
Hello America First Patriots,

There are going to be several Amendments on the ballot. The Republican Party of Florida recommends a yes vote on all except numbers three and four, see below more details.

Please keep this information handy and share it with your friends when it’s time to vote.

A "YES" vote on Amendment 1, Partisan Election of Members of District School Boards.

A "YES" vote on Amendment 2, Right to Fish and Hunt.

A"NO" vote on Amendment 3, Adult Personal Use of Marijuana.

A "NO" vote on Amendment 4, Amendment ot Limit Government Interference with Abortion.

A "YES" vote on Amendment ,5 Annual Adjustments ot the Value of Certain Homestead Exemptions.

A "YES" vote on Amendment 6, Repeal of Public Campaign Financing Requirement Certification


WHEREAS, it is vital that al Republicans be fuly informed and educated regarding the proposed amendments ot Florida's Constitution appearing on the 2024 General Election ballot;

WHEREAS, AMENDMENT 1, proposed by joint resolution of the Florida Legislature and entitled Partisan Election of Members of District School Boards, which requires members of a district school board to be elected in a partisan election rather than anonpartisan election and wil apply beginning ni the 2026 elections;

WHEREAS, AMENDMENT 2, proposed by joint resolution of the Florida Legislature and entitled Right to Fish and Hunt, which preserves forever fishing and hunting, including by use of traditional methods, as a public right and preferred means of responsibly managing and controlling fish and wildlife;

WHEREAS, AMENDMENT 3, proposed by citizen initiative and entitled Adult Personal Use of Marijuana, which legalizes recreational marijuana throughout Florida in order to benefit powerful marijuana special interests, while putting children at risk and endangering Florida's family-friendly business and tourism climates;

WHEREAS, AMENDMENT 4, proposed by citizen initiative and entitled Amendment to Limit Government

Interference with Abortion, which dramatically expands and legalizes the systemic killing of unborn babies in the state of Florida, potentially up until birth under the guise of "protecting women's health", and destroys the ability of the people's elected representatives to pass common- sense protections for women and unborn babies, and the RPOF State Executive Commitee has officially declared its opposition to this misleading amendment;

WHEREAS, AMENDMENT 5, proposed by joint resolution of the Florida Legislature and entitled Annual Adjustments to the Value of Certain Homestead Exemptions, which requires an annual adjustment for inflation to the value of current or future homestead exemptions that apply solely to levies other than school district levies; and

WHEREAS, AMENDMENT 6, proposed by joint resolution of the Florida Legislature and entitled Repeal of Public Campaign Financing Requirement, which repeals the requirement for public financing for campaigns of candidates for elective statewide office who agree to campaign spending limits.

NOW THEREFORE MAY IT BE RESOLVED, that the Republican Party of Florida Executive Board officially recommends the following votes at the 2024 General Election regarding the proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution:

I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolutions were approved by vote of the Republican Party of Florida Executive Board on the 4th day of May, 2024, at a duly called meeting with a quorum of members present.

RPOF Evan Power

