Parent Contact Update

Please notify us if you are no longer the Parent Contact at your EI program! Email us at Thanks!

August 6, 2015
Did you know... that the annual Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) Retreat is happening Wednesday, September 15, at the Wachusett Village Inn in Westminster? The ICC is a dynamic statewide group that advises and assists the Department of Public Health on Early Intervention. To learn more about the ICC visit

If you have been curious about the ICC, please come check it out! This is a great opportunity to come together with the EI community, learn and network over lunch (included). Please RSVP by September 5 by calling (877) 35-EIPLP or emailing

(Photo of Parent Leaders: Melissa McCarthy, Liz Cox, Samuel Caraballo, Heidi Freidman, Paul Melville, Jennifer Chabott and Director, Bureau of Family Health & Nutrition, Ron Benham)

Did you know...that the EIPLP loves hearing about events happening at your Program? Does your Program host trainings, picnics, parent groups...or any other opportunities for parents and families to get together?  Let us know! Liz would love to hear from you at (413) 586-7525 x 5863116 or by email


Do you know...t he EIPLP website has great resources for families who are leaving Early Intervention? 

A Best Practices in Transition Guide for families has been updated and is now available. This guide is great for families getting ready to leave the EI system. It is loaded with information about the process of transitioning, tips and resources. Get the guide here It is also available in Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish.  


Another is the Continuing the Journey Transition Tips for families whose children have hearing or vision loss. Check it out at

Contact Information

The Early Intervention Parent Leadership Project (EIPLP) Team