Hi Everyone,
There’s a lot of introspection and self reflection going on now.
Maybe you’ve noticed yourself reviewing your life, your relationships and your business.
Maybe you’ve reconsidered what matters most to you, maybe that has been hard and you have thought to yourself,
“I’m going to start doing things differently”.
Just remember this.
There is always potential.
Even when you feel there isn't.
In fact, some of the biggest limits standing in your way are the ones you’ve placed on yourself.
(It doesn’t mean the journey to “everything you want” will be easy, but it does mean it’s possible...if you allow it).
But here's the thing…
We make a life out of doing what we think we’re “supposed” to do. We stay within the lines and make sure we’re not “too much” or avoid situations where we can be judged. Example - putting our faces on video and creating online content.
We aim to keep us small. Local. Stay in our own lane. In our community. We trade our creativity and expansion for approval and validation.
So whatever term 2 is going to look like for your business, strive to see the opportunities.
Take time to reflect.
Are you running your business the way you want to?
If this isolation journey is to teach us anything, it is that we are adaptable, flexible, strong, that change is possible and that there is always potential.
Stay safe. Stay home. Continue learning.
Elise x