Welcome back, RSPA Lions, and Happy New Year!
How exciting is it to be back to school and welcoming 2024! I hope everyone enjoyed family and friends, got plenty of rest, and made memories.
This month, we are getting back to the basics, reiterating expectations with scholars, and implementing best practices in the classroom. PK-2nd grade scholars will continue building fluency and numeracy skills through guided reading and guided math lessons, while our 3rd-8th grade scholars will continue receiving rigorous and relevant instruction in all content areas while prepping for STAAR.
We are a PBL (project-based learning) and STEAM district, and with that comes enhanced instruction and cross-curricular assignments and projects. Our scholars will complete two projects per nine weeks. Parents, please ensure that your scholar completes their projects and turns them in on time. They are major grades, which are 50%-60% of their overall grade.
Our Parent Resource Room is up and running. Parents, if you are in need of assistance in any way, from computer use, printing, family resources, etc., please come to the campus. We have a space for you to take care of your needs.
Attendance took a big hit in the fall semester. We understand several scholars were out sick, and family priorities sometimes take precedence. However, we need your scholar at school each and every day. Attendance is taken daily at 9:45 AM. Please ensure that your child(ren) arrives at school before 9:45 AM, and if they have to go to an appointment, try to schedule them after 9:45 AM. We are shooting for some 100% days. Please watch your Remind 101 text messages for those days.
My door is always open. Please stop by and say Hello!
Every Child, Every Day, 100% of the Time!!
Lakesha Winslow, M.Ed
Humble Campus Principal