Year 3, Issue 12— March 5, 2024

founded by Minnesota Women's Press, a media pioneer since 1985

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Media That Makes a Difference

Changemakers Alliance is a supporter-driven spinoff of Minnesota Women's Press, designed to connect engaged feminists who care about solutions and action, and to take stories off the page into conversations.

This Thursday

As we get closer to the April 13 gathering of Badass members, our year-long work on the Re-Imagining Public Safety series is speeding up. In this week's Changemakers Alliance stories you will notice a few stories related to a long-running debate:

Is (expensive) incarceration the primary way to keep the community safe, or can we go upstream by investing more deeply in methods to reduce the motivations behind criminal and violent behavior?

This is an issue that women in particular seem uniquely able to lead: to engage in restorative justice and diversion programs to impact behaviors, and to go head-to-head with older patriarchal systems that have not improved public safety in measurable ways for decades.

I met Friday with a group of survivor advocates for a discussion about how to focus more attention on the most common crime: domestic violence. Earlier in the week I talked with a man who was incarcerated at age 17 for 24 years because of violent behavior. Between those conversations lies a lot of potential for Minnesotans to begin to adjust mindsets about what can reduce crime before it happens.

— Mikki Morrissette, publisher

Public Safety

stories underwritten by Badass members

Testimony and Debate About Gun Death of Children

Nationally, in the past ten years, unintentional deaths by firearms among children increased by 83 percent.

Suicide deaths among youth increased by 70 percent. Death by gun violence increased by 85 percent.

This story captures the latest debate about gun safety at the Minnesota legislature, related to two bills led by Rep. Jamie Becker-Finn (D-40B) and Rep. Kaohly Vang Her (D-64A).

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How Youth Violence Happens: A Conversation With Shea Holt

"Looking back, the more I’d hold things in, the less I cared about anybody. It did really come down to that: 'Nobody cares about what I feel. I don’t even know what I’m feeling, other than I feel frustrated and angry and I don’t even know why.' ... To know that you’re not just by yourself is an incredibly huge thing."

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Who Decides Whether Restorative Justice Is Allowed to Become More Effective Than Incarceration?

"What we do in this country is incarcerate, and we haven’t really [done much of] anything other than incarcerate." — Hennepin County Commissioner Angela Conley

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ECOLUTION: Evolution of Stronger Economies & Ecosystems

series underwritten by Seward Co-op

March issue:

On the Surface

How Cherilyn Spears Moved Red Lake Nation to Food Sovereignty

Part 1: Conversation with Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter

"We are learning why to advocate for basic guaranteed income. But probably more importantly, we are exposing lies that we've learned about why people are poor and how poverty works. Those lies creep into our public policy, which is why our war on poverty hasn't worked." 

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Quote of the Week: From Heather Cox Richardson

By 1912, President Teddy Roosevelt had come to believe that a strong federal government was the only way for citizens to maintain control over corporations, which he saw as the inevitable outcome of the industrial economy. In a speech from Kansas, after a lawsuit filed by Minnesota against a railroad monopoly was not heard by the Supreme Court, Roosevelt called for a new nationalism.

“The absence of effective state, and, especially, national, restraint upon unfair money-getting has tended to create a small class of enormously wealthy and economically powerful men, whose chief object is to hold and increase their power. The object of government is the welfare of the people.”

Bulletin Board Supported by Badass Members

Changemakers Alliance is seeking graphic artists and illustrators, especially those living in Greater Minnesota, for future promotional material about statewide conversations.

Please share this newsletter with anyone you think might be interested in short-term freelance work, so they can see the scope of what we do if they are not familiar.

We also are looking for a freelance Books/Arts editor, also ideally from Greater Minnesota, to help us decide on month-to-month coverage.

Send a link to any portfolio or clips, and a brief description of your passions and location, to

Job Opening:

Conflict Resolution Center

The Conflict Resolution Center (CRC) is seeking a program director who has experience in trauma-informed practices. CRC provides free or low-cost restorative services that increase housing and community stability and that focus on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, low-income and other marginalized populations. Through mediation, conflict coaching, cooperative problem solving, navigation, community circles, and restorative conferencing, CRC provides restorative services in schools, courts, and varied community settings.

April 13 Event Highlight


  • Collective Health for 2024: about mental health, housing, collaborative solutions, including thoughts from Dr. Catherine Squires

  • 1st Annual Badass Awards, chosen by Badass members

Event Sponsors to date

Minneapolis Foundation

Valvoline: Northern Minnesota

Vote Run Lead

Women Winning

Join us April 13 to find out how you can be part of the solution

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To participate in the event, the post-event actions, and vote for the first Badass Minnesotans awards:

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this video was part of our award-winning social media campaign

Minnesota Women's Press was recognized by the Minnesota Newspaper Association for six 2023 awards in photography (including first place for the River Stories cover below), social media campaign, Best Magazine article, and Community Service Leadership for our gender-based violence coverage.

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