FALL 2023
Message from the President
Cindy Wang, Northwestern University

Greetings IACM community,

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our International Association for Conflict Management Conference this past summer in Thessaloniki, Greece. It turned out to be such a professionally and personally engaging conference with 375 people registered. It was one of the largest of our IACM conferences, and our membership numbers are healthy, approaching 400 members.

We had many wonderful events at the conference, including numerous intellectually stimulating sessions, a celebration of Don Conlon’s Mentorship Award, and the Doctoral Student Workshop sponsored by the Conflict Management Division (CMD) of the Academy of Management. We have many people to thank, including the immense efforts of Nicholas Hayes (Program Chair), Brandon Charpied (Executive Director), and the IACM Board (Niro Sivanathan, Rachel Campagna, Siyu Yu, Scott Wiltermuth, and Linda Putnam). Also, special thanks to Deborah Cai, Michael Gross, and Laura Rees for organizing the second edition of the Doctoral Student Workshop.

Join Us at IACM 2024 at INSEAD in Singapore
June 23 - 26, 2024
IACM 2024 will be hosted at INSEAD in beautiful Singapore from June 23-26, 2024. Please take a moment to view the Call for Papers, Submission Guidelines, and then proceed to submit your paper so that you may join us in this gorgeous and vibrant city!

For general preliminary information on the conference, refund policy, and more, click here.
Board of Directors Nominations
Nominate yourself or an interested member for our At-Large Director roles
We have two (2) At-Large Board Member positions we are seeking nominations for. 

  • At-Large Board Members serve for two (2) years beginning with the close of IACM 2023 and ending with the close of IACM 2025.
  • At-Large Board Members may chair and/or participate in a variety of critical committees.

The Nominations & Elections committee will follow up with nominees. A nomination does not guarantee a place on the ballot. Long-term presence in the Society is not a prerequisite to be on the ballot, so we encourage junior, mid-career, and senior faculty alike to be nominated! Nominees will be requested to provide a one-page background for members to be able to review as well as a headshot image for the voting process.

The election will take place in December/January. All individuals that are members of IACM as of the December 1st membership roster will be eligible to vote in this election.
Announcing the Marjorie & Daniel Druckman Fellowship
A new research fellowship opportunity for doctoral students and post-doc
We are pleased to announce a call for applications for the Marjorie and Daniel Druckman Fellowship. This provides an opportunity for yearly support of new research by doctoral students (matriculation in a doctoral program) and post-docs (up to two years following the doctorate and prior to a faculty position). The funding will cover a portion of the costs for a research project conducted during the course of a year, beginning at the conclusion of the annual meeting and concluding at the beginning of the next annual meeting. The research topics are on the broad themes of negotiation, identity, and justice. The amount of funding will be up to $5,000 to be spent on the project including design, data collection, writing, and only project-related travel expenses for data collection. Funds cannot be used on stipends. The project’s results will be submitted for presentation at the annual IACM meeting* and the recipient should prepare a paper for possible publication in NCMR**.

The application consists of a three-page proposal structured generally into the following sections.

  • Purpose of the research, including research questions
  • Brief literature review with an emphasis on gaps to be filled
  • Research design/methodology
  • Methods including data collection
  • Expected implications of findings
  • References

All submissions will be judged by a three-member committee appointed by the IACM board.

* Fellowship recipients must present paper at a forthcoming IACM conference. Fellowship funds cannot be used for the conference.
** Fellowship recipients are expected to submit the product of the accepted proposal to NCMR for publication.

IACM Virtual Seminar Series
"Choosing Research Puzzles of High Relevance and Rigor: How?"
with Debra Shapiro
This 45 minute webinar will describe how Dr. Debra Shapiro has generally chosen research puzzles in order to enhance, both, their relevance to managers and their theoretical rigor. Helpful insights regarding this are likely given Dr. Shapiro’s high frequency of receiving “Best Paper Awards” (four times from the Academy of Management, two times from IACM, and several times by various journals containing her publications) plus her receiving in July 2023 of IACM’s 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award which is strongly guided by a portfolio’s demonstration of high impact. Questions to be addressed, more specifically, in this webinar include, at a minimum: (1) Should scholars avoid or embrace events reported in the news as sources of inspiration for the puzzles they pursue?; (2) Should scholars use academic journals as their primary source of puzzle-selecting inspiration; and if yes, should these journal-sources be only “A” journals?; (3) What, precisely, is an “A” versus “non-A” journal?; and (4) Does drawing theoretical models to depict scholars’ theorizing strengthen their theorizing and relevance or, instead, constrain it? Questions from the audience are also welcomed.
Share Your Success With Us!
IACM would like to start a tradition of us celebrating each other's success (tenure, promotion, and other accomplishments and honors). So take a moment out to let us know the positive events that have occurred recently in your career and it will be featured in the next newsletter and in the News feed at iafcm.org.
SiGNAL Newsletter Editor, Dejun "Tony" Kong
Dejun “Tony” Kong, Ph.D.
Associate Editor, Journal of Management
Associate Editor, Journal of Organizational Behavior
Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership
Leeds School of Business
University of Colorado Boulder, USA
A special thanks to Dejun "Tony" Kong for his efforts as Editor of the SiGNAL Newsletter. Don't forget that we have our SiGNAL Archive at iafcm.org where you can find our newsletter dating back to 1986!

Questions or Comments? Please contact IACM Executive Director Brandon Charpied.

Brandon Charpied
IACM Executive Director
+1 (843) 855-0301 (Cell/Text/WhatsApp)
International Association for Conflict Management