Pine Manor College's Hess Gallery is showing Vida Vieja online through February 7. Created by Pine Manor Gallery graduate Jhovana Correá, this multimedia exhibit displays the artist's watercolor paintings in a video slideshow along with a voice-over from Correá. Vida Vieja is Spanish for "old life," and accordingly, Correá's paintings depict her childhood in Columbia. Each painting is associated with a memory, which she discusses in her video slideshow. She describes activities like going to church, grinding corn, playing outside and other nostalgic experiences. She admits, however, that her memory isn't perfect, represented by the use of watercolor. She explains, "Memory is not 100% accurate; with watercolor, I can portray my memories in an abstracted reality." Each painting is very small, allowing all to be viewable at the same time, reflecting their individual importance in forming the whole of Correá's childhood memory. "By exploring my childhood memories, I have intellectually reconnected with my town and family in Colombia," she says. "Reflecting on these thoughts, objects, people, and places of my past, this work has ultimately highlighted the different stage of life I am in now living in the United States." Vida Vieja is an intimate, personal experience that reminds viewers of the importance of memory and childhood not just because of the nostalgia they create, but because of the ways they influence the present. For more information and to experience Vida Vieja, visit