I.J.C. Voice
May 2021
Volume 11, Issue 9
How lovely the silence of growing things. - unknown
Our hearts, like spring buds, burst with gratitude for you! Thanks to your ongoing generosity the Centre has the capacity to adapt and continue our work through these times. It was March 2020, when we first had to cancel on-site retreats, our primary source of revenues. Retreatants, although disappointed by cancellations, have given; Taste of Diversity guests, also disappointed by cancellations, have given. New friends, inspired by the supportive housing project, or grateful for our walking trails, have given. Your donations, combined with the County fees for the supportive housing project and foundation grants and government wage subsidies, have sustained our work. We hope that our virtual retreats, community farm, and natural sanctuary trails have deepened your connection to the spirit of compassion and love.

This month, we are delighted to welcome five Farm Interns, eight seasonal Farm staff, a high school coop student, two summer Land staff, and two summer Old Growth Forest project conservation staff. We are blessed by the enthusiasm and energy of this youthful group’s contributions to our ecological initiatives. Your support makes these opportunities for new growth possible.

Last month, as I reflected on how this pandemic has got us making our wills, I asked “Have you got a will?” A few weeks later, we were surprised and grateful to learn that Ignatius Jesuit Centre is a recipient of a legacy gift from the estate of Maxine Lipinski, a Loyola House retreatant, who passed away on April 22, 2020.

Her friends and family have shared their thoughts on why Maxine chose to gift Loyola House through her will.

Ignatius Jesuit Centre is a registered charity and can accept donations of stocks, bonds or mutual fund units through CanadaHelps.

Considering a legacy gift and have some questions? Email development@ignatiusguelph.ca or phone 519-824-1250 Ext 257 to speak with Vanessa or Leanne.
Loyola House Retreats & Programs
At Ignatius Farm
Twelve new members joined our Farm Team in April and May. Christine, Stephen, Jennica, Cathy and Emerson are our five Interns at the Farm. We are happy to welcome back Braeden as Farm Associate and Matt in the community orchard. Seasonal staff include Julian, Dan, Carling, Amanda and CJ. Please help us in welcoming everyone to IJC. 

Thanks to your donations and the Urban Agriculture Challenge ‘Scaling Up’ grant, new waterlines are going to a new field for new community garden plots. More gardeners can grow more food right here at Ignatius!
Are you interested in starting a farm enterprise or learning more about ecological agriculture?

Join us for the 2021 season of the Ignatius Farm New Farmer Training Program. Registration is by term or individual event.

Term 1 was a great success with 38 participants! Term 2 began the first week of May and continues until July 28th. We have a great lineup of webinars and virtual field days planned for 2021. Individual events will open for registration 4 weeks prior to the event date. See EFAO.ca/Ignatius-new-farmer-training for more information.
This program is made possible through collaboration between Ignatius Farm, Everdale, and the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario.
Volunteers Wanted
Do you enjoy working outdoors? Do you want to support beautiful, ecologically-sustainable spaces? Volunteer with us! IJC is looking for Garden and Old-Growth Forest volunteers.

Fill out the online form here to get started. Andrea will contact you with more details.

Employment Opportunity
We are seeking an enthusiastic and passionate part-time Cook to the join the Kitchen team at Loyola House. This role has the potential to lead to a full-time role. Your knowledge and experience should include an understanding of local, organic, vegetarian, and sustainable food. Read more here and apply!
Guelph VIRTUAL Walking Pilgrimage - July 31-August 7, 2021

A modified pilgrimage has been created for you! Read about it here and sign up!

Since 2003, in early August, a group of pilgrims journey from the Ignatius Jesuit Centre to the Jesuit Martyrs’ Shrine in Midland – a place that honours early Jesuit missionaries who introduced Christianity to the Huron Wendat Nation.

2021 as in 2020, we are not able to walk the pilgrimage as it has been done for the last 18 years. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a prohibition on large gatherings throughout the summer and the Martyrs’ Shrine in Midland remains closed until 2022. We feel that the pilgrimage experience is too important to cancel completely. Our best option is to offer you a virtual pilgrimage.

Photo credit - Bob Berno, VIRTUAL Walking Pilgrimage 2020
Poetry, stories, and info to reflect on
Trinity Tree
By Greg Kennedy, SJ

My Octopus Teacher just won an Oscar.
It’s a simple film, low-budget,
starring friendship
and a forest of enchanted kelp.

When she throws her many arms around him
it proves again, you know, Horatio,
there’s plenty more in heaven and the surf
than is dreamt of in your philosophy.

Same thing with my Trinity Tree;
it’s just that we lack cameras and plots
and the drama of pajama sharks.

But I go to her as often as I can,
and she teaches me most tenderly
the curious nature of divinity.
You Have Been Raised from the Dead
by Eric Jensen, SJ
April 30, 2021

You died for us upon the cross
You rose for us on the third day
You feel with us our every loss
You walk with us along the way
And evermore
You wait for us on the far shore.
Copyright 2021