Day 15

We're halfway the challenge, and we're wondering how it's going for you!

We asked members of our extended community if they had any encouraging words to share with you. Not surprisingly, they did:

  • Cheryl was vegetarian but not vegan before she started working at the sanctuary. She says, "It gets easier. No matter what food you miss, there's usually a way to veganize it. Try new recipes, some won't be good, but it's a starting point."

  • BJ says "Take it one day at a time. Subscribe to lots of vegan cooking pages, like VeganRicha, LazyCatKitchen, YuenManCooking, RainbowPlantLife, etc., and really dive into vegan cooking. Try new recipes every week until you get an arsenal! Use Paprika to organize the recipes. We eat very well doing this, and it’s fun to cook without yucky meat products."

  • Rachel began to go vegan gradually and then made the rest of the change all at once when she met a mother hen and her chicks. As a mother herself, Rachel could empathize with the hen and couldn't imagine herself ever again being responsible for someone's child being taken away from them. She says, "Keep up the great work. All our furry and feathered friends appreciate it. As do all of us at VINE!"

  • Several people suggested that we remind you not to give up if you slip up. Just start again at the next meal.

  • Echoing that theme, Jenny says "Don't worry about being perfect. Perfect is not attainable. Do the best you can do in the moment and it is good enough. As long as you are making steps in the right direction (even if you end up taking 2 or 10 steps back), keep moving forward. True and real change takes time, dedication, acceptance of imperfectness, and a willingness to make mistakes. And then, one day, without you even knowing it, it just becomes normal."

  • Sarahjane, who has been vegan so long that she can't remember why she went vegan to begin with, says "Stick with it! Going vegan is like learning to drive: When you first start, you can't believe that it will ever come naturally, but then one day it does. And that day will come sooner than you think!"

  • One of our Twitter followers said, simply, "It's worth it!" We think so too, and we know that regularly reminding yourself why you made the choice can strengthen your motivation. As Annie says, "When you feel like quitting, remember why you started."

  • pattrice says, "whatever motivated you to choose to take the challenge -- ethics, the environment, your own health, or as a favor to a friend -- learn about all of the other reasons. We're more likely to keep a promise the more reasons we have to want to keep the promise."

Further Inspiration

Today's further inspiration comes from YOU. Get a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Set a timer for five minutes. Write a letter to a cow on a dairy farm.

Shout Out

Dr. Breeze Harper is a prominent scholar and activist known for her work at the intersection of critical race theory and veganism. Her book, Sistah Vegan: Black Women Speak on Food, Identity, Health, and Society, is a groundbreaking anthology that features the voices of black women and explores the intersections of race, gender, and veganism, highlighting the diverse experiences of black women within the vegan community.

Recipes of the Day

Savory vegan breakfast muffins are a delightful morning treat made with plant-based ingredients such as tofu, vegetables, and spices, offering a satisfying and protein-packed way to start the day. These muffins can be customized with various flavor combinations, making them a versatile and wholesome choice. Check out this list of 24+ recipes of Vegan Muffins. 

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