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May 2020
4 Types of Wellbeing
During this unprecedented time, here are gentle reminders for self-care. While far from comprehensive, these suggestions can remind us all that simple acts can have big results.
Emotional Wellbeing
  • What is your purpose? Mine is to stay healthy and continue to work, while supporting my family, friends, and community.
  • Express gratitude and find little things that make you happy. Consider a hobby or journal. I like to garden. (Radishes, left)
  • Separate what is within your control from what is not. Get the facts from trusted sources and only at regular intervals.
  • Challenge yourself to stay in the present. Notice the sights, sounds, tastes, and other sensory experiences in your immediate moment.
  • Engage in mindfulness activities such as meditation.
  • Pay attention to your body. Get physical activity, plenty of sleep, exercise, and spend time outdoors.
  • Vitamin D, fresh air, and exercise help both our physical and mental health.
  • Consider daily walks, yoga, and online apps for exercise.
  • You are what you eat. Be safe, eat fresh, buy local.
  • Do what helps YOU feel a sense of safety. This will be different for everyone else, and it’s important to not compare yourself to others. 
  • Smile.
Physical Wellbeing
Red cherry tomatoes
Ergonomic Wellbeing
  • Sitting for too long can negatively impact your circulatory health, so focus on leg exercises and stretching.
  • All work stations are not created equal -- make sure your work area is comfortable and productive
  • Eyestrain is a common condition from staring at the computer or other digital devices for too long -- be sure to take regular breaks, blink frequently, minimize glare, and use proper lighting.
  • Taking just five minutes out of your day to clear your mind helps improve your overall productivity and focus.
  • Keep in contact with loved ones, co-workers, children, and pets. Check in with neighbors and give thanks to the people who are essential workers.
  • Stay connected and reach out for support. It can be comforting to share what you are experiencing with friends, family, co-workers, and those trained to help.
  • Help others and advocate for what you believe.
  • Sit quietly for 30 minutes everyday. Meditate.
Spiritual Wellbeing
We support you. Please reach out to set up a time to chat about personal and/or professional topics. We are here for you.
About Plisko Sustainable Solutions
Joan and Marc Plisko
Joan Plisko, PhD, President
Marc Plisko, CIH, Vice President
The mission of Plisko Sustainable Solutions, LLC is to catalyze positive health, environmental, and social change through improved customer performance, economic savings, and enhanced social awareness.