I.J.C. Voice
August 2021
Volume 11, Issue 11
There is always an adventure waiting in the woods...
something is always sure to surprise you and give you a smile!
I hope these summer months are full with opportunities to reconnect with families and friends and to enjoy the beauty of nature. We are always astounded by the transformation of our Centre’s landscape over the summer months as the energy of young summer staff, gardeners and the farm team creates abundance. Our Loyola House guests are outdoors most days enjoying the warmth of the sun and the beauty of the gardens and walking trails.

My enjoyment of these summer blessings is complemented by gratitude to three women whose lives were so touched by the beauty and peace of this retreat centre that they planned for generous bequests to sustain this place.

Marita Sedlak was a former Loyola House retreat director who worked, throughout her many leadership roles, for justice and peace. Margaret Mullin worked with and for the less privileged in our society in Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, and London in a career that spanned over 40 years and a life of 104 years. Helen Benninger worked with Forsythe’s shirt factory for close to 50 years. She and her husband were active supporters of many community causes and faithful supporters of their local parish.

We are humbled that these three women, who worked with so many people and supported so many organizations, chose to make a legacy gift to our Centre as a way to continue to impact social justice and peace.

Next month, together with charities across Canada, we will join in launching WillPower, a national movement to raise awareness amongst Canadians on the power they have to make a difference through their wills. These two women could not have foreseen the challenges of this global pandemic, yet their foresight in planning legacy gifts is so profoundly significant now.

Roger Yaworski, SJ
Executive Director, Ignatius Jesuit Centre
We'd love to see you!
Our plan is to fully reopen Loyola House for retreats in the spring of 2022.

In the meantime we’re going to ‘unlock’ the doors at the Loyola House business entrances starting September 7 from 9am-3pm weekdays.

Maybe there’s a book or an IJC pottery mug or a lovely oil lamp that you meant to purchase last year – and now you can!

COVID protocols will be in place – including masks and safe distancing. Come by for a wee visit. We’d love to see you.
Ignatius Jesuit Centre is a registered charity and can accept donations of stocks, bonds or mutual fund units through CanadaHelps.

Considering a legacy gift and have some questions? Email development@ignatiusguelph.ca or phone 519-824-1250 Ext 257 to speak with Vanessa or Leanne.
Loyola House Retreats & Programs

Since October of 2020 the retreat house has been serving those in the local community without homes, providing both shelter and food. This initiative has been a grace-filled experience for many and will conclude in November 2021.

We will reopen as a retreat house in April 2022!

Stay tuned for our 2022 retreats and programs calendar on our website this Fall.

A Place of Peace, Beauty and Sustenance
Where nature gives strength to
mind, body and soul
At Ignatius Farm
Growing Hope Farm Grass Fed Meats will be back at CSA Pick up on August 17 & 20
Growing Hope Farm is a grass fed, pasture raised organic farm that cares about the welfare of the animals, the environment and creating nutrient dense food. Drop by and see Sarah during CSA pick-up hours. Tuesday 3:30-7pm or Friday 3:30-6pm. This is open to the public. You can pre-order online at www.growinghopefarm.ca or choose from organic grass fed meat and eggs on-site.

Picture credit/permission - Sarah Martin
Are you interested in starting a farm enterprise or learning more about ecological agriculture?

Term 3 is open for registration!
Upcoming events:
Aug 11: Virtual Field day with Fair Fields Farm
Aug 16: Intro to bee keeping
Aug 18: Virtual field day with Cavaleiro Farm
Aug 23: Farm Task Focus: Bagging Greens
Are you interested in starting a farm enterprise or learning more about ecological agriculture?
Join us for the 2021 season of the Ignatius Farm New Farmer Training Program. Registration is by term or individual event.
We have a great line up of webinars and virtual field days planned for 2021. Individual events will open for registration 4 weeks prior to the event date. 
See EFAO.ca/Ignatius-new-farmer-training for more information.
This program is made possible through collaboration between Ignatius Farm, Everdale, and the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario.
In the Old-Growth Forest Project Lands
The Old-Growth Forest Project would not be possible without our many volunteers.

In June, our volunteers were hard at work clearing space in the meadow for native dry meadow flowers, courtesy of Origin Nursery. We cleared out Goldenrod and Queen Anne’s lace to create nucleation circles. The blue and pink flags in the meadow outline the planting sites and create better conditions for the newly planted seedlings to flourish. The month ended with a few inclement weather days thanks to the heat of the summer and some sporadic torrential storms. When we were able to gather, our volunteers were hard at work pulling out buckthorn saplings in the meadow off Highway 6 and examining the success of buckthorn bags that were started over two years ago. Seeing the progress is a great reminder of the ongoing collaborative project. We are on a constant journey of positive progress.

July introduced exciting new projects in Marden Creek. Volunteers hopped in chest waders and got straight to work collecting branches and boughs, moving heavy cedar trunks for log vanes, digging trenches, and threading cedar to catch sediment that is washed downstream. We are hoping to create a better habitat for brook trout and assist the natural flow of water by installing two locations of log vanes. The goal is for the bank stabilization to occur over time, particularly following high flows where snow melts, water deposits the rocks and silt, and eventually, plants begin to root. Although the stream narrowing will take a couple years, positive change is already visible and our volunteers have loved working right in the water during these hot summer afternoons.

Finally, our month is ending with another change of scenery – the marsh! Our volunteers always show up with positive attitudes and great stamina. We are checking the success of past Phragmites solarization in the marsh and expanding the project area to clear more of this most invasive species. Silage tarp is heavy, mucky work, but just like all the other projects underway this summer, many hands make light work when it comes to restoration.

We have a team of mighty volunteers and the OGF Project just wouldn’t be the same without them.
Poetry, stories, and info to reflect on
Gifts to Make One Blush
By Greg Kennedy, SJ

Manic Maker,
Mother in whom
from womb to womb
we the living move,
how can I repay you today
for the chicory,
the dark-gaze susans,
the queen anne's lace
going crazy all over the place?
What thanks can I lay down
that won't get lost
in the green onslaught
of your profusion?
I blush at your lush
hand so generous
on my cheek, your open lips
swimming across
my open eyes.
I cry
because it aligns
me with your rain.
Pain and loss and winter await.
But wait!
They're all but your abundance too.
It's true?
Will you bring no conclusion
to your life-profusion?

500th Anniversary Celebration

This year Jesuits worldwide are celebrating the 500th anniversary of Ignatius’ conversion after the battle of Pamplona in May of 1521. Read all about it in Eric Jensen’s Ignatius Loyola and You: Learning to Become a Reflective Christian. Curbside pickup or mailing options are available. Contact Andrea at officecoordinator@ignatiusguelph.ca to purchase a copy of Ignatius Loyola and You. For a full list of books available click here. Also, Ignatius Loyola and You: Learning to Become a Reflective Christian, has just been published in Taiwan in a Chinese translation. Click here to purchase the translated book directly from Taiwan.
Copyright 2021