Issue 58— June 27, 2023
founded by Minnesota Women's Press, a media pioneer since 1985


Media That Makes a Difference

Changemakers Alliance (CALL) is a supporter-driven, action-oriented expansion of Minnesota Women's Press and that brings people together in conversations about values, solutions, and action steps.

Vote Run Lead underwrites our story development about
Hometown Values & Vision and Re-Imagining Public Safety
Reflections from Mikki, publisher

Our "Re-imagining Public Safety" series is in full throttle.

As I write this, Alfreda Daniels, one of the people we interviewed about the innovative Emerging BC program in Brooklyn Center is doing a live interview on KSRM radio with Andrea Pierre's show "The Narrative." Our outreach director Crystal Brown is on the air with her, and another interviewee — Dr. Altreisha Foster of the Cake Therapy Foundation — for our monthly conversation about the upcoming issue. (Those stories featured here next week.)

I wrote earlier about a panel discussion about transformative justice that we hosted at a Minneapolis city event on June 10. Our July magazine issue about "Melanated Main Streets" arrives in our office today and includes a deeper story about that conversation. The story explores the different perspectives Minnesotans have about how to effectively reduce crime. This is an ongoing debate around the state, which is one reason we are raising funds to take this discussion on the road with our "Hometown Values & Vision" tour.

Asking Questions About How
"We don't ask enough hard questions about the billions of dollars we put into the retributive system. My restorative justice budget is under $100,000. You know what would work a lot better? If we funded it.”
Panelists (l-r) Mikki Morrissette, Michele Braley, Matthew Walker, Deneal Trueblood-Lynch, and Leah Robshaw Robinson.

Minnesota Women's Press is hiring a Membership & Development Director!
Can you help us find the right candidate?
Three of our team attended last week's Black Men Healing conference. One of the stories from those two days of conversations includes this one.
"I tell them not to focus on why they were shot or stabbed but focus on the fact that they are still breathing — that it is a blessing to be here, with another opportunity to get things right in life. ... People can go back to issues from way back in childhood that they have been holding in for years. Helping people unpack that has been an incredible experience.”

Please Support the Work We Do

This video by Dragonfly Eye Productions tells the story of Changemakers Alliance.

We would like to co-host our conversations about transformative justice around the state.
Can you help us raise the funds we need?

Share this with others who might be able to support the work as well. You can use a tax deductible option thanks to our fiscal agent relationship with Tiny News Collective.

Thanks to Our Underwriters
Valvoline supports our Hometown Values & Vision statewide listening sessions and
our conversations about reducing gender-based violence
Seward Co-op supports our local economies and ecosystems stories
Contact to support content development campaigns
Minnesota Women's Press photography and website have been recognized three years in a row by the Minnesota Newspaper Association.
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