Over the last few months IHE has had the honor to do work ranging from celebrating the winners of our annual essay contest, to attending the Anne Frank Tree Planting in Iowa City.
Our goal is to ensure that the tragedy and history of the Holocaust are remembered, that appropriate, fact-based instruction and materials are available to students, educators, and the public to enable them to learn the lessons of the Holocaust and that, as a result, we inspire our community to create a more just and equitable society. 
Tribute to the Rescuers Essay Contest 2022
The 2022 Tribute to the Rescuers Essay Contest was a successful endeavor, which saw over 250 submissions. This year, our awardees ranged from Omaha to Grand Island, and students from private to public schools. We are grateful for another successful year, and the generosity of the Carl Frohm Memorial Foundation for making the contest possible.
Art and the Holocaust Reception
This year IHE was pleased to host the Art and the Holocaust reception for the community. Over 1000 students participated in the programing this year and hundreds of attendees came to the reception to honor and celebrate the wonderful work of the students.
Yom HaShoah
The 2022 Yom HaShoah program was held on April 27, in the Theatre of the Jewish Community Center. This year, we welcomed Dr. Gerald Steinacher as the Yom HaShoah speaker, who presented Secrets of the Vatican Archives: The Nazis, the Holocaust, and the Pope.
Anne Frank Tree Planting
On Friday, April 29, 2022 Iowa City became the 13th home in the United States to a sapling from the tree outside Anne Frank's annex in Amsterdam. IHE staff members Kael Sagheer and Ariel O'Donnell were fortunate enough to be in attendance at the moving and powerful planting ceremony.
SAC Museum Exhibit
The Searching for Humanity: Veterans, Victims and Survivors of World War II exhibit tells a powerful story about the Holocaust and those who rescued survivors from concentration camps. Told via photographs, memorabilia and testimony of Nebraska Holocaust survivors and servicemen - the exhibit grapples with the search for humanity during the Holocaust. This exhibit was curated by the Institute for Holocaust Education and designed by Placzek Studios.
Support was provided by the Sam and Frances Fried Holocaust and Genocide Education Fund. The exhibit is on permanent loan and available for viewing at the Strategic Air Command and Aerospace Museum. This school year, IHE staff guided twelve school groups through the exhibit.
An Evening with
Milton Kleinberg
On June 21, 2022 at 7PM, local Holocaust survivor Milton Kleinberg will share parts of his experiences during the Shoah to the community. The event is free and will take place in the Shirley & Leonard Goldstein Community Engagement Venue at the Jewish Community Center in Omaha, Nebraska.

For more information please contact slittky@ihene.org
June 16, 2022

On June 16, 2022 at 11:30 AM on Zoom, IHE Communications Coordinator, Ariel O'Donnell, will be presenting a discussion of LGBTQIA2S+ individuals and their experiences during the Holocaust, including the enforcement of Paragraph 175 in the post-Holocaust period.

Outside of working for IHE, O'Donnell is a student at the University of Nebraska Omaha where she studies Religion, Philosophy, and Creative Writing.
JULY 21, 2022

Nicole Freeman, Director of Education at the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, will be welcomed to speak on July 21, 2022 via Zoom. Currently, Ms. Freeman is finishing her dissertation on the experiences of child survivors in Poland after the Holocaust. She will be presenting on Jewish children's experiences during and after the Holocaust and using memoirs as sources in the classroom.

This program will take place via Zoom, on July 21, 2022 at 11:30 AM CST.

On Thursday, August 18, Scott Littky, Executive Director of the Institute for Holocaust Education will be speaking about his trip to Poland in July of 2022 as part of the partnership that IHE has with the law school at Creighton University and their Nuremberg to the Hague summer program. This will be Scott’s first trip to Poland and he will be speaking about the meaning of a trip to Poland as a Holocaust educator.

This program will take place via Zoom, on August 18, 2022 at 11:30 AM CST.
"When an assignment given by a favorite teacher instructs a group of students to argue for the Final Solution, a euphemism used to describe the Nazi plan for the genocide of the Jewish people, Logan March and Cade Crawford are horrified. Their teacher cannot seriously expect anyone to complete an assignment that fuels intolerance and discrimination. Logan and Cade decide they must take a stand.
As the school administration addressed the teens' refusal to participate in the appalling debate, the student body, their parents, and the larger community are forced to face the issue as well. The situation explodes, and acrimony and anger result. What does it take for tolerance, justice, and love to prevail?"
The Institute for Holocaust Education provides educational resources, workshops, survivor testimony, and integrated arts programming to students, educators, and the public. The IHE provides support to Holocaust survivors in our community.
We are grateful for your generosity and care of Holocaust Education.