January 2021
Philanthropy is commendable. But it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustices which make philanthropy necessary.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
As we start 2021, we reflect on all that we learned and experienced in 2020, while preparing for all we hope to achieve and advance as fundraising professionals.

We believe everyone plays a vital role in championing inclusion, diversity, equity and access within the nonprofit sector, and as a result, this year’s theme is The Year of You!

Throughout 2021, the IDEA Committee will share key resources, spark dialogue and support you in advancing IDEA within your role.

We hope The Year of You is a testament to what we do in the nonprofit sector, and serves as a commitment to ourselves, our work, and the communities we serve.

AFP-GLAC and the IDEA Committee are more committed than ever to promoting inclusion, diversity, equity and access across the chapter and beyond, and we hope you’ll join us.

Together, we can create the world we want to see. We are #OneAFP
About AFP-GLAC’s Commitment to Diversity

With Los Angeles widely recognized as one of the most diverse cities in the country, the Association of Fundraising Professionals of Greater Los Angeles Chapter (AFP-GLAC) celebrates and supports diversity in both fundraising and philanthropic awareness. For AFP-GLAC, diversity encompasses gender, religion, ethnicity, age, geography, abilities, sexual orientation, professional experience and income with regard to the composition of membership, board leadership, program presenters, independent contractors and program content. We also encourage diversity with respect to the organizations we represent from large, well established institutions to small emerging nonprofits, from faith-based, private and governmental to public.
About the IDEA Committee

The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) Committee helps to set the tone and culture for AFP-GLAC and is responsible for creating and promoting safe spaces within the chapter for AFP-GLAC members, board leadership, program presenters, independent contractors and program content. It is comprised of board members and members who are committed to ensuring that the voices, perspectives and experiences of underrepresented groups are elevated, amplified and celebrated throughout the chapter and sector. 
Hear from the IDEA Committee
Lisa J. Baxter, Director of Major Gifts, MLK Community Health Foundation

“As a daughter of immigrants, I was always taught that success is not what you have, but how you help others and show up for your community. That is your legacy. Being a part of the fabric of AFP-GLAC and given the responsibility to amplify my voice for those that feel invisible, silenced or erased in our sector is a great responsibility and one definitely worth fighting for. #OneAFP”
Danielle C. Lara, MSW, Consultant, Danielle C. Lara Consulting
Chair, IDEA

“I became a social worker because I wanted to take an active role in creating a more equitable and sustainable world, and I joined the I.D.E.A. Committee of AFP-GLAC for the very same reason. The fundraising sector has an incredible responsibility, and even more so a unique opportunity, to answer the call of our time and create a world that promotes connectedness, collaboration and courage to address challenging issues that affect our communities. Together, we are a force, and I believe in the future we are building.”
Jennifer Maduko, MPP, Director of Development CLARE/MATRIX
IDEA Programming Manager

“As we enter a new year, I am proud to serve on the AFP-GLAC I.D.E.A. committee to help showcase voices of underrepresented fundraisers as we work to create a more inclusive space."
Mariam Khwajazada
Strategic Plan Task Force for IDEA Council

"I joined the I.D.E.A. task force committee because I believe it takes every one of us to do the work necessary to establish and maintain inclusion, diversity, equity, and access in our communities. I'm proud to be part of a vibrant and focused group!"
Sok TNG, Senior Prospect Researcher, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
IDEA Strategic Partnership Manager

“Diversity in fundraising spans across ethnic groups, across departments, and across stakeholders ... ... different perspectives matter.”
Join Us

If you want to make an impact and promote inclusion, diversity, equity, and access through AFP-GLAC and in your own non-profit, join the I.D.E.A. Committee.

Please email  idea@afpglac.org for more information!
AFP-GLAC | 714-771-3685| office@afpglac.org | www.afpglac.org