June 2017
Dear friends and colleagues,
"As we let our own light shine, 
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, 
our presence automatically liberates others."

With these words from Marianne Williamson, which appear in one of the articles in this issue of the newsletter, we send you warm wishes for your work with young children and for rejuvenating summer and winter holidays in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Perhaps you can even find find a moment for inspiration about how your own kindergarten can participate in the "Waldorf 100" celebrations!
With warm wishes on behalf of the IAS WECE Coordinating Group, 
Philipp Reubke  

Waldorf 100
Teachers and parents in Steiner/Waldorf schools and kindergartens around the world have begun to plan events and activities to celebrate "Waldorf 100". There is already a brochure for schools describing projects and suggestions for projects. We would like to present here some ideas and suggestions for kindergartens and child care centers.

News from IASWECE
IASWECE Council in South Africa

For the first time a Council Meeting took place in the Southern Hemisphere - in Cape Town,
South Africa, a place of great cultural and social diversity, where the power of the elements is intense, and at a time of political activity that calls for renewed change.

Conferences on the theme of Sleep
Waldorf Early Childhood Education Worldwide
Pan-African Waldorf Teachers Conference 
The Pan African Conference at the Michael Mount Waldorf School was the first conference of this kind in Africa. Over 350 attendees from Africa and international guest lecturers designed a diverse conference program.
A Festival of Encounters - the Seventh Asia Waldorf Teachers Conference  

This year, the conference took place in Emei, in China's Sichuan Province. It was prepared with the help of kindergarten teachers and class teachers at the Chengdu Waldorf School.

El Salvador: A Small Meeting by the Great Ocean 

At a "ranchas" in San Diego, a village on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, on January 2- 8, 2017, 34 early childhood educators and eurythmists attended the 8th annual Central American Waldorf early childhood educators meeting.

The Traumas of Today's Children
Weekend seminar in Slustice, Czech Republic
"As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Marianne Williamson

Creating a future for Palestinian children
Interview with Wiebke Eden-Fleig about a Waldorf initiative in a refugee camp in Beirut, Lebanon. 
Vietnam Update
A new kindergarten classroom opened in the Dieu Giac Orphanage and five new kindergartens opened throughout the country. 
Tre Xanh is rapidly gaining reputation for being a model Steiner kindergarten in Vietnam. And there are currently 8 Steiner-inspired kindergarten initiatives in Ho Chi Minh City, Cu Chi, Danang and Hanoi. 



Australia: Building on the Foundations - A Modern Interpretation of the First Teachers Course  with Christoph Wiechert and others. July 3 - 6, 2017 in Sydney. 

Czech Republic: 25th Summer Academy with Wolfgang Sassmanshausen, Tania Smolkova and others. July 8 - 16, 2017 in Semily.(Languages: Czech and German)


Germany: Workshop for Translators of Ellerisiek Hand Gesture Games

Stuttgart, July 23-29, 2017.


Stuttgart, September 29-30, 2017. (Language: German)


New Zealand: Biennial Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Conference: Towards Freedom and Responsibility with Clara Aerts and others. October 1 - 5, 2017 at the Taikura Steiner School in Hastings. (Language: English). 


  Please contact us at info@iaswece.org if you would like to announce a conference.
Recent Research

From  Scientific Reports, Issue 7, 2017: "Traditional screen time (e.g. TV and video gaming) has been linked to sleep problems and poorer developmental outcomes in children. With the advent of portable touchscreen devices, this association may be extending down in age to disrupt the sleep of infants and toddlers, an age when sleep is essential for cognitive development."  

How you Can Help
I ASWECE provides financial and pedagogical support to projects in order to develop and maintain the quality of Waldorf early childhood education all over the world. 

"Transitions in Childhood from Birth to 14 Years" - New Publication!

The lectures by Clara Aerts, Ursula Flatters, Elizabeth Hall, Florian Osswald, Claus-Peter Röh and Susan Weber from the 2015 Transitions conference in Dornach are now available in print. 

Mercurius International
The IASWECE Newsletter is published on behalf of the IASWECE Council by Philipp Reubke, with support from Clara Aerts, Susan Howard and Lara Radysh. 

Country Projects, Partnerships and Support:
Clara Aerts, Belgium 
Tel 0032 498 223 281

Membership, Working Groups, and World List:
Susan Howard, USA 
Tel 001 413 549 593                                                             
Conferences, Country Projects, Newsletter
Philipp Reubke, France
Tel 0033 977 197 137