Weekly Update

Well, that was a fun first cold snap but in typical Chicago fashion temperatures are expected to be in the 70s this weekend. I’m painfully aware of the predictions of a cold and wet winter though. We’ve begun our annual winter coat drive and the generosity of our neighbors always blows me away. Every year, something just stands out as an illustration of what an incredible community we live in. I recall one such moment years ago when a constituent brought two dozen hand-knit hats so recipients of our coats would have something made with love just for them.

In addition to our local coat drive, we have also been serving as a drop-off point for folks seeking to assist the migrants arriving daily from Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s cruel stunt. Many of these new arrivals are being housed in our community with shelters established at the old High Ridge YMCA, Leone Beach Park, and Truman College just outside the district in Uptown. I’ve met a few of our new neighbors as they explore the area and have been struck by their resilience after all they’ve been through. The supply drive for the new arrivals is a massive undertaking and is being run by the city, so all of the listed items and needs are based on their process.

This brings me to questions we’ve gotten about both collection drives and reflections based on many years of coordinating various collection events. When the city released its list of needed items and procedure for donating, one of the first responses we heard was asking why they were only accepting new items since the migrants have such great need while we’ve gotten other inquiries questioning why certain items aren’t on the lists. 

Ultimately, both issues are a question of capacity. When we have run smaller collections through our office, we often find that in spite of asking that items be new or nearly new and cleaned, we inevitably get items that are clearly damaged or dirty or simply not responsive to the list of items needed. Each of those items requires our very small staff to find a way to clean the items, identify a proper way to dispose of the unusable ones, and either store or find another use for items that aren’t part of the drive. This takes a tremendous amount of work and time, so we’ve started being more explicit in our calls for donations, but we’ve always managed to make it work. Now, we’re one office serving a relatively compact area, but consider that at an exponentially greater scale and that’s what the folks handling the donations for incoming migrants are experiencing. As I’ve interacted with city personnel involved in supporting the arriving migrants, I’m struck by how nearly all of them are folks with already demanding roles within the city. The sheer scale of this crisis has led to an all-hands-on-deck response from city departments, meaning most of the people involved are still juggling their other responsibilities as well. Understanding that gave me a greater appreciation of the need for the process of collecting items for the new arrivals to be as streamlined and efficient as possible.

I am proud to represent this district and continue to be amazed at the outpouring of support that makes our communities special. Below is a photo of some of the items we have already received for the migrants. We have a great tradition of stepping up for our neighbors in need, so thank you all in advance for your support of the office’s winter coat drive that supports local residents in need of warm items and the larger supply drive for our newly arrived neighbors.

Don’t forget that neighborhood early voting begins on Monday, October 24th. With changing precinct configurations, precinct consolidation, and changing polling places, this year it’s more attractive than ever to avoid the rush and possible confusion of Election Day and go to any one of the city’s early voting sites listed here. Here in the 14th district, our 3 main sites are at Willye White Park at 1610 W. Howard, the Broadway Armory at 5917 N. Broadway, and Northtown Library at 6800 N. Western. All of the sites will be open on weekdays from 9 AM - 6 PM, Saturdays from 9 AM - 5 PM, Sundays from 10 AM - 4 PM, and on Election Day from 6 AM - 7 PM.

Finally, I am one of “those” people - Halloween fans. (Not the movie though, too scary for me!) I love to decorate my house and dress up in fun costumes, stock up on good candy, and greet all the little monsters running around the neighborhood. As I’ve traveled around the district lately, I have loved noticing fun Halloween house decorations and seeing folks who take it to the next level and operate haunts in their yards. In next week’s newsletter, we’ll share all of the area events we can find for folks looking to get their spooky season on. If you know of an event we should share, or just want to share a pic of a cool yard you’ve seen, send them along and we’ll share as many as we can.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!

Annual Coat Drive

Our annual office coat drive is underway! We will be collecting until December 12th. We kindly ask that all items are laundered, and are new or lightly used. We are collecting coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and hats to help keep our neighbors warm and safe this winter. We are not collecting light or fall items. Please make sure that all items are laundered.

We have not received any donations to our office yet. Now more than ever we need to step up and help our neighbors in need this winter. Anything that can be spared, even if it seems small, will make the world of a difference for those who need it most. 

For a more detailed list of items, please visit our Target wish list linked below:


All items can be dropped off at our district office at 5533 N. Broadway, Monday through Friday between 9:00am and 5:00pm.

IHDA Reopening Mortgage Assistance Program November 1st!

Mark your calendars! The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) are reopening their mortgage assistance program designed to assist homeowners financially impacted by the pandemic. Applications will open on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. The Illinois Homeowner Assistance Fund (ILHAF) provides up to $30,000 in mortgage assistance to eligible homeowners—paid directly to the servicer, taxing body or other approved entity—while homeowners work

to regain their financial footing. Whether homeowners have a mortgage, a reverse mortgage, or are mortgage-free, the program can fund past due housing payments and up to three months of prospective mortgage payments.

The program is free and funds do not need to be repaid. Application, program information and updates can be found at illinoishousinghelp.org or by calling the ILHAF hotline at 1-866-IL-HELP (866-454-3571). Applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, January 31, 2023.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Webinar

The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) is holding two more webinars for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLR). These webinars are free, and inform applicants on eligibility, deadlines, and next steps.

If you are seeking information on PSLR or believe you are qualified, act fast! The Biden Administration has implemented a temporary waiver which allows more applicants to apply, but is set to end on Monday, October 31st.

The last webinars are Monday, October 24th and Wednesday, October 26th. Click on your preferred date for a link to sign up.

Cook County's Promise Pilot Applications 


Cook County's Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot Program is closing applications TODAY!! 

About the Program:

  • 3,250 eligible Cook County families will be chosen at random to receive $500 a month for 24 months 
  • The application deadline is October 21st, 2022

Eligibility requirements:

  • Be a Cook County Resident
  • At least 18 years old
  • Not participating in any other guaranteed income program (Chicago or Evanston)
  • Household income that falls at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Level
  • Immigration status does not matter nor will it be asked

You can learn more about the program and sign up for updates at https://www.engagecookcounty.com/promise.

Neighborhood Shoutouts 

Burger Bite To Be On The Food Network!

Photo Credit: Alderwoman Maria Hadden

Burger Bite located at 1500 W. Devon, which opened this past May, is going to be featured on the Food Network! We will continue to share more information about their show's air date as we receive them. 

Owners Bernice and Edgar Bonilla have created an iconic spot adjacent to one of Rogers Park's gas stations. Edgar had been in the food industry for almost half his life, working a a server and now working his way up to owning his own restaurant in working towards a better life. Read more about their success here.

Burger Bite is open on Sundays from 12:00 - 9:00pm and Mondays through Saturday between 11:00am - 10:00pm. 

3 M Restaurant in Andersonville

Speaking of restaurants in the district, be sure to visit one of Andersonville's new restaurants, 3 M Restaurant at 5910 N Clark. This mother and daughter owned restaurant serves authentic Serbian cuisine along with some American classic dishes. They are open "3 square Meals a day" Tuesday through Sunday from 7:00am - 8:00pm. They are closed on Mondays. Parking is available in the lot next to the White Castle. Find more information on their Facebook page

In the District

Jeni's Tofu - Phoenix Bean 

I was thrilled to join Senator Durbin, State Senator Mike Simmons, Edgewater Chamber of Commerce and the Illinois Soybean Association for a ribbon cutting, tour and roundtable at Jeni’s Tofu/Phoenix Bean which is located at 5438 N Broadway in the Edgewater neighborhood. 

It was so interesting to learn that Illinois Soybeans are being used to make a local Illinois product. We also heard from different farmers located in downstate Illinois including Janie’s Farm who produces organic soybeans for Phoenix Bean’s line of Organic Tofu. Janie’s Tofu offers a order and pickup option here.

49th Ward Drive for Migrants

Alderwoman Maria Hadden's office is collecting items for the newly arriving migrants coming to the City. See the flyer above for items being collected and office hour information. Please make sure to drop off items directly to a staff member. Please don't leave items outside of Ald. Hadden's office. 


Halloween Parade 

The 48th Ward Office will be hosting a Halloween Parade on October 29th at 10am starting at Peirce School, 1423 W Bryn Mawr. The parade will end at the Catalpa Plaza on Catalpa and Clark so neighbors can enjoy the Halloween on Catalpa celebration, happening from 10am-4pm the same day. I hope you are able to join us! Additionally, if you would like to volunteer with my office during trick-or-treating on the 31st, please email harry@48thward.org

3rd Annual Pumpkin Smash

Don’t trash it, smash it! On Saturday, November 5th from 12pm to 4pm, green your Halloween at the third annual Edgewater Pumpkin Smash presented by the Edgewater Environmental Coalition and the Andersonville & Edgewater Chambers of Commerce. Join us in the parking lot at 6040 N. Clark Street, north of the Fire Station, to have some free, Halloween-related fun while reducing waste and educating residents about advantages of composting food waste! 


All are welcome to drop pumpkins off without getting out of your cars or to join in the smashing fun by tossing their pumpkins in the giant compost container. We request that all pumpkins dropped off are free of non-biodegradable materials such as candles, plastic or metal decorations.

In the last two years, the Edgewater Pumpkin Smash has diverted 8.1 tons of pumpkins from area landfills dropped off by hundreds of area residents. Join our efforts by composting your festive pumpkins, and contact Nina Newhouser at nnewhouser@gmail.com if interested in volunteering!

COVID-19 Updates

October 21st Update

Friday, October 21st Update:

  • Total new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 IL residents: 13.4
  • Daily new COVID-19 admissions per 100,000 IL residents: 87
  • Percent of staffed inpatient beds occupied by IL COVID-19 patients: 19%
  • Statewide Totals: 3,796,038 confirmed cases and 35,168 deaths

For more details regarding the status of COVID in Illinois click here.

Please click here to see the status of COVID in our zip codes.

Being vaccinated and boosted is critical to limit the major impacts of future pandemic waves we are to face as new variants come along. Please be up to date with your vaccines and continue to test when needed.

To find a vaccine clinic within the City of Chicago click here.

For questions or info regarding COVID-19 testing click here.

If you have questions related to COVID-19 you can contact the

Illinois Department of Public Health:

Hotline: 800-889-3931

Email: dph.sick@illinois.gov

City of Chicago's Department of Public Health:

Hotline: 312-746-4835

Email: coronavirus@chicago.gov

Resources: General Election Edition

General Election Information

The November 8 General Election is coming up and we want to make sure all voters are informed on the process and where they can go to vote. This year, the Board of Elections has consolidated some polling places, so make sure you check for your voting location as it might have changed. Voters are also allowed to bring in notes with them to a polling place when casting their ballot. 

Precinct polling locations will be open from 6 am to 7 pm on Election Day, November 8, only. Voters may also vote at any early voting location in the city on Election Day.

You may register to vote at your polling place on Election Day. To do so, you must provide two forms of identification, one of which must show a current address. A list of acceptable forms of ID is available to view on the Chicago Board of Election's website.

Voting Early

Voting early is easier than ever for those looking to vote ahead of Election Day. Early Voting has begun as of October 7th. Voters looking to cast their ballot early may do so at the following Chicago Board of Elections Supersites from October 7th through November 8th:

191 N. Clark

69 W. Washington, 6th Floor

Supersite Hours:

October 7 through October 30:

Mondays through Fridays from 9 am to 6 pm

Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm

Sundays from 10 am to 4 pm

October 31 through November 7:

Mondays-Fridays from 9 am to 7 pm

Saturdays from 9 am to 5 pm

Sundays from 10 am to 4 pm

November 8 (Election Day):

191 N. Clark will be open from 6 am to 7 pm

69 W. Washington, 6th Floor will not be open for voting on Election Day Early

Voting Begins October 24 in All 50 Wards

Early voting begins on Monday, October 24th, in the 50 wards. Chicago voters may vote at any Early Voting location (see above) through November 8th. 

Registering to Vote/Updating Your Information

First time voters who need to register or established voters who need to file an address update or name change must bring and show two forms of ID, one of which reflects the voter's current address. A list of acceptable forms of ID is available on the Board of Election's website.

Voting By Mail

Applications to vote by mail must be submitted by November 3rd. Any Chicago voter can file an online application to vote by mail and does not need a reason or an excuse.

Voters in Illinois also now have the option to join a permanent vote-by-mail roster to have their ballots sent directly to their preferred mailing address ahead of every election. Voters can opt into this option when applying for a Vote by Mail ballot online. 

Voters will receive a ballot in the mail with instructions on how to fill it out and return it. Any ballot that is postmarked Wednesday, November 9th, or later cannot be counted by law. If a voter places a ballot envelope in a mail drop box on November 8th in the afternoon or evening, they risk the chance of the envelope being postmarked on November 9th and, therefore, being considered as ineligible to be counted. 

Voters may also return their mailed ballot to a Secured Drop Box at any Chicago Early Voting location before Election Day. Mail ballots may also be delivered personally to the Election Board at 69 W. Washington, on the sixth floor. 

Voters who request a mail ballot but would prefer to vote in person can surrender their mail ballot at any early voting location or their polling place on Election Day to opt for an in-person ballot instead. Voters are NOT allowed to vote by mail and at an in-person location, they must choose only one method of voting. 

If a person requests a mail ballot and it is not received by Election Day, voters will still have the opportunity to cast their ballot. Voters who do not receive or lose their mail ballot may complete an affidavit at their polling place on Election Day saying that the ballot was never received or that it was lost. 

For more information and to complete the vote by mail application, visit the Board of Elections website here. The deadline to apply for a mail ballot is Tuesday, November 3rd, at 5:00pm. 

48th Ward Voting Information and Resources

In the 48th Ward, voters can vote early at the Broadway Armory5917 N. Broadway.

Below is a map of the 35 election precincts in the 48th ward. This information can also be found here.

Voters must vote at the polling place for their precinct on Election Day. To find your polling place, click here.

49th Ward Voting Information and Resources

In the 49th Ward, voters can vote early at Willye B. White Park, 1610 W. Howard.

Below is a map of the 17 election precincts in the 49th ward. This information can also be found here.

Voters must vote at the polling place for their precinct on Election Day. To find your polling place, click here.

Youth & Teen

Buckets Over Bullying

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Buckets Over Bullying is a non-profit initiative whose mission is to stop cyberbullying of kids and teens through education, lawmaking, and legal action, inspired by the death of 15-year-old Nate Bronstein who after cyberbullying over social media.

Buckets Over Bullying is hosting a free Social Media Safety Rally on November 5th for teens and parents. The objective is to educate the City's community about the importance of not using online devices as weapons. Buckets Over Bullying Social Media Safety Rally, in partnership with The Organization for Social Media Safety and the Jesse White Foundation, will be held at the Jesse White Community Center located at 412 W Chicago Ave. on Saturday, November 5, 2022.  

For more information, visit here. To register for the event, visit here. Registration is required to attend as space is limited. 

Senior Resources

Guardianship 101 Webinar

Register here.

Job Openings

JVS Career and Employment Help

Chicago Public Library is Hiring

Per Scholas Technology Training and Certifications

Misericordia is Hiring


Kelly Cassidy

State Representative, 14th District

Office of State Representative Kelly Cassidy

5533 N Broadway

Chicago IL 60640


773 - 784 - 2002 (phone)


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