IFVP Conference DC 2016 Updates
 Why I can't wait to attend the IFVP DC 2016 Conference (and hope to see there!)
We're counting down to July. IFVP's Annual Conference is the place for visual practitioners, graphic recorders, facilitators and visual storytellers from across the globe to gather every year. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a newbie, here are just a few of the delights in store for you.
  1. Ah-mazing keynotes: Have you heard? We have Lisa Kay Solomon and Scott McCloud speaking. In addition, we're delighted to have Brandy Agerbeck on the stage.
  2. Our (hilarious) returning emcee: Julie Gieseke will be returning to keep things on point at the conference. Check out her take on our profession last year .
  3. 20+ enriching, diverse breakouts sessions: We'll have tracks with sessions for people new to the field and for seasoned practitioners. We'll also have tracks on business development, visual organizational development, sessions on digital work, sketchnoting and more.
  4. Pre-conference workshops that rock: Take the learning deeper. You'll want to come slightly earlier and choose from these four fabulous sessions .
  5. "The Big Listen": Got a story to tell? Let's hear it. We will identify the topic. You submit your name. We pull 4 names from the hat and invite you to tell a story, as others sit back and listen.
  6. IFVP's Got Talent! Sure, we know you're all talented visual practitioners. But let's find out who sings, dances and acts! Come one, come all to the conference talent show, where we'll feature the diverse and entertaining abilities of our global group. And don't forget - pack your dancing shoes!
  7. Free Professional Photography Headshots by Ray Martinez : Need a new headshot? Show up during the breaks and Ray will capture a customized portrait for you (ps: you can draw your own backdrop! How cool is that?!)
  8. The Neuland Booth: Get ready to play with the white markers and much more ! Leave some space in your luggage to take home all your new goodies.
  9. Meeting your tribe: You'll spend two full days and more with people who actually "get" you.
  10. Washington DC: This amazing city! We have 17 FREE Smithsonian Museums , historic monuments and Tian Tian - the adorable giant panda you saw rolling in the snow . There is so much to explore in the city and we can't wait to show off our hometown!
Don't wait, reserve your spot today and register for the 21st Annual IFVP DC 2016 Conference!
Steph, Erin and the Conference Planning Team
Contact Steph Brown and Erin Gordon, conference co-chairs at conference2016@ifvp.org
Alone we are just a ripple, united we are a sonic boom of creativity, clarity and collaboration with the ability to bridge conversations and communities. United we can change the world, one chart at a time."
--- Stephanie Brown, IFVP DC 2016 Conference Co-Chair

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International Forum of Visual Practitioners