News and updates from Loeta Consulting
A semi-regularly posted e-newsletter which connects families, friends and professionals with some of the latest articles and news items dealing with the worlds of mental health, addiction treatment and self-care.
At Loeta we offer independent sober and life coaching in addition to therapeutic and educational consulting services. We work with families from around the country to not only offer guidance and support, but also to help find appropriate emotional or academic environments. We are accepting new clients, so if you are interested in learning more about the services we offer, or you know of a family struggling, please reach out to us at 207.380.2846 or click here t o be directed to our website .
Communication and the Teenage Brain.

Martyn begins by introducing teenagers many of whom were once sweet children, and will one day become loving adults, but who between-times morph into lazy, unlikeable adolescents. He questions whether this is all Nurture, all Nature, or a combination of both, but that science can now show us that Nature definitely plays a significant role. He helps us unpick the brain, in order to start to truly understand teenagers.

Martyn Richards is a researcher specializing in the world of children and young people. Project work has ranged from worldwide brands such as MacDonald’s, Guinness World Records and Ikea, through to a number of locally based clients in education and the public sector.

Learn more about Martyn Richards at
10 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Incredibly Happy

Try one. Try them all. They work. Science says so.

It's easy to think of happiness as a result, but happiness is also a driver.
One example: While I'm definitely into finding ways to improve personal productivity (whether a one-day burst , or a lifetime , or things you should not do every day ), probably the best way to be more productive is to just be happier. Happy people accomplish more.
Easier said than done though, right?
Actually, many changes are easy. Here are 10 science-based ways to be happier from Belle Beth Cooper .

This article was originally published on December 18, 2013, by Inc.

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