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The stupendous power of the Holy Spirit shook and danced around our tent throughout the weekend of our TENT REVIVAL IN THE HOLY SPIRIT.
(May 11-12 , 2018) . 

We started on Friday night with Eucharistic Adoration at 6 pm in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel ( where the Intercessory Team remained in vigil, praying throughout the weekend for all the participants of our Tent Revival.)

Following our Eucharistic prayers in the chapel, we moved to the tent, as Ken Julien & Unity Omokha welcomed everyone with joyful Praise & Worship.

Welcome !
Fr Joseph Meagher gave the first talk on “GOD’S LOVE”, which he said is the invitation to us to encounter the Lord and make it totally possible for us to have intimate personal relationship with Him (John 4:16).
Chinna Iheakaram followed with her heart warming personal witness, “Life is a journey; so is Faith—God is love.”

More singing, then we broke up into our assigned small groups to share with one another our expectations, hopes and desires from this Life in the Spirit Seminar. During our sharing time, the Food Team came around with sandwiches for everyone.
Fr Joseph Meagher on "God's Love"
Chinna Iheakaram giving a witness on
"God's Love"
Next day, Saturday, we started with Holy Mass at 7:00 am in the chapel, moving into the tent with lively praise & worship led by Ken.  The day’s first topic was “Salvation”. For this one, we started with the witness about God’s saving mercy given by John Taylee , a former drug addict who is now a volunteer at the Corona Self Help Center.

Fr Albert Nzeh , of Blessed Sacrament Church, followed with his inspiring teaching on “ SALVATION ,” explaining that God sent His Son Jesus to redeem us through His death and resurrection - and it is through faith in Him and repentance from our sins that we are able to receive this wonderful gift of salvation.

Following this talk , during our Small Group discussion, we shared with one another about instances in our lives when God showed us His loving mercy.
Fr Albert Nzeh on "Salvation"
John Taylee witnessing on "Salvation."
Below: breaking up in Small Groups : reflection on the previous talk and sharing testimonies
Our next speaker on Saturday morning was Fr Bill Halbing , of St Matthew Church in Ridgefield NJ.  He touched on “ NEW LIFE ", the promise of a new life in the Holy Spirit. With his special gift of drawing attention to God’s truth through humor, Fr Bill left us with this reflection: “The Holy Spirit is the outflow of the overflow of the inflow of God.”
The witness for the talk on New Life was Josephine Balima who galvanized us with her testimony of her first encounter with the Lord Jesus at a Life in the Spirit Seminar, which radically transformed her life and gave her a passionate love for His Word.
“What do you hope for and what are you looking for in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for your life?” was the question which we reflected on in the small groups following the talk. As we enjoyed our lunch, which was handed out by the Food Team, we huddled together and shared our hearts and our lives with one another.
Fr Bill Halbing on "New Life".
Josephine Balima giving her witness for "New Life"
Above, Small Group sharing . Below, Bro. Michael Grogan preaching on "Receiving God's Gift"
The first talk on Saturday afternoon, RECEIVING GOD’S GIFT was given by Bro. Michael Grogan of Prophetic Encounters, a legally blind lay missionary working with young men involved in gang warfare in the underbelly areas of the Bronx.
His message is as powerful as it is simple: The NEW LIFE IN THE SPIRIT is the very life of Jesus in each one of us. He wants to live His very life in us. In Baptism we became Jesus. We are JESUS by grace! His life is the only life worth living. 

Avon Taylor followed with a personal witness of her spectacular love story with Jesus and how He changed her whole life.  

Breaking up in our small groups, we reflected together on where in our lives is the Lord calling us to a deeper conversion.
Bro. Michael Grogan talk on "Receiving God's Gift", ending with his song "I am a Jealous God"
Avon Taylor giving witness on "Receicing God's Gift".
More anointed music from Ken, Unity and Rizza , followed by another talk by Bro. Michael Grogan who spoke on P RAYING FOR THE BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT.
For his second talk, Bro. Michael spoke about the magnificent power of the Holy Spirit and what it has done in his life and in his ministry of serving young men involved in drugs and gang activities. He ended his talk with this: “ Jesus said we would do greater things than Him, because we are Him,” summarizing the evangelization mission statement of our Tent Revival in the Holy Spirit.

We broke up into small groups, as the Food Team lovingly served each one with plates of delicious dinner, and as we pondered on the question, “what are your hopes and expectations of the Praying for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?” Continue below the series of photos.
Exhilirating Praise & Worship!
Small group discussions after every talk
Childcare was available . Thanks MayJen & team
Then came time in the late afternoon to move from the tent to the main church for our Eucharistic Adoration and Penance Service. 
But before this, Fr Joseph with Fr Martin Adu Gwanfi brought Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament from the chapel to the altar in the tent. We all knelt on the ground as Fr Martin led some prayers and we sang some worship songs.

Eucharistic Adoration prayers led by Fr Martin in the tent
We then lined out of the tent on a Eucharistic Procession to the Church, going though South Orange Ave and up the steps of our Church. It was a beautiful walk with our Lord, and as we entered the darkened church, Jesus was set on His throne at the altar, with the only bright light shining on Him. 

The Penance Service began with meditations from St. Faustina’s Diary (“Conversation of the Merciful God with a Sinful Soul.”)  This was followed by an examination of conscience based on “Miracle Hour” led by Fr Joseph, and then the Sacrament of Confession with priests stationed in different parts of the Church. 
After confession, each person went to the tables in front of the altar for the Penitential Rites; first was the washing of the hand in a bowl of water and wiping it in a clean white cloth, then prayerfully laying the hand on the Bible, and finally lighting one candle each to shine before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. JESUS IS LORD!

337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103
Rev. Joseph Meagher (Pastor)