April 26th, 2024

Weekly Newsletter

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Disaster Relief Appeal – Flooding in Tanzania

Humanity First USA is aiding HF Tanzania to mobilize relief like food, water, and blankets. HFI Director of Operations Fazal Ahmad stated, "I just saw people wading waist deep in the city center. Even in Dar Es Salaam, flooding is really bad. In the farming areas, it has wiped out entire farms and homes. It is El Niño and locals have never seen it this bad."

With your support, HF is always ready to respond to crises and disasters wherever help is needed.

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Giving the Gift of Sight

Imagine having a cataract that has steadily made your vision worse and worse for 30 years before you could afford to see a doctor. Imagine perceiving only light, when just one surgery could help you see your kids and grandkids. 

We are extremely grateful to 14 international volunteers and the staff at Nasir Hospital in Guatemala for giving a second chance at sight to over 90 people this month. The mission screened patients for eye health, prescribed glasses or other treatments, and performed 66 eye surgeries to improve vision. 

HFUSA, HF Healthcare Services, Loyola Medicine, and Cook County Health partnered to bring surgeons, residents, technicians, and medical students to Guatemala. Medical supplies were generously donated by the Surgical Eye Expeditions (SEE) and Alcon Cares Foundation.  

A full report with stories of renewed sight to come soon!

A man with greying hair wearing a sweatshirt stands with his face pressed up to an optical machine. A woman wearing scrubs and a surgical mask peers into the lens on the other side of the machine to examine his eyes.
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You're Invited to the Gala

Gala Tickets

The Humanity First USA 20th Anniversary Gala on May 16th is not to be missed. Join US and foreign dignitaries, nonprofit leaders, and HFUSA supporters like you as we come together in honor of humanitarian service. We are thrilled to host you.

Seats are filling. Purchase your ticket today!

Volunteer Food Security teams in Virginia connect with their cities

Thank you to everyone who turned hunger pangs into hunger relief by fasting and donating to our Fast2Feed campaign. Teams from Zion, Dallas, Southern Virginia, Houston, Atlanta, and Connecticut made a notable effort to raise awareness and funds for Food Security.

HFUSA has addressed food security since our founding 20 years ago. From Guyana to Louisiana to Peru in 2005 and 2006, food supplies and distribution were an important part of HFUSA disaster relief. Regular food distribution to address persistent hunger in communities in the United States began shortly thereafter and continues today.

  • Thank you to the City of Manassas, VA for proclaiming April 8th as Beat Hunger Day .
  • Thank you to Dumfries, VA for recognizing HFUSA’s efforts to eradicate hunger.
  • Thank you to the City of Manassas Park, VA for proclaiming April 3rd as Beat Hunger Day.

In this picture, Haadullah Choudhry (left) and Mumtaz Ahmed (right) from the Southern Virginia food distribution team receive the proclamation from Dumfries Mayor Derrick Wood.

Three men stand together in front of a wooden podium bearing an official seal. The man on the right holds a laminated copy of a proclamation.

Name these volunteers for National Volunteer Month

From their own neighborhoods to the corners of the globe, HFUSA volunteers have traveled our journey of hope, healing, and humanity. April is National Volunteer Month, and we thank our volunteers from 2004-2024 for their service!

There were no correct entries from the earlier contest, so there is one more chance to name the volunteers. Tell us who and where the HF volunteers are in this photo for a chance to score some HFUSA swag 😃. One winner will be drawn from the correct responses.

Submit your answer!

Four men wearing baseball caps and blue Humanity First t-shirts and a woman in a pink shirt and a  a white and red Red Cross vest pose for a picture.
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