Community Collaborations International

Environmental, Disaster Relief and Human Service Projects for Volunteer Teams

For over 20 years, CCI has been building relationships with local community partners and recruiting volunteer teams to support their efforts.

Florida Hurricane Relief

Your volunteer team is needed to respond to the devastating damage caused by Hurricanes Idalia and Ian!

The distressed families in Florida have a long path to recovery and volunteers are an essential element of that recovery.

Community Collaborations International is currently assessing damages caused by Hurricane Idalia as well as the continuing recovery from Hurricane Ian. CCI will be selecting the location for its volunteer facility in the coming weeks. We will begin deploying volunteer teams after Thanksgiving and will continue to be there through the end of April.

Our top priority is providing direct relief to individuals and families who have been displaced by the flooding. We also provide support to local community organizations such as food banks, free clothing outlets, and schools struggling to meet the increased needs of families and elderly impacted by the storm.

Volunteer Team Sign Up Form

PHOTOS: Florida surveys damage in aftermath of Hurricane Idalia

"Hurricane Idalia made landfall Wednesday, August 30th in Florida as a Category 3 storm and unleashed devastation along a wide stretch of the Gulf Coast, submerging homes and vehicles, turning streets into rivers, unmooring small boats and downing power lines in an area that has never before received such a pummeling."

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Send a volunteer team to Florida to help with the recovery.

Volunteer Team Sign Up Form

CCI provides all food, lodging, project coordination, safety equipment, and insurance for your volunteer team.

Projects Include:

  • Flood Clean Up
  • Reconstruction
  • Environmental Restoration
  • Food Banks / Soup Kitchens
  • Furniture Banks
  • Free Clothing Outlets
  • After School / Head State Programs
  • Boys and Girls Clubs
  • Community Support for the Elderly and People with Special Needs

Local news reports on the storm surge from Hurricane Idalia that destroyed homes in Horseshoe Beach, with some homes being swept off their foundation.

Volunteer Team Sign Up Form

Check out our other projects below.

Your volunteer team is needed!

Guatemala Projects

“Words cannot describe all that we have learned and experienced this past week and the friendships we have made and will always cherish. As much as we love it here and want to continue helping this country and its people, we cannot wait to come home and share all that we have observed and learned with everyone. This has really been a life-changing experience one we wish to continue as we go on with our lives.” Michelle Brahen, CCI Guatemala Volunteer, Keene State University

Learn More About Our Guatemala Projects
Volunteer Team Sign Up Form

Puerto Rico Projects

“Community-supported agriculture is a critical component in addressing food security and promoting sustainable agriculture in Puerto Rico. By investing in local food systems, we can foster stronger communities, increase access to fresh produce, and reduce our dependence on imported goods. Volunteers who contribute to these projects are helping to create a more resilient and self-sufficient Puerto Rico.” says José A. Rivera, Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Farm Bureau

Learn More About Our Puerto Rico Projects
Volunteer Team Sign Up Form

Costa Rica Projects

"Eventually all of us will graduate and move on to the next phase in our lives, but I know that the memories made, friendships created, and experiences shared on this trip will stick with each of us. I will be forever thankful I spent my last spring break on an ASB trip because it has changed my life for the better. -Kelcy Newton, Costa Rica

Learn More About Our Costa Rica Projects
Volunteer Team Sign Up Form

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