Spettabile Eduitalia Association

Eduitalia è lieta informare che la Guida Eduitalia-Study in Italy 2023 ha l'onore di essere introdotta da una presentazione del Sottosegretario di Stato del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale Maria Tripodi.

Di seguito rimettiamo alla Vostra attenzione la versione integrale della preziosa presentazione del Sottosegretario.


I am pleased to introduce the “Study in Italy” Eduitalia Guide 2023. For over fifteen years, this Guide has provided prospective international students with an overview of many of Italy’s educational opportunities, particularly in the field of Italian language courses.

Over the years, with its ever- expanding network of affiliated institutions, Eduitalia has become a reference point for international students who are interested in accessing our language and culture.

Tens of thousands of international students every year choose Italy for their education, fascinated by our worldwide-appreciated culture. The Eduitalia Guide is an important resource for all those who desire to learn our culture and language, helping them to navigate the available options for studying them in Italy.  


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is strongly committed to the promotion of the Italian culture and language abroad through its diplomatic network, Italian Cultural Institutes and Italian Schools abroad. For this reason, we also encourage and support international student mobility, because we are aware of the benefits of studying in Italy for international students and believe that international education is crucial to promote cooperation and understanding among nations. In this sense, we are proud that, after the limitations imposed by the COVID pandemic, more international students are coming to Italy than ever before.

Eduitalia has long been a valuable partner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in our mission to promote the Italian language abroad and attract international talents to our country, and I am sure that Eduitalia will continue helping us to achieve these our common goals.

I hope you will choose to study in Italy and wish you all the best for this academic year.