Happy Spring Carole,

I just gave birth to triplets today. I honestly did not know I was pregnant with three! I guess I really like doing things in three!

There is great power in the trinity!

Spring is really a very special time, you can feel the seedlings wiggling beneath the Earth excited to come to the surface. In time, when the Earth warms up a little bit more we will see all the signs of re-birth. You can FEEL the energy bursting to re-surge once again.

"How to Wake Up Your Divine Essence and Create Sacred Space" is the 2nd book my writings are being published in. The news came in today that it will be printed in a few weeks. Once again I'm surrounded by several other authors in this anthology. I can't wait to get my hands on it to see what is being shared. I'll keep you posted when pre-sales hit the market.

"Thunder Bird Spirit Medicine - Shamanic Practitioner Mentorship" is birthed and registration opens today! Below you will find a special invitation just for you. I'd love to walk along side of you if this is your chosen path.

"Blessings to Success" opened today with a sacred ceremony. This is a private container for those who step in boldly getting out of their comfort zone in business. Entrepreneurship is the catalyst to personal growth. More about this will be coming in my next Blue Feathered Stories podcast.

As you can see, it is definitely the energy of new creations and extreme growth. I'm loving it and feeling energized by it all.

What have you been germinating all winter long?

What is bubbling to the surface for you?

It is recommended to start thinking about removing the stagnant winter energies and do some Spring Cleaning inside our homes and inside our bodies. We can do so many practices. Here are a few suggestions:

🌱Deep clean your cupboards, take everything out, wipe and declutter before you put it back in

🌱Take those curtains down, wash the window and let that sunlight in, wash the curtains

🌱Go on a 72 hour water fast, this will do wonders for the body

🌱Consider doing a gentle cleanse omit caffeine, sugar, meat, and dairy for a week. Amp up your greens and your water intake

🌱On the first sign of dandelions make yourself some tea

🌱Start a 40 day sadhana (practice) with the sun salutation (yoga)

And if none of the above appeals to you then simply step outside and breathe in the air with the warm sunlight. Give an offering to the Spirit of Spring with tobacco and a prayer.



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