IFHE-US Nominating Committee Report
2021 - 2022 Elections
Dr. Cheryl A. Empey
Nominating Committee Chair
 In the fall of 2021, the nominating committee identified candidates for the following positions:
·       President/Chair-Elect
·       Director of Finances
·       Director of Professional Development and Programs
·       Director of Communications
Nominations were requested in the newsletter in the Fall of 2021. Individual members were contacted and invited to run for specific offices. It took three months to contact or self-nominate candidates for the 2021 ballot. Once nominations were secured, ballots were created and distributed by the committee. 

The nominating committee consisted of Cheryl Empey (Director), Janiel Nelson (member), Sue Buck (President). Assisted by Rachel Schichtl, Director of Communications, sending out nomination requests in the newsletter and Luann Boyer, Director of Finance, assisted with the distribution of the ballot link to the membership.
Once invitations and nominations were accepted, biographies were collected by Janiel Nelson. The ballot was developed on Survey Monkey by Cheryl Empey. The ballot link was sent out in early December with a two-week voting timeline. Sixty-eight (68) members voted via the online ballot. This was an improvement of 10 more members voting from the previous election in 2019. No write-ins were recorded.

Due to COVID 19 during 2020 and 2021, Congress was postponed and will be held during 2022. The Director of Finance agreed to continue in her role until after the financial work of the 2022 Congress was complete. The Director of Programs and Professional Development had completed a term after a resignation and was willing to have her name nominated for a full term.
newly elected officers for 2022 - 2026 are:
·       President/Chair Elect                                                                       Rachel Schichtl
·       Director of Finances                                                                        Luann Boyer
·       Director of Professional Development and Programs                      Kim Kamin
·       Director of Communications                                                            Lori Meyers