Dear Friends,

Welcome to the 14th edition of #HumanitiesInContext with news of the Council’s grants, initiatives, and events as well as curated humanities content that is a springboard for reflection, learning, and action. Read on for stories of impact, humanities in action, and humanities happenings in Rhode Island. 

We will also be sharing some of our favorite stories and resources on the Council’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @rihumanities. 
All my best,
Elizabeth Francis
Executive Director
and the Humanities Council Team
Your support helps ensure that all Rhode Islanders have access to and engage with the humanities, now, and in the future. Visit or if you’d like to learn more contact Rachael Jeffers at
Stories of Impact:
As we look back at 2020, we thought you’d like to see a summary of the 95 grants made by the Humanities Council. Humanities engagement will help to build informed and resilient communities as the public health crisis evolves and the movement for racial justice advances change. These grants and our ongoing partnerships are all part of how the Council has mobilized the humanities to meet the moment. Click here for more.
UNLADYLIKE2020, a multimedia documentary project supported by the Humanities Council, has earned a Women Transforming Media Award from the MY HERO International Film Festival to recognize outstanding documentary shorts featuring women. UNLADYLIKE2020 has reached nearly 5 million viewers to date. You can watch all the short films here - including those featuring Rhode Islanders Sisseretta Jones, Annie Smith Peck, and Charlotta Bass. ULL2020 is also proud to now offer Do-It-Yourself online screening kits, made possible in part through the Humanities Council’s support. Find out more about this new resource here.
Humanities in Action: a curated list of humanities resources for reflection, learning, and action.
To Read:

Virginia’s Governor Ralph Northam recently announced plans to repurpose valued public space in the capital city of Richmond. Governor Northam has requested $10 million in Virginia’s upcoming budget to support reimagined public art and creative storytelling that offers an inclusive and forward looking representation of the city and state’s history and future. Northam stated, “At a time when this Commonwealth and country are grappling with how to present a complete and more honest picture of our complex history, we must work to enhance public spaces that have long been neglected and shine light on previously untold stories.” Read the full article here. 
"Rumors of War, a statue of a modern Black man astride a horse, stands in front of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, about two miles from the Robert E. Lee statue. Governor Northam has asked the museum to help fill Monument Avenue with more diverse art." National Geographic.
Local connection: The City of Providence now has a Special Committee for the Review of Commemorative Works. The Department of Art, Culture, + Tourism’s Advisory Board on Commemorative Works is chaired by Elizabeth Francis and includes many of the Humanities Council’s past and present grantees, awardees, and partners. Click here to learn more.
To Watch:

Throughout the fall, Rhode Island Latino Arts (RILA) hosted five conversations as part of a series that will share perspectives from the world’s 21 Spanish-speaking countries. : Participants have included Catarina Lorenzo, Felipe Martínex-Pinzón, Mar Parrilla, Elvys Ruis, and Iris Montero Sobrevilla. Click here to visit the RILA website where you can access video recordings of the conversations. 

This project is supported by a CARES Act - General Operating Support Grant from the Humanities Council. 
To Listen:

Rhody Radio is an online podcast channel where the state’s public libraries are able to upload, stream, and share public programs during the age of social distancing. In this episode, listen to a conversation with Save the Bay Executive Director Jonathan Stone and author Todd McLeish as they chat about how connection to place can spark advocacy to protect natural and cultural landscapes. 

This project is supported by a CARES Act Humanities in the Age of Social Distancing Project Grant from the Humanities Council. 
#HumanitiesHappenings: Upcoming Events & Opportunities
Please check out the Council’s calendar for more details. The events we’ve highlighted below are just a few of the many offerings by Council grantees and partners.

Applications open for Why It Matters , a new, short-term grant opportunity from the Humanities Council for projects focused on voting, elections, and democratic participation. Why It Matters will support seven grants of $5,000 each. Click here for more information and eligibility requirements.

Why It Matters is part of the ongoing XIX: Shall Not Be Denied Initiative and funded by the “Why it Matters: Civic and Electoral Participation” initiative, administered by the Federation of State Humanities Councils and funded by Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. 

Make your end-of-year gift to support the Humanities Council’s ongoing efforts to seed, support, and strengthen Rhode Island’s cultural sector. As our thanks for your generous support this year, donors who make a gift of $50 or more (or sustaining monthly gifts of $5 or more per month) will receive a limited edition Council face mask. Make your gift online or mail a check to the Humanities Council office.

A reminder that Major Grant Applications are due January 15th by 5:00pm EST. Visit the website for more information.
XIX: Shall Not Be Denied is a partnership initiative of the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities and the Rhode Island Department of State. Due to the pandemic, Shall Not Be Denied will continue amplifying Rhode Island centennial events through March 2021 via the website and on Instagram @xixshallnotbedenied.
This list will be added to as the Humanities Council is made aware of resources available to the sector as we weather this storm together. Check back often.