In this issue:
Productive Relationships© returns!
Smart People:
The Challenge of Giftedness©
Compressed Managing Corporate Change
New Advanced WMF®
Article: Decision Fatigue
Susan and John's Video Library
John on-line

Productive Relationships© Returns Virtually!

Productive Relationships©, the course that started it all for John, returns for the first time in a virtual format in November. Listening is the primary skill of communication yet most of us have never been trained in listening especially to peoples emotions!
Whether it is team members or kids, spouses or others that we care about need need to be heard. They need the support of a committed listener to process all the emotions so they can fix their problems.

All change generates conflict. We are living in perhaps the most conflictual time of our lives. But do we have the skill to resolve the conflict? This is the other major skill set of PR©. (See our Website for the complete description)

Dates: November 17-19, 2020

Format: Virtual via Zoom

Special Price for this session of PR© $2,250

Is "Smart" a Problem?
Smart People: The Challenge of Giftedness
When our kids are born we hope and pray they will be smart and talented. Then the wish comes true and the roller coaster ride begins. Bored at school, frustrated with same age peers, endless arguments, intense emotions and so much more.
We hope and pray that after school when they are working it will be better, easier. Then we find out it is just a different set of issues all stemming from being smart, with high standards for every part of life. They have a sensitivity to the world that frequently shows up as a burden. The arguments shift to ethical battles with the organizations they are in.

It is as if we were not given the owners manual for how to operate when we are gifted. Things always seem a bit off. This very special course is the culmination on 35 years of work with gifted individuals. All are welcome, gifted individuals and those around them.

This is the owners manual!

October 27-29, 2020
Format: Virtual via Zoom
Course fee $3,750

Advanced Women Moving Forward®
Nov. 12-13, 2020
The next step for WMF© graduates, with a deep dive into "purpose". Don't miss this opportunity to work with Susan and other graduates in a small group setting; virtually.

$1,500 for one person
$2,500 for two

Family with kids in face mask in shopping mall or airport. Mother and child wear facemask during coronavirus and flu outbreak. Virus and illness protection_ hand sanitizer in public crowded place.
Compressed Managing Corporate Change©
Covid changes have accelerated an already crazy world!! I know I need help but where do I find the time? We have done the core skills of MCC© in a compressed format 7 times now. The format is 3 half days taught virtually.

Don't miss the opportunity to get all the essential skills of MCC© in a format that fits your life.

Nov 11, 12, 13, 2020
Course fee $1,500
Format Virtual via Zoom

WMF® Get-together
via Zoom
Friday Oct. 30 9:30 AM PST
Open to all WMF© Grads
No charge.
Email us to
reserve your spot.
2020-21 Courses Public Workshop Schedule

Smart People: The Challenge of Giftedness, Oct 27-29, 2020 Virtual $3,750

Managing Corporate Change© Nov 11-13 Virtual (4 hours/day) $1,500

Advanced Women Moving Forward® Nov 12-13 Virtual $1,500

2021 Courses

Women Moving Forward® Feb 23-25, Westlake Village CA $4,750

Women Moving Forward March 9-11, Singapore $6,750

Advanced WMF® April 8-9, Cincinnati OH $3,250

Women Moving Forward® April 12-14, Cincinnati OH $4,750

Managing Corporate Change© April 27-29 $3,750

Women's Leadership Retreat® May 11-13, Ojai CA $4,950 FULL

Enabling Purpose through Relationships© June 22-24 $3,750

Women Moving Forward® July 20-22 Westlake Village CA $4,750

Women Moving Forward® October 6-8, Geneva Switzerland $6,750

Adv. Women Moving Forward® October 12-13 Geneva Switzerland $3,750

Women's Leadership Retreat® November 3-5 Westlake Village CA $4,950
The Hidden one: "Decision Fatigue"

Them: "What do you want for dinner?

You "I don't Know! I picked yesterday"

Them "No, you didn't I did! Its your turn! Pick something!"

You "I can't do it. Do we have to eat?"

How could this decision possibly be this hard? It's dinner.

But it is. Because you have been making a hundred decisions all day long that you normally did not have to do pre-covid. You have decision fatigue. Your Instacart order just came in. What's the protocol now? Do I have to just wipe down the bags? Or is it the bags and each individual item? What is the standard today? Wait, is it the vegetables you can't use wipes on? Or the fruits and the vegetables? Are we supposed to quarantine all this or just the items in plastic?

Remember those halcyon days when you came home and just put the groceries away? Totally on automatic pilot no concious decision making at all!

Nope in a pandemic, decision making is constant and relentless.

What about the parents home schooling how many decisions does that add?

By 5:00 PM the decision making part of you brain is pooped. The simplest thing is overwhelming, by the end of the day.

Here's our recommendation.

-All the decisions you know you are going to make; make early in the dinner. Don't worry about how hungry you will be just pick.

-Keep in mind how many of the choices have little to no negative consequences. Geography first, English first? Just pick one. She's in the 5th grade Harvard acceptance does not hang in the balance!

-Your attitude and levels of stress will effect the outcomes way more than the actual choice most of the time!

Hope this helps. FYI We picked dinner for today right after dinner last night.

As always we invite your input.
Planning in massive uncertainty. Should you send your kids back to school? Susan and John give you an approach to planning without all the data.
Here's their latest video.
Covid Stress Reducing Exercise from Susan!
Less than 5 minutes to manage your stress.
Highlights from our latest webinar:
We're not going back to the way we were!
What will the future look like? What's gone? What's here to stay?
Five Previous Videos people Loved!
Mourning your old life; we are not going back to the way things were!
Quick clip from "Stress" Webinar
Susan and John answer webinar
participants question:
"Why am I so distracted and clumsy, right now? What's the matter with me?
A message from Susan and John to help survive these challenging uncharted waters. A little humor too of course!

Video #2 Susan and John show you how to get amazing food from the safety of your own home! Alaskan Salmon to papaya from Hawaii...
Susan and John with advise about Prolonged togetherness with your family.
How do you put 40 YEARS of living your Purpose in 10 minutes? Well, here it is...

Watch for our Youtube Channel with additional Videos, coming soon!

Susan Van Vleet Consultants, Inc.®
An International Consulting Company
31416 Agoura Rd. Suite 255, 
Westlake Village, CA 91360, USA
PHONE (303) 660-5206