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Your news from the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research International Project Office - China

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April 2024,

No. 40

IMBeR and Its Sponsors' Announcements


In This Issue

Cover News

-Interview Videos

---------------------------IMBeR and Its Sponsors Announcements

-2024 ESSAS Annual Science Meeting

-IMECAN Webinar

-IMBeR Coffee Reception

-22nd China Ocean Color Conference

-2024 SCOR Annual Meeting

-UN Ocean Decade Conference

-SRI Cogress

---------------------------Editor Picks

-New Publications


Events, Webinars and Conferences


Jobs and Opportunities

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IMBeR is a Large-Scale Ocean Research Project under SCOR and a Global Research Project under Future Earth

Editors: GiHoon HONG, Fang ZUO, Kai QIN, Suhui QIAN from IMBeR IPO

2024 ESSAS Annual Science Meeting: “Exploring the dynamic interface of human and marine life in high-latitude coastal zones”, 18-21 June, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. Pre-registration by 15 May

北极与亚北极区海域生态系统研究项目(ESSAS)2024年科学年会:探索高纬度沿海地区人类和海洋生物的动态界面 将于 6月18至21日 在加拿大纽芬兰圣约翰斯举行,预注册截止至 5月15日

Stay tuned with IMECAN for the May, June and July webinars

请持续关注IMECAN 5月、6月和7月的网络研讨会

IMBeR Coffee Reception: Fisheries along the Tanzanian coast: What is known, and what is required for improvement in the presence of global environmental challenges?

Click to watch the recording

IMBeR Coffee Reception: 坦桑尼亚沿海渔业:在全球环境挑战面前,我们知道什么?有何改善措施?


The 22nd China Ocean Color Conference co-organised by the IMBeR OCPC Study Group held on 12-14 April in Shanghai, China

由IMBeR“印太海域基于水色遥感的植物物种识别与碳通量”(OC-PC)工作组共同承办的第22届中国水色遥感大会于 4月12至14日 在上海成功召开

2024 SCOR Annual Meeting, 16-18 October, Qingdao, China. Pre-Meeting Event will be organised in recognition of the 40th anniversary of the SCOR China-Beijing National Committee.

国际海洋研究委员会(SCOR)2024年年会将于 10月16至18日 在青岛举行届时将举办 中国参加国际SCOR 40周年庆祝活动

Future Earth Members (including IMBeR) @UN Ocean Decade Conference

未来地球(Future Earth)成员(包括IMBeR)@ 联合国海洋十年大会

The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress (SRI), 10-14 June, Helsinki and Espoo, Finland & online

Sign up for the SRI newsletter

可持续研究和创新(SRI)大会 将于 6月10至14日 在芬兰赫尔辛基、艾斯堡、及线上举行


Editor Picks


Metagenomic probing toward an atlas of the taxonomic

and metabolic foundations of the global ocean genome


Authors: Elisa Laiolo, Intikhab Alam, Mahmut Uludag, Tahira Jamil, Susana Agusti, Takashi Gojobori, Silvia G. Acinas, Josep M. Gasol, and Carlos M. Duarte

Journal: Frontiers in Science

The global ocean genome (the pool of genes in marine organisms and the functional information they encode) is a major, untapped resource for science and society with a growing range of biotechnology applications in sectors such as biomedicine, energy, and food. Shotgun sequencing and metagenomics can now be used to catalog the diversity of ocean microbial life and to explore its functional potential, but has been limited by sample coverage, access to suitable sequencing platforms, and computational capacity. Here we provide a novel synthesis of the global ocean genome based on analysis of 2,102 sampled ocean metagenomes, with gene assembly and annotation via the KAUST Metagenome Analysis Platform (KMAP) Global Ocean Gene Catalog 1.0 containing ~317.5 million gene clusters. Taxonomically, we report the distribution of marine genes across the tree of life and different ocean basins and depth zone biomes. Functionally, we map its relationship to protein families and biogeochemical processes, including the major microbial metabolic pathways that process three elements that play fundamental roles in biogeochemical cycles and are relevant to climate change. These data extend our understanding of the complex, dynamic nature of the ocean microbiome and its metabolic capabilities. Further research is of critical global importance both to unlock the potential of the ocean genome and to understand and predict the effects of human-induced changes, including pollution and climate change. Further hypothesis-driven research should target under-sampled deep sea and benthic microbial communities using enhanced metagenomic methods, to better understand marine ecosystem functioning. Investment in the necessary computational capacity is essential, as are suitable intellectual property frameworks.

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Fig. 1 Metagenomes sampling locations. (A) Pie chart showing the sample (number) distribution across basins. (B) Pie chart showing the sample (number) distribution across depth zones. (C) Map summarizing the distribution of the metagenomes across realms, indicated by the polygon shape, and depth zone, indicated by the filling color. The polygon indicates the realm (benthic or pelagic), while the filling color indicates the depth zone: upper ocean, 0–200 m, mesopelagic ocean, 200–1000 m, and dark ocean, >1000 m. The full list of metagenomes analyzed in this study is reported in Supplementary Table S2, including the above-mentioned classification.

全球海洋基因组(海洋生物的基因库及其编码的功能信息)是科学和社会尚未充分开发的重要资源,生物技术在生物医学、能源和食品等领域的应用越来越广泛。目前,鸟枪测序和宏基因组技术已被用于编目海洋微生物生命的多样性,并探索其功能潜力,但受到样本覆盖范围、合适的测序平台获取以及计算能力的限制。本文基于对2102个海洋宏基因组样本的分析,通过KAUST宏基因组分析平台(KAUST Metagenome Analysis Platform, KMAP)全球海洋基因目录1.0(包含约3.175亿个基因簇)进行基因组装和注释,提出了一种新的全球海洋基因组合成方法。在分类学角度,本文报告了海洋基因在生命之树以及不同海盆和深度区域生物群落中的分布。在功能层面,本文描绘了海洋基因与蛋白家族和生物地球化学过程的关系,包括处理生物地球化学循环中起基础作用并与气候变化相关的三种元素的主要微生物代谢途径。这些数据加深了我们对海洋微生物组复杂性和动态性及其代谢能力的理解。进一步的研究对于挖掘海洋基因组的潜力、理解和预测人类活动引起的变化(包括污染与气候变化)的影响具有全球性的重要意义。进一步的假设驱动研究应当针对采样不足的深海和底栖微生物群落,采用增强的宏基因组方法,以更好地理解海洋生态系统的功能。投资必要的计算能力、建立合适的知识产权框架是必不可少的。



Pyrenoid proteomics reveals independent evolution

of the CO2-concentrating organelle in chlorarachniophytes


Authors: Rena Moromizato, Kodai Fukuda, Shigekatsu Suzuki, Taizo Motomura, Chikako Nagasato, and Yoshihisa Hirakawa

Journal: PNAS

Pyrenoids are microcompartments that are universally found in the photosynthetic plastids of various eukaryotic algae. They contain ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and play a pivotal role in facilitating CO2 assimilation via CO2-concentrating mechanisms (CCMs). Recent investigations involving model algae have revealed that pyrenoid-associated proteins participate in pyrenoid biogenesis and CCMs. However, these organisms represent only a small part of algal lineages, which limits our comprehensive understanding of the diversity and evolution of pyrenoid-based CCMs. Here we report a pyrenoid proteome of the chlorarachniophyte alga Amorphochlora amoebiformis, which possesses complex plastids acquired through secondary endosymbiosis with green algae. Proteomic analysis using mass spectrometry resulted in the identification of 154 potential pyrenoid components. Subsequent localization experiments demonstrated the specific targeting of eight proteins to pyrenoids. These included a putative Rubisco-binding linker, carbonic anhydrase, membrane transporter, and uncharacterized GTPase proteins. Notably, most of these proteins were unique to this algal lineage. We suggest a plausible scenario in which pyrenoids in chlorarachniophytes have evolved independently, as their components are not inherited from green algal pyrenoids.

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蛋白核是普遍存在于各种真核藻类光合质体中的微室。它们含有核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco),并通过二氧化碳浓缩机制(CO2-concentrating mechanisms, CCMs)在促进二氧化碳同化方面发挥关键作用。近期藻类模式的研究表明,蛋白核相关的蛋白参与了蛋白核生物发生和二氧化碳浓缩机制。然而,这些生物仅代表藻类谱系的一小部分,这限制了我们对以蛋白核为基础的CCMs的多样性和进化的全面理解。本文报道了一种具有复杂质体的绿蜘藻类Amorphochlora amoebiformis,它通过与绿藻的次级内共生获得了蛋白核蛋白组。通过质谱法进行蛋白质组分析,鉴定出154种潜在的蛋白核成分。随后的定位试验验证了八种蛋白对蛋白核的特异性靶向,其中包括推定的Rubisco结合连接蛋白、碳酸酐酶、膜转运蛋白和未表征的GTPase蛋白。值得注意的是,大多数此类蛋白质是这种藻类谱系所特有的。本文提出了一种可能情景,即绿蜘藻类的蛋白核是独立进化的,因为它们的成分不是遗传自绿藻的蛋白核。



The deepwater oxygen deficit

in stratified shallow seas is mediated by diapycnal mixing


Authors: Tom Rippeth, Sijing Shen, Ben Lincoln, Brian Scannell, Xin Meng, Joanne Hopkins, and Jonathan Sharples

Journal: Nature Communications

Seasonally stratified shelf seas are amongst the most biologically productive on the planet. A consequence is that the deeper waters can become oxygen deficient in late summer. Predictions suggest global warming will accelerate this deficiency. Here we integrate turbulence timeseries with vertical profiles of water column properties from a seasonal stratified shelf sea to estimate oxygen and biogeochemical fluxes. The profiles reveal a significant subsurface chlorophyll maximum and associated mid-water oxygen maximum. We show that the oxygen maximum supports both upward and downwards O2 fluxes. The upward flux is into the surface mixed layer, whilst the downward flux into the deep water will partially off-set the seasonal O2 deficit. The results indicate the fluxes are sensitive to both the water column structure and mixing rates implying the development of the seasonal O2 deficit is mediated by diapcynal mixing. Analysis of current shear indicate that the downward flux is supported by tidal mixing, whilst the upwards flux is dominated by wind driven near-inertial shear. Summer storminess therefore plays an important role in the development of the seasonal deep water O2 deficit.

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Fig. 2: A map showing the northwest European shelf seas on which the location of the measurements is shown as a △. The map is contoured for daily averaged sea surface temperature at the beginning of the period of interest (19th June 2014). The areas with temperatures > 16℃ are the seasonally stratified Celtic Sea. The sea surface temperature (SST) is downloaded from NERC Earth Observation Data Analysis and Artificial-Intelligence Service (NEODAAS) Plymouth Marine Laboratory ( Source data are provided as a Source Data file.




Distribution, seasonal variation and influencing factors of total dissolved inorganic arsenic in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River


Authors: Mengyao He, Jingling Ren, Jiaqi Liu, Sumei Liu, Guiling Zhang, and Guodong Song

Journal: Marine Pollution Bulletin

The concentrations of dissolved arsenate in natural water has an important impact on human health. The distributions, seasonal variation and major influencing factors of total dissolved inorganic arsenic (TDIAs) were studied in the Yellow River. The concentrations of TDIAs in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River ranged from 4.3 to 42.4 nmol/L, which met the standards for drinking water of WHO. The seasonal variation of TDIAs concentration in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River was highest in summer, followed by autumn and winter, and lowest in spring. The influencing factors of TDIAs concentration in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River mainly include the hydrological conditions, topographical variation, the adsorption and desorption of suspended particulate matter (SPM) and the intervention of human activities. The absorption of TDIAs by phytoplankton in the Xiaolangdi Reservoir (XLD) is an important factor affecting its distributions and seasonal variation. The annual flux of TDIAs transported from the Yellow River into the Bohai Sea ranged from 1.1×105 to 4.5×105 mol from 2016 to 2018, which is lower than the flux in 1985 and 2009. The carcinogenic risks (CR) of TDIAs for children and adults were all within acceptable levels (<10−6).

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Fig. 3 Graphical abstract

天然水体中溶解态砷酸盐浓度对人体健康有重要影响。本文研究了黄河流域总溶解态无机砷(Total Dissolved Inorganic Arsenic, TDIAs)的分布、季节变化及其主要影响因素。黄河中下游TDIAs浓度在4.3~42.4 nmol/L间,符合世界卫生组织(World Health Organisation, WHO)生活饮用水标准。黄河中下游TDIAs浓度的季节变化表现为:夏季最高,秋季和冬季次之,春季最低。黄河中下游TDIAs浓度的影响因素主要包括水文条件、地形变化、悬浮颗粒物(Suspended Particulate Matter, SPM)的吸附解吸以及人类活动的干预。小浪底水库浮游植物对TDIAs的吸附是影响其分布和季节变化的重要因素。2016-2018年黄河向渤海输送的TDIAs的年通量为1.1×105~4.5×105 mol,低于1985年和2009年的通量。TDIAs对儿童和成人的致癌风险(Carcinogenic Risks, CR)均在可接受水平内(<10−6



Redefining the scientific method:

as the use of sophisticated scientific methods that extend our mind


Authors: Alexander Krauss

Journal: PNAS Nexus

Scientific, medical, and technological knowledge has transformed our world, but we still poorly understand the nature of scientific methodology. Science textbooks, science dictionaries, and science institutions often state that scientists follow, and should follow, the universal scientific method of testing hypotheses using observation and experimentation. Yet, scientific methodology has not been systematically analyzed using large-scale data and scientific methods themselves as it is viewed as not easily amenable to scientific study. Using data on all major discoveries across science including all Nobel Prize and major non-Nobel Prize discoveries, we can address the question of the extent to which "the scientific method" is actually applied in making science's groundbreaking research and whether we need to expand this central concept of science. This study reveals that 25% of all discoveries since 1900 did not apply the common scientific method (all three features)-with 6% of discoveries using no observation, 23% using no experimentation, and 17% not testing a hypothesis. Empirical evidence thus challenges the common view of the scientific method. Adhering to it as a guiding principle would constrain us in developing many new scientific ideas and breakthroughs. Instead, assessing all major discoveries, we identify here a general, common feature that the method of science can be reduced to: making all major discoveries has required using sophisticated methods and instruments of science. These include statistical methods, particle accelerators, and X-ray methods. Such methods extend our mind and generally make observing, experimenting, and testing hypotheses in science possible, doing so in new ways and ensure their replicability. This provides a new perspective to the scientific method-embedded in our sophisticated methods and instruments-and suggests that we need to reform and extend the way we view the scientific method and discovery process.

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Fig. 4 Methods of science pyramid: share of each methodological approach used for making discoveries. Data reflect all 761 major discoveries.




Disclaimer: This column is a new trial to share cutting-edge research with wider academic community. The Chinese is not an official translation, while the English is invoked from original publication. If there is anything inappropriate, please contact to correct us or request for a retraction.

声明:本版块为尝试性栏目,旨在传播分享最新科研动态。中文翻译仅供参考,中英文若有不符之处,请以英文为准。如有不妥之处,请联系 进行订正或要求撤稿。

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IMBeR International Project Office - China

State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University

500 Dongchuan Rd., Shanghai 200241, China


华东师范大学 河口海岸学国家重点实验室


中国 上海 200241

Tel: 86 021 5483 6463



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