November 13, 2020
Click here to support the Cinema with a CAC Gift Card, which can be used once we reopen for Tickets, Membership, and Cafe items.
How to Access Our Streaming Programs
While we continue to work toward a safe reopening, we are still here providing robust programming in our virtual spaces. We understand that accessing programs this way is still new to many of our members and patrons. We want you to know that we are here to help.

If you ever have questions about how to access our streaming programs, write to and a staff person will assist you.

Here is an overview of the types of streaming programs we have and how to access them:

Discussions and Events on Zoom:

We have unique, fun, and interesting discussions and events on Zoom, like our Conversation with Elliott Gould this Sunday, our monthly Trivia Night, and The Art and Films of DAVID LYNCH - Zoom Lecture Program hosted by Greg Blank! When you buy a ticket online, you will be sent all the information you need to access the program on Zoom. You can click the Zoom link, or enter the Zoom code and password that we send you into your Zoom app, or Zoom website. HERE is a tutorial for using Zoom on your desktop or laptop. HERE is a tutorial for using Zoom on your phone or device.

New Films from Our Distributors:

Independent film distributors are making films available to art house theater audiences online during theater closures. These are first-run films that are available over a period of weeks. They are purchased through the distributors' platforms, but the ticket revenue supports the Cinema Arts Centre. Films like MADRE, MARTIN EDEN, and CITIZENS OF THE WORLD are streaming now. CLICK HERE for instructions.

Streaming Programs Through Our Own Platform:

The Cinema Arts Centre is able to present some streaming content through our own platform rather than the distributor's platform. Tickets can be purchased through our website. When you purchase a ticket, you will be asked to log into your account with us, or create an account. After you purchase your ticket, you can navigate right back to the page where you purchased your ticket and click on "Click to Stream" in order to view the program. (Do not refresh browser while streaming.)

How to Find All Our Streaming Programs:

Check Out Our Events Page on Facebook - When you go to our Facebook Page, just click on EVENTS and you will see all our screenings and events.

And remember, if you have any questions, feel free to write to and a staff person will contact you as soon as possible.
We Love Your Messages! Thanks for Your Words of Support!

During the temporary closure of our facility, it has been so encouraging and inspiring to receive testimonials and messages of support from our members, patrons, volunteers, and stakeholders. Thank you so much for writing to us. We would like to share some of these heartening messages with you all:
"The CAC has been a major part of my life since early 1973 when we opened The Linden Tree Cafe. Then if I needed to get away from cooking and customers, I'd go off to what was the New Community Cinema. There I could view fine film....not the usual Hollywood drivel. Now the Cinema Arts Centre, it remains my favorite escape hatch.. Hopefully, we'll soon be back to a world as normal as possible. l truly look forward to volunteering as well." - Jessica Ley

"The Cinema Arts Centre is the heart & soul of Huntington. The films, events, and people that gather at the Cinema, educate, entertain, and inspire in countless ways. The Cinema Arts Centre is truly an exceptional place of community." - Lynda Morella

"The CAC draws together people who have a wider outlook on the world. People who have an interest in the art and culture of other countries and places shown in independent films also tend to participate more in our Huntington community. The CAC supports them by allowing many civic-minded groups use of the facility (once we're allowed to gather again!). Even during Covid, the garden is a quiet oasis to get away from it all. And when open, the popcorn is the best!" - Roger Weaving

"I have been a member and supporter of Cinema Arts Centre for many years. The movie offerings, especially the independent films continue to broaden my horizons. More importantly, CAC is a community hub for people interested in film and its impact on our lives." - Alex Wolff

"When we moved to Long Island one of our neighbors gave us a welcome gift of a membership to the CAC. We are so grateful to have been introduced as we were navigating the area and discovering artistic life. Now 16 years later the CAC is a mainstay of our life, usually seeing films and going to events at least twice a week It has provided us with such artistic gifts through the films that are presented, the speakers who are showcased and a multitude of events that has something for everyone! All with a welcoming staff and environment. The CAC is a vital part of Long Island!!! We are proud supporters and involved members!" - Jacqueline Strayer, Trustee, Cinema Arts Centre
Please fell free to write to us for any reason! Share suggestions. Tell us what you think of the films. Ask questions. Staying connected with you is what it's all about!

Find our staff directory here:

Thank you!
The Cinema Arts Centre is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. The mission of the Cinema Arts Centre is to bring the best in cinematic artistry to Long Island, and use the power of film to expand the awareness and consciousness of our community.
Special Thanks to Our Community Newsletter Sponsor:
Thanks to Our November Program Sponsors:
Thanks to Stuart and Ginger Polisner for their ongoing support of our Real-to-Reel and Creativity Series.

Thanks to Lynn & Jonah Kaufman for their ongoing support of our Making Memories Programs.

When you visit a business that supports the cinema, please let them know how much it means to you.
Major Grant Support
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