Dear Ramah Nyack Families and Friends,

On Wednesday night at Zimriyah we had the honor and privilege of hosting Orna and Ronen Neutra, parents of Omer Neutra, a Ramah Nyack staff alum who is one of the hostages still being held in captivity. In a moving address they shared Omer's story, his interests, passions, qualities and values, and the important role that being a staff member at camp played in his decision to move to Israel and enlist in the IDF.

Orna shared: “You may be asking us and yourselves, how can we help? Our request is that you wake up every morning and ask yourselves, 'What can I do today on behalf of Omer and all of the hostages?' And many of you are already doing a lot - in prayer, in rallying, in contacting your representatives and the White House asking what they are doing to bring the hostages back."

Taking all of these actions is helping to keep the issue of the hostages front and center. Let's keep doing all that we can as a community to bring Omer, and all of the hostages, home!

If you are involved in summer programming for kids and teens please consider this resource landing page, inspired by the story of Omer. Please also see these additional resources, which were shared with us by the Neutra family:

About Omer

The Story of Omer Neutra Facts & Resources

American Hostages Information

May we hear good news soon.

Shabbat Shalom,


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