Proclaiming the Gospel; Equipping the Saints; Mobilizing the Church

"Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest."" Matthew 9:37-38

August 2023 

Dear WMO Family,

The Lord is moving mightily! It is harvest time!

Blessings to you in Jesus our Lord. We thank God that World Mission Outreach exists to proclaim, equip, and mobilize the body of Jesus to world evangelism as described in Romans 1:16, to the Jew first and also to the Gentile.

Your prayers and support take the gift of God around the world and Jesus is being proclaimed. Let us go forward to do above and beyond so the Glory of the Lord in Jesus’ name covers the whole earth until He returns. Together we can make an eternal difference to people who are made in the image of God yet need to be redeemed by His love.

The summer of 2023 has been fruitful, and we thank God for the opportunity to bring His love and hope to many churches in upstate New York and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Many believers were encouraged to reach out to their family, friends, and neighbors with the Gospel of Jesus. The simplicity of Jesus is what we bring to the churches. The Lord Jesus is ready to touch people’s lives anywhere His Word is proclaimed. We noticed that many believe Jesus is there with them, but they do not want to live as though they believe He has changed their lives.


As usual, we thank God for His divine appointments for others to get saved and for them to get plugged into a local church for growth.

Meet Paige

Paige grew up in the Plattsburg, New York, area. Her parents are divorced and she was exposed to religion as a tradition and church as an institution. After she heard the Gospel of Grace in Jesus, and the Good News for a thirsty soul, she understood that it is all about a relationship with Jesus. She was open to trust the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior. Today a local church in Plattsburgh is doing follow-up with Paige.

Meet Chris and Rena

After some meetings, we took time off by Lake Michigan. We saw two people, Chris and Rena (brother and sister), walking by a bush near the lake. Rena had a terrible fall and Henry ran to assist her. She stood up and said, “Thank you, I just fell down.” Chris appreciated the help too, and the Lord touched Henry’s heart to say, “Excuse me, I’m sorry you had a terrible fall and I am glad you are alive, but where would you have gone if that fall had caused your death?” Rena said she wasn't sure. Right away Henry made a spiritual transition, explaining that spiritually we are already falling into eternity, that sin is death and death is eternal separation from God. With the reality of her physical fall, Rena understood that in eternity she is falling in sin, not knowing how to bridge the gap of eternal separation. Then the eternal Gospel was explained. What Rena loved most was that the eternal God became man just to take upon Himself the fall she deserved. Her brother was convicted by the Holy Spirit to hear the Good News of God coming to earth to reach out to him and the power in the exchange of lives at the cross. Both, with convicted hearts, surrendered their hearts to Jesus! Follow up is being provided by a local church in Milwaukee. Thank you for your prayers for them.

Meet Jade

While Darlene and I were visiting with evangelists Greg and Mila Piper from the Chicago area, we met for a meal in a local restaurant to catch up and to pray for America. The waitress, Jade, was so attentive to the needs of our wives that Greg was able to give her a Gospel tract to bless her. Jade said she was religious, but she was more open than we expected to hearing truth. Darlene explained the reason God became man and shared the Gospel message as we all prayed in our hearts for Jade. My heart prayed for my wife, Darlene. With conviction, Darlene gave an invitation to trust Jesus right there. Jade prayed to surrender to Jesus. We were shocked to see Jade going to her knees to trust the Lord Jesus. One of the owners walked by and noticed what happened and walked away, while another worker walked by and went back to another room shouting, “Not Jesus! Not Jesus! Not Jesus!” We concluded she was upset to see Jade coming to Jesus. After praying, Jade was called to the office. We prayed that she would not be fired. The owner came and spoke to us. We were honest that Jade was a good worker, one who could be promoted. The owner left and came back again and said, “Thank you, the ice cream/dessert is my gift to you.” We were perplexed and said, “Wow, God, You are alive!” We are sure the owner was blessed to see Jade changed for the better. Glory to God in Jesus. Our friends are now following up with Jade.

Meet and pray for Mike Tyson

Heavyweight world champion knocked down and humbled by Jesus

After ministering to Darlene’s family in the town of her birth, we went through TSA at the Las Vegas Airport. There was a family next to us waiting for their personal items to come out of the x-ray machine. While waiting (God’s perfect timing), I said to the man next to me: “Mike Tyson?” “Yes,” Mike said. I said, “I saw you on TV in the past, and I have prayed to God to reveal to you the Son of God, Messiah Jesus, before you die.” He looked at my face and with seconds in my hands I asked, “Can I pray for you?” Mike thought I meant future prayers, but I said, “No, now!” “Now?” Mike said. “Ok.” Amazingly, Mike stepped aside from all those people next to the TSA x-ray machine. I put my arm on his shoulder and prayed to our Living God in Jesus’ name that His Spirit in His mercy and grace reveal to Mike the love and power of the Gospel of Jesus, the Son of God becoming man, His death and resurrection, and eternal life in Jesus. While I was praying, Mike said repeatedly, “Bless me, bless me, bless me.” After we prayed, Mike said, “thank you,” while his wife and daughter looked on. I thank God for allowing us to share the Gospel through prayers for Mike in such a moment like this. We pray he will get saved and for God to use this seed for His fruits and purposes, just like He did with heavyweight world champion George Foreman in the 1980’s.

Mike has some Muslim influence in his life and that prepares my heart as we go to Zanzibar this month to do a Muslim outreach. Thank you for your prayers. I asked Mike’s permission to take a photo to pray for him and he agreed, so here you have it to begin praying for him and his family. God hears prayers in Jesus’ name! I was humbled to think that Mike Tyson’s fists knocked many great men to the ground, but my hands hugged him with the love of Jesus to knock Mike’s heart down at the foot of the Cross. Amen! Sadly, afterwards, the TSA people laughed at the situation. Oh well, pray for them also.

Please pray as the Holy Spirit leads us in the upcoming outreaches:

  • Jewish/Israel Outreach in Zanzibar, East Africa - August 11
  • Muslim Outreach in Zanzibar (98% Muslim) - August 16-20
  • Orphan outreach to 300+ children at the Naomi Ruth Bread of Life Orphan Center in southern Tanzania, by Malawi and Zambia - August 26
  • Spiritual and physical protection.
  • That many will be saved and for the follow-up by the local church
  • That God will bless the church in Zanzibar as they experience persecution in the midst of the Muslims. We received word that one of the Zanzibar pastors was recently hospitalized and was in serious condition; he collapsed and had not come to since then. This man is a committee member for the Muslim outreach. Our team is under attack. Please pray!
  • For God to protect us and our team and local believers as we conduct all three evangelistic outreaches in Tanzania, East Africa.
  • That God will provide all needed resources to cover any unexpected expenses to reach out to so many souls with spiritual needs.
  • Please pray for the people of Maui, Hawai'i, as a wildfire has burned historic Lahaina town and many homes and land. Jesus loves the people of Maui and we pray that in this time, many will find comfort and hope in the Lord Jesus. World Mission Outreach was born on Maui many years ago and remains a home base with a great need for Jesus. God willing, we will be doing evangelistic outreaches in 2024.
  • The Lord Jesus is doing so many great things that we need a part-time secretary. The Lord has sent us the right person and we trust that He will provide the additional funds to pay her part time. Would you please prayerfully consider additional support to help cover this need.

Glory to God in Jesus our Lord!

We thank God for you, 

Henry & Darlene

Ways you can give

To support WMO ministry, please mail checks to the following address. All gifts are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be mailed to you at the end of the year.  Thank you for your financial gifts that keep us on the frontline.

All support for tax receipts mail to:

World Mission Outreach

Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A.

53 S. Pu'unene Ave, Unit 108

Kahului, HI 96732

Safely donate online:

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-Or Text giving: Text “GIVE” to +17029194448

For more info on WMO or future trips with us, you may visit our website:

For more info on Naomi Ruth Bread of Life Orphan Centers in Tanzania, visit:


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World Mission Outreach, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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