June 13, 2024

Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers Conserve Water

Save Water and Improve Plant Health

Photo of weather based irrigation controller WBIC between MCWD staff.

During your spring irrigation tune-up, Marina Coast Water District suggests that you consider using weather-based irrigation controllers (WBICs) for your home or business to save water and improve plant health.

Using your local weather data and landscape conditions, these controllers determine when and how much water your plants will need. The advanced controllers monitor and measure water flow, detect abnormal water use, and notify users if there is a problem. The state now requires many of these advanced features in new construction to help homeowners conserve water.

For more questions about WBICs, call our Conservation Department at (831) 883-5905 or email conservation@mcwd.org.

Reminder Rate Update Public Hearing

Ways to Participate in Hearing Below

Photo of District building with Reminder of 218 Hearing schedule for June 17 at 6pm.

The Marina Coast Water District Board will hold a Proposition 218 Hearing on June 17 to decide on a proposed five-year schedule of water, recycled water, and sewer service charge increases.

Over the past several months, the Marina Coast Water District has evaluated its operational and facility requirements for the next five years and carried out extensive public outreach about it. Our three primary objectives are to ensure that rates remain fair for all customer classes, fund critical facility improvements, and generate sufficient revenue to fund continued high-quality service for all customers.

The public is welcome to attend this hearing to be held at 6:00 PM at the MCWD Boardroom, 920 2nd Avenue, Suite A, Marina.

For your convenience, there are several ways to participate via Zoom, phone, or in person. More information about the rate update and hearing can be found at the link below or email questions to customerservice@mcwd.org.

See Rate Update Page for More Info

Stop Weeds and Pests from Spreading in Your Garden

Learn to Organically Manage Weeds and Pests

Arm pulling weed from lawn.

Webinar: Tues, June 13, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

Want to save your landscape from unwanted visitors? You are invited to a free ZOOM webinar on Weed and Pest Management. Learn to organically manage the weeds and pests in your garden. Join us to find out more about:

  1. Using an integrated pest management program
  2. Developing strategies to prevent pest problems
  3. Managing weeds and regrowth without chemicals
  4. Non-toxic solutions for pest control

The classes are free but advance registration is required.

Register Here for Free Webinar
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Marina Coast Water District

11 Reservation Road, Marina CA 93933

(831) 384-6131 | mcwd.org  

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