May 2019
An Education Minnesota ESI Member Benefit
How to Protect Your Retirement Income from a Long-term Care Gap
The difficulty in planning a comfortable retirement may be in anticipating all future needs... including the possibility of an extended healthcare event.

Help Keep Existing Retirement Plans and Assets Intact

401(k) and 403(b) accounts. IRAs. Life insurance policies. Each helps you plan for a stable future. Long-term care insurance can help protect against borrowing from these assets.

  • Funding Options for Long-term Care: Understanding the options available for funding long-term care can help you reach an informed decision. Are you ready for retirement?

  • Self-pay: Long-term care can be expensive. The national average yearly cost of a private room in a nursing facility is now over $100,000*, (home care averages $50,336 for just 44 hours of care per week, and can actually outpace facility care if around-the-clock care is needed). With an average care event lasting 3 years**, how would this impact your retirement and family plans?

  • Government Funding: Government's help with long-term care costs is limited. Medicare helps with the cost of some health care, but it does not cover the cost of most long-term care. And to qualify for Medicaid, you must be low income, which means income and savings must be spent down to qualify.
In this example, you could be living comfortably on $75,000 a year. But what if your income needs suddenly skyrocketed? An Alzheimer's diagnosis can cause the gap to widen even further.

Long-term Care Insurance

This retirement income gap happens when your retirement income needs change - unexpectedly - and your expenses suddenly outpace your budget. Let us help you close the gap between your retirement income plan and possible extended care expenses. Coverage can pay for out-of-pocket costs incurred for covered expenses - for at-home and facility care - providing a way to help pay for care and help protect retirement income and assets.

Let's talk about how you can overcome this retirement income gap with a written plan for your future long-term care needs. To receive a no cost, no obligation consultation on your long-term care planning options, contact us at 763-689-9023,, or visit us online at today!
May is National Stroke Awareness Month
For those who have experienced a stroke or have a loved one who has, you know the spiral of confusion that ensues - how did this happen, what do I do, what happens next?

Our partners at Lifesprk offer their insights on how to navigate care after a loved one has experienced a stroke.
Have questions about what you read today or just looking for some long-term care planning advice? Please know, we are here whenever a need may arise.
Sponsored by Education Minnesota ESI in partnership with Educators Lifetime Solutions
763-689-9023 | |
You are receiving this message because you attended a prior Education Minnesota ESI workshop, where you indicated interest in long-term care insurance. EFS Advisors sponsored this workshop in conjunction with Education Minnesota ESI. You may unsubscribe by selecting the 'unsubscribe' link below at any time.

Securities offered through Advanced Advisor Group (AAG), Member Investment Advisory Services offered through Educators Financial Services (EFS), a Registered Investment Advisor. 440 Emerson St N Ste 4, Cambridge MN 55008 (877) 403-2374.
Advanced Advisor Group and Educators Financial Services are affiliates under common control D/B/A EFS Advisors and are not affiliated with Education Minnesota ESI or Newman Long Term Care.   Educators Lifetime Solutions offers long-term care insurance and is affiliated with Advanced Advisor Group and Educators Financial Services. Sources: *Genworth Cost of Care Survey 2018, June 2018, based on 44 hours of care per week. **Genworth Beyond Dollars 2018 Survey, November 2018.