I.J.C. Voice
December 2021
Volume 12, Issue 3
Stillness is the flower of winter, all hope waits beneath a blanket of white.
~ unknown

This is the time of year when we bring you a message of Christmas hope, of a longing to open our hearts to all that is to come. We’re finding that this year feels a little different…
Our pandemic world changed much of what we knew and had grown accustomed to from family and friends, including simple hugs, sharing of food, and spontaneous visits. Everything was altered in ways none of us could have imagined.
This divide in our world between those with day-to-day comforts and those without became wider. Or did it? Maybe we simply became more aware of our Common Home and what is desperately needed to make things right and just for all.
At the retreat house we recently said farewell to 40 community members, many of whom had been living at Loyola House for the last 13 months. These folks were some of the most vulnerable, without homes and food, without family, without the most basic of human connections.
Humbling? Yes. A dose of reality? Most definitely. They all had stories much like you and I and, at some point, their story was altered, changing the direction of their lives down a path that many of us could not survive.
This season, I think of them and am full of gratitude for their gifts. Their stories were rich and brought us a glimpse into a world that everyone must work to make better.
I pray for them, for all living creatures in our community and across the world. May there be hope in their lives, may there be a shining light to lead them.
May God rest in their hearts.

Roger Yaworski, SJ
Executive Director
Loyola House
In preparation to welcome you all back in the spring the renovations are well underway at Loyola House! We’re replacing flooring, beds, countertops and adding 20 ensuite washrooms. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Ignatius Farm
My Last Exercise in
Santo Domingo DR
By Greg Kennedy, SJ

One pulls at the oars.
The boat leaks badly.
The other lets out the net,
first fairly fluidly,
then with a fight against poor packing.
Soon some bailing will be required.
Oil refineries line the near horizon.
All this as a third on the shore
marvels at the sweetness of the breeze.
This is how it goes
on a day heavily overcast with love.

Come in for a visit and to do some shopping. Our mugs, lamps, books, IJC
t-shirts and bags are all available. You will find the perfect gift for a loved one...or yourself. Come by between 9am-3pm to see what is available. See you soon!

Questions? Email Andrea at officecoordinator@ignatiusguelph.ca
The Ignatius Jesuit Centre's administration office will be closed through the Christmas season beginning Thursday, December 23 and will reopen at 8:30 am on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.
Copyright 2021