How Do You Confront Change?

In the next few months, our family will face many changes. My son will go to secondary school this August, my wife is going to return to her job, and my twin daughters are going to kindergarten in July. Personally, I am going to have a two-month trip. I am always feeling worried and afraid of changes. I fear change because it means that outcomes are unknown.

Change is very difficult. Whether it’s changing a habit or attitude or job or city, change is always a challenge. The fear of failure also comes into play to create a fear of change. If I don’t know how something will turn out, I rather not try because the outcome could be bad. It’s not easy to get out from a comfort zone.

The bible is filled with stories of people who had to experience the pain associated with change in order to receive the blessings that positive change brought into their lives. Such as: Abraham, left his country and went to live in a foreign land that he didn’t know. Mary, she had changed her concept of what God could do. She changed her mind about what God could and couldn’t do and God blessed her in a away no woman has or will be blessed again.

Well, all of this discussion about change brings us to a change that I would like to challenge each of us with. The change I would like to lay before you concerns our faith. The fundamentals of the faith are a rudder that guides our ship through life’s changing challenges. One of the biggest challenges of all for our lives is the way passion pushes it’s powerful product into our changing life.

There are moments in life when a change is necessary or due. I have been praying for what change needs to take place in my life in order to make God the priority, and not just “part” of my life. Are you ready for change to be challenged? Maybe the change necessary is one that only God can see.
Thank you for your prayers and your support,

National Director/CCI Vietnam
New Class
One of CCI partners started a new class. This is a special class because there are so many students from different ethnic groups and provinces, such as: K’ho, Ko, H’roi, Ma, Kinh, and Cham H’roi. I was so happy to visit and teach the first subject: Bible Study Methods and Rules of Interpretation (Book#1).
Mr. B is from south central Vietnam. He has participated in this class. He is a former soldier. His parents used to be communist party and hoped their children would follow their path and serve in the Army. Since he received Christ and his brothers and sisters accepted Christ, his life changed in a new way. He chose to leave his parents’ dream and become Jesus’ disciple.

“One of the major highlights of this subject is that provides ample time for students to put into practice what we are learning. We are not only being taught what to look for when interpreting, we are also given the time to do it. It is important, for the way I interpret the Bible impacts my spiritual growth. And, it is important because every verse of every book of the bible is interpreted differently by different people. Without a basic knowledge of how to understand the bible, a Christian could easily be swept away by an aberrant interpretation of Scripture. This class provides me with some objective controls for what the Bible can or cannot mean. And it teaches me how to understand the Bible for myself. I believe that whoever takes this course will grow to love the Bible more as he or she grows in his or her knowledge of it, so that he or she become life-long student of Scripture.”

Mr. B, student
From a Church-planting Participant:
“There are three things I have learn from this seminar. I am challenged as Jesus’ disciple I have responsibility for evangelism and making disciples. Church planting is a mission of every local church. Church planting is a responsibility of all believers. I am taught that church planter has to be supported by local church, his or her leaders, and be prepared to be a healthy plant.”
Mr. P
From a CCI Graduate:
“I would like to thank our two pastors who trained and taught us for almost 3 years to finish this program. Being students, we sometimes acted like children who got mad at their parents because we were running out of time. I am so appreciative for their love and meticulosity; they explained continuously no matter how late they went home. As a result, we are not only profited by the program, but also by life investment of our teachers.”
Ms. Y, northern Vietnam
Prayer Requests & Praises

1.     Pray for my son, who is going to a new school for his 6th grade. My twin daughters will start going to kindergarten this July. Pray that they will adapt to a new environment.
2.    Pray for the CCI Vietnam conference on August 1-3 in central Vietnam. There will be 92 participants including teachers and students from around the country. May God protect and provide for this special event.
3.    We are going to start an accelerated program for Hmong church leaders, who will then train their workers. The participants will be from different provinces, and they will join the intensive class in northern Vietnam. Pray that God provides for this special class.
4.    Pray for Pastor T’s son who is in the second year of college. May God provide the tuition fees so he can finish his study at the college.
5.    My family and I are planning to return to my hometown. To do this, we are asking God to raise someone to lead our church and we pray for God to provide around $40,000 to build a house. Our vision is that this house will become a training center for church leaders in this area.
6.   We praise God that all CCI’s classes for Hmong church leaders have returned to in-person training in June. Thank so much for all your prayers.
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