow/deep range spans both). Yellow circle indicates the estimated divergence point for Octocorallia. Asterisk indicates that bioluminescence has been documented in a closely related species.

生物发光是一种广泛存在的现象,在生命之树上已经演化了多次,在不同的动物群和生境类型中趋于一致。生物发光无处不在,尤其是在海洋环境中,生物发光通常被用于交流和防御,突显了这一特性的适应性价值,尽管多数发光生物的进化起源和出现时间仍然难以确定。刺细胞动物门珊瑚虫纲是一个多样化的动物群体,其生物发光物种遍布世界各大洋,从浅海到光照受限、生物发光现象尤为突出的深海。本研究记录了不同深度生物发光珊瑚虫的存在,并探讨了八放珊瑚——一种主要的海洋发光生物的多样性和进化起源。利用系统基因组学方法和祖先性状重建,本文提供了八放珊瑚生物发光单一起源的证据,并推断出其发生年龄大约在寒武纪,约540 Ma,创下了海洋环境中生物发光最早出现时间的新记录。本文结果进一步表明,这一特征在深海祖先的后代中被很大程度上保留了下来,并且生物发光能力可能促进了深海中珊瑚虫的多样化。



Selective social interactions and

speed-induced leadership in schooling fish


Authors: Andreu Puy, Elisabet Gimeno, Jordi Torrents, Palina Bartashevich, M. Carmen Miguel, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, and Pawel Romanczuk

Journal: PNAS


Animals moving together in groups are believed to interact among each other with effective social forces, such as attraction, repulsion, and alignment. Such forces can be inferred using “force maps,” i.e., by analyzing the dependency of the acceleration of a focal individual on relevant variables. Here, we introduce a force map technique suitable for the analysis of the alignment forces experienced by individuals. After validating it using an agent-based model, we apply the force map to experimental data of schooling fish. We observe signatures of an effective alignment force with faster neighbors and an unexpected antialignment with slower neighbors. Instead of an explicit antialignment behavior, we suggest that the observed pattern is the result of a selective attention mechanism, where fish pay less attention to slower neighbors. This mechanism implies the existence of temporal leadership interactions based on relative speeds between neighbors. We present support for this hypothesis both from agent-based modeling as well as from exploring leader–follower relationships in the experimental data.

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Fig. 5 Surrogate data of the experimental school with known leader–follower interactions. (A) We compare the individual with itself at a delayed time τ. (B) and (C) Alignment force maps comparing the individual i with itself at a (B) positive and (C) negative delayed time τ=0.2 s. When the delay is positive, the individual at present acts as a follower and we see pure alignment. When the delay is negative, the individual at present acts as a leader and we see pure antialignment.




Atmosphere teleconnections from abatement of

China aerosol emissions exacerbate Northeast Pacific warm blob events


Authors: Hai Wang, Xiao-Tong Zheng, Wenju Cai, Zi-Wen Han, Shang-Ping Xie, Sarah M. Kang, Yu-Fan Geng, Fukai Liu, Chuan-Yang Wang, Yue Wu, Baoqiang Xiang, and Lei Zhou

Journal: PNAS


During 2010 to 2020, Northeast Pacific (NEP) sea surface temperature (SST) experienced the warmest decade ever recorded, manifested in several extreme marine heatwaves, referred to as “warm blob” events, which severely affect marine ecosystems and extreme weather along the west coast of North America. While year-to-year internal climate variability has been suggested as a cause of individual events, the causes of the continuous dramatic NEP SST warming remain elusive. Here, we show that other than the greenhouse gas (GHG) forcing, rapid aerosol abatement in China over the period likely plays an important role. Anomalous tropospheric warming induced by declining aerosols in China generated atmospheric teleconnections from East Asia to the NEP, featuring an intensified and southward-shifted Aleutian Low. The associated atmospheric circulation anomaly weakens the climatological westerlies in the NEP and warms the SST there by suppressing the evaporative cooling. The aerosol-induced mean warming of the NEP SST, along with internal climate variability and the GHG-induced warming, made the warm blob events more frequent and intense during 2010 to 2020. As anthropogenic aerosol emissions continue to decrease, there is likely to be an increase in NEP warm blob events, disproportionately large beyond the direct radiative effects.

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Status of Stocks 2023:

Annual Report to Congress on the Status of U.S. Fisheries


Source: NOAA Fisheries


NOAA Fisheries is pleased to present the 2023 Report to Congress on the Status of U.S. Fisheries. This report highlights the work of NOAA Fisheries, the eight Regional Fishery Management Councils, and our other partners. In 2023, the number of stocks on the overfishing and overfished lists decreased, with the number of stocks on the overfishing list reaching an all-time low. There were 16 first-time stock status determinations, and we rebuilt one stock, bringing the total number of rebuilt stocks to 50 since 2000. We continue to implement management measures that end overfishing, rebuild overfished stocks, and sustain our fisheries for future generations. We accomplish our mission despite challenges, including a changing ocean climate and impacts to our working waterfronts and fishing businesses. Sound science, an increasing focus on climate-informed management, effective enforcement, meaningful partnerships, and public engagement drive our success in managing the most sustainable fisheries in the world.

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Fig. 6 Status of stocks 2023




Technical note: Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement

Pelagic Impact Intercomparison Project (OAEPIIP)


Authors: Lennart Thomas Bach, Aaron James Ferderer, Julie LaRoche, and Kai Georg Schulz

Journal: EGUsphere


Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) aims to transfer carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere to the ocean by increasing the capacity of seawater to store CO2. The potential effects of OAE-induced changes in seawater chemistry on marine biology must be assessed to understand if OAE, operated at a climate relevant scale, would be environmentally sustainable. Here, we describe the design of the Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Pelagic Impact Intercomparison Project (OAEPIIP) - a standardised OAE microcosm experiment with plankton communities to be conducted worldwide. OAEPIIP provides funding for participating laboratories to conduct OAE experiments in their local environments. This paper constitutes a detailed manual on the standardised methodology that shall be adopted by all OAEPIIP participants. The individual studies will provide new insights into how plankton communities respond to OAE. The synthesis of these standardized studies, without publication bias, will reveal common OAE-responses that occur across geographic and environmental gradients and are therefore particularly important to determine. The funding available to OAEPIIP and resulting data will be shared to maximise its value and the accessibility. The globally coordinated effort has potential to promote scientific consensus about the potential effects of OAE on diverse plankton communities. Such consensus, through inclusion of the global community, will provide a sounder base to facilitate political decision making whether OAE should be upscaled or not.

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Fig. 7 Microcosm setup. (A) Schematic of the microcosm tanks. The 2 heat belts induce convective mixing within the tanks. (B) Arrangement of 9 microcosms in a temperature-controlled room in front of a light source. Their position should be changed on a daily basis to minimize position-dependent differences in light and temperature over the course of the study. (C) A picture of a microcosm, just after NaOH addition. The white flakes are brucite particles that need to be dissolved after NaOH addition by stirring the seawater within microcosms with a plastic spoon. (D) A close-up of a marine snow aggregate, which frequently forms after a phytoplankton bloom. (E) Marine snow aggregates collected in the sedimentation cup of the microcosm. Sampling these can be interesting, although this is not an essential parameter of OAEPIIP (section 2.6.). 

海洋碱度增强旨在通过提高海水储存二氧化碳的能力,将大气中的二氧化碳转移到海洋中。为了了解在气候相关尺度上进行海洋碱度增强是否具有环境可持续性,必须评估海洋碱度增强引起的海水化学变化对海洋生物的潜在影响。本文介绍了海洋碱度增强对浮游生物[1]影响的比较计划(Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Pelagic Impact Intercomparison Project, OAEPIIP)的设计——在全球范围内对浮游生物群落进行标准化海洋碱度增强微宇宙实验。OAEPIIP为参与的实验室提供资金,以便在其当地环境中进行海洋碱度增强实验。本文形成了一份详细手册,包含了所有OAEPIIP参与者应采用的标准化方法。各项研究将为浮游生物群落对海洋碱度增强的响应提供新的见解。在没有发表偏倚的情况下,这些标准化研究的综合结果将揭示跨越地理和环境梯度发生的常见海洋碱度增强响应,因此确定这些响应尤为重要。OAEPIIP的可用经费和结果数据将被共享,以最大限度地发挥其价值和可获取性。这一全球协调的努力结果有可能促进海洋碱度增强对不同浮游生物群落的潜在影响的科学共识。通过国际社会的参与,这种共识将为推动是否应扩大海洋碱度增强的政治决策提供更坚实的基础。

[1] 译者注:原文为“Pelagic”,此处名称中译为“浮游生物”



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声明:本版块为尝试性栏目,旨在传播分享最新科研动态。中文翻译仅供参考,中英文若有不符之处,请以英文为准。如有不妥之处,请联系 进行订正。

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IMBeR International Project Office - China

State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University

500 Dongchuan Rd., Shanghai 200241, China


华东师范大学 河口海岸学国家重点实验室


中国 上海 200241

Tel: 86 021 5483 6463



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