JUNE 2024


Groundbreaking research, innovation, and intellectual energy

Surgeon General's firearm violence advisory cites work by U-M researchers

Research by multiple U-M faculty is cited in a new advisory by U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy that outlines firearm violence in America as a public health crisis. Patrick Carter, M.D., associate professor of emergency medicine, Jason Goldstick, Ph.D., research associate professor of emergency medicine, April Zeoli, Ph.D., M.P.H., associate professor of public health, and former member Rebecca Cunningham, M.D., all have research and papers cited in the report.

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IHPI experts present aging, long-term care research in Congressional briefing

Recently, four IHPI experts HwaJung Choi, Ph.D., M.A., Jeff Kullgren, M.D., M.P.H., M.S., Sheria Robinson-Lane, Ph.D., M.H.A., M.S., R.N., and Xiaoling Xiang, Ph.D., M.Phil., M.S.W. shared their research findings and insights on social and community factors that impact long-term care in the U.S. during a briefing with the bipartisan Long-Term Care Congressional Caucus.

The virtual briefing was hosted by Caucus co-chair U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell and moderated by Courtney Polenick, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychiatry and a health and aging fellow in Dingell's Office. 

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Poll shows most older adults don’t know about resources that can help them navigate aging and caregiving 

A new U-M National Poll on Healthy Aging finds older Americans may be missing out on a wide range of programs and services that could help them meet their needs or assist their aging loved ones. 

The poll asked more than 4,000 adults over age 50 about their awareness and use of Area Agencies on Aging, State Health Insurance Assistance Programs, and options for long term services and supports. Only a small minority–less than 10%–said they had used these programs or knew a lot about them.

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Wolverine Caucus event featuring the Michigan Poll

on Healthy Aging


New waves of National Poll on Healthy Aging data available for free, public use

Ending Unequal Treatment: IHPI director helps renew focus on health care inequities

A landmark report that launched the issue of health care inequity into the national spotlight has just gotten a landmark update, thanks to a National Academies committee that includes IHPI Director John Ayanian, M.D., M.P.P. The new report, called Ending Unequal Treatment, concludes that while the American health care system has made some progress over the last 20 years in addressing differences in how members of different racial and ethnic backgrounds receive health care, much remains to be done to ensure equitable care. 

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IHPI members making headlines

Pre-op visits by video? Most surgeons say no—but are open to post-op telehealth

A new study by a team including Chad Ellimoottil, M.D., M.S., associate professor of urology, and Sarah Krein, Ph.D., R.N., research professor of internal medicine, found that telehealth appointments in the weeks before an operation meet with resistance from members of multiple surgical specialties.

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Medicare pays for message-based e-visits. Are older adults using them?

Urgent revisions suggested for Spanish mental health materials

High out-of-pocket costs may be barrier to filling naloxone prescriptions


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The Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation is the nation’s largest university-based community of health services researchers.

Our mission is to foster innovative, interdisciplinary research to inform policies and practices that advance the equity, quality, safety, and affordability of healthcare, and improve health for individuals, families, and communities.




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