Fast2Feed in writing with empty plate and fork and knife

March 22nd, 2024

Weekly Newsletter

Feed a family in need

Hunger among Americans is real. 44.2 million people in the United States, including 13 million children, are battling hunger and food insecurity. 

The Humanity First Fast to Feed campaign invites you to “Donate a Lunch" Make a donation worth the value of one meal to fill a hungry stomach.

Muslims who are fasting for Ramadan or followers of any faith can experience a day of fasting or skip a meal and donate the cost of that meal to feed children, parents, and elders who are suffering because of hunger in America. Funds will support HFUSA’s food and meal distribution sites across the U.S. and in partner countries.

Let's beat hunger in America.

Feed a hungry family today
A man reaches for a large sack of potatoes while others in the background are packing plastic bags of food on long tables set up in a parking lot.
Two people put supplies into the open trunk of a sedan.

Smiles for Gaza

The Humanity First response in Gaza has included critically needed food, supplies, warm blankets, shelter, medical care, and psychosocial support. Our UK partners are visiting hospitals to surprise children with comforting gifts and connections, and to hear first-hand from doctors about the challenging conditions they and the children’s families face.

Support Palestine

World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day was celebrated yesterday, March 21, by many who love to read or write in this art form. We are fortunate to share an inspiring poem written by a longtime friend of Humanity First.

Serving humanity, our noble quest with selfless hearts, we do our best to bring comfort, love and light in a world where peace takes flight

We put aside our wants and needs to fulfill the greater good indeed for others' happiness we strive making sure their hopes stay alive

With kindness and a helping hand we ease their burden, understand their pain and struggles, day by day and show them a better way

For in serving others we serve ourselves with purpose, joy, and newfound wealth for a life lived for others' sake Is a life with no regrets, no mistakes

So let us strive to always be a shining example of humanity for when we put others first, we see a world filled with love, unity, and glee.

Monib Zirvi, 2023



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March 22nd, 2024

Weekly Newsletter

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