"The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities."
Psalm 103:8-10
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Message from Mr. Gear
Salad Bar
Fish and Chips
Broccoli Salad
Chocolate Chip Cookies
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We will begin our Fall Sunday School quarter this coming Sunday, September 3rd. Children and youth ages PreK to 12th grade are studying the First Catechism, Westminster Shorter Catechism, and the Westminster Confession of Faith, which are taught every four years. You can read the descriptions of this quarter's other classes by clicking the link below.
More Info
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The upcoming Fall Sunday School quarter will mark the beginning of a new Sunday School class for 20's aged people in our church: the Jerusalem Class. The New Covenant Class has mostly grown up into their 30's, and so it is felt that a new younger class is needed. There is no strict rule with where you feel you might fit. Most Bereans are in their 40's and most Emmaus members are in their 50's, but it is all an inexact science, especially when considering marriages between older and younger. Feel some freedom, while also sensing the intention of the program: to gather people in similar age ranges for our SS program. Reach out to Tim Shaw if you have any questions about where you would fit in.
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Miss Sarah Schmidt has recently transitioned from her position as the Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) Intern at SCAD to RUF Campus Staff, a permanent role for women in vocational ministry. Sarah started attending IPC in 2019 while enrolled as a student at SCAD after being connected through RUF at SCAD. She is passionate about RUF’s relational approach to ministry having seen the impact in her own life and others.
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If you would like to get to know Sarah Schmidt better, learn more about the role of RUF Campus Staff, or find out about how you can partner in the ministry of RUF SCAD, Sarah can be contacted via email at sarah.schmidt@ruf.org or phone at(210)- 912-4238. If you would like to receive email updates from Sarah click here.
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Ladies, please join us on Saturday, September 9th from 9:30am-11:30am in Telfair Hall for a time of fellowship with one another. We ask that you please bring your favorite brunch food to share. Please RSVP by September 6th if you are able to join us. Contact Emi Steward at (305) 283-7853 with any questions.
Registration Link
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Our study will begin on September 12 and 13 and go for 9 weeks concluding in early November. We will offer 2 opportunities during the week to be a part of this walk through Philippians. Use the registration link below to let us know you plan to be a part of this. The deadline to register is September 5. Details about book purchases, times and days are in the registration link.
Register Here
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If you are a member of Care Group #09 (J. Breckenridge), please come join us for a four week Bible Study and dessert fellowship at the home of Mark and Carol Dusek (14 Chatuachee Crossing). No preparation is needed. Just come for any of the dates that you are available. It should be a great time to enjoy each others company, some sweets, and God's Word.
Dates: Tuesdays on September 12th, 19th, 26th, and October 3rd
Time: 7:00pm to 8/8:30pm
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The Blue Card is for Sunday parking only at the Board of Education lot and can be used on Wednesdays when parking in the Lane. The JWL is free to park only for church programs (Sundays, Weekday Bible studies, Wednesday Lunch, Choirs). If you wish to park at other times, you may do so but you will need to pay to park. If you have questions, please reach out to Josh Espinosa or the church office.
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The bi-monthly newsletter, IPC Messenger, is available online.
- "Men and the Maternal" article by Mr. Johnson
- Shoes for Rafiki Update from Anna Liebing
- IPC Docent Program
Psalms & Hymns of the Month
- Notes from church family
- Birthdays
- and more...
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A great way to care for college students is by providing a Sunday lunch, around which the students can fellowship. Sign up here to provide a meal by clicking this link: SUNDAY COLLEGE LUNCH.
You can also provide cookies for RUF’s weekly meeting. Sign up here if you’d like to bring a treat: RUF COOKIES *If you have any questions, please contact Amy Rustine @amyrustine@gmail.com*
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INTO THE STUDY is a weekly podcast. If you have not downloaded the app to your smartphone or your tablet, do that today. After downloading, visit the the home tab and click on INTO THE STUDY or look in the media tab. New ones will be released each Thursday. Questions about the app should be directed to Josh Espinosa (josh@ipcsav.org).
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Have you moved? Has a phone number changed? How about your photo and/or your family photo; is it up to date? Please take a moment to look at your information in Realm and see that the information is correct. If you are not sure how to update these items on the Realm website or the Realm Connect app, send an email with the information (photos as well) to this email: directory@ipcsav.org
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The 2023 annual calendar can be accessed online and printed. If you need a copy printed please contact the church office.
The Summer Sunday School quarter began June 4th. Sunday school occurs at 9:00 AM and lasts until 9:40 AM. For details about your Sunday school class, visit the website. This quarter is not elective, so you will return to the class that corresponds to your age.
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For 2023, we will offer the Navigator's Book-at-a-Time Bible reading plan. Hard copies will be available on Sundays and in the church office; you can use the provided pdf as well. We are also working to implement this reading plan in our IPC app for your smartphone or tablet. In the year ahead, ask God each day to speak directly to you from the Scripture portions you read. Be expectant, and let your continual exposure to God’s Word reshape your attitudes and behavior as you gain a better understanding of every part of His written testimony to us.
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