Upcoming Events

Senior Week: Staying Safe in Ocean City
Monday, April 27
7:00 - 9:00 PM
Mt. Hebron High School

Teen Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, May 11
(last meeting for this school year)
5:30 - 7:00 PM
The Barn
5853 Robert Oliver Place
Oakland Mills Village Center

Free Training to Save a Life!
Opioid Overdose Response Training
Opioids are prescription pain medicines such as Percocet or Vicodin and street drugs such as heroin. If your child, spouse or friend is abusing opioids, attend the free training offered by the Howard County Health Department. Register by calling the Health Department at 410-313-6202.

Free CPR Training
Howard County Fire and Rescue Services is teaching a free CPR class at two locations in the County. Please click here for more information.

Please consider becoming a
Friend of HC DrugFree for a donation of $25.   Click here for a list of our 2015 Friends
MD Heroin and Opioid Task Force Regional Summit on April 15 in Baltimore

Howard County Executive Allan Kittleman, MD's Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford, HC DrugFree's Executive Director Joan Webb Scornaienchi and Howard County State's Attorney Dario Broccolino all attended the Heroin and Opioid Task Force Regional Summit held at the University of Baltimore School of Law. Click here to read more.

Senior Week: Staying Safe in Ocean City
Parents and high school seniors: Don't miss the final opportunity to hear HC DrugFree's Executive Director Joan Webb Scornaienchi, Ocean City Police Cpl. Howard Caplan and Ocean City Beach Patrol Sgt. James McVey discuss making good decisions, beach safety in and out of the water, underage drinking on the beach and in rental units, tips on getting your security deposit back, how to access free bus rides and free food and much more at HC DrugFree's program entitled "Senior Week: Staying Safe in Ocean City". The program will be held on Monday, April 27 at 7:00 PM at Mt. Hebron High School.



Ocean City Police Cpl. Howard Caplan, HC DrugFree's Executive Director Joan Webb Scornaienchi, and Ocean City Beach Patrol Sgt. James McVey 

A Teen's Perspective on Senior Week
Over the years, I heard of the many horrors and fun experiences of Senior Week. Both my older sisters went to the beach to celebrate their graduation with their friends. They had the kind of beach week all high school students dream of. It is my goal to have as much, if not more fun. I have also heard of seniors ruining their relationships, trying dangerous drugs, and permanently damaging their record right before college just to have more fun at Senior Week. 
Click here to read the rest of the story. 

Ocean City Resources: 

Click on the brochures to see printable versions.

Teens: Are You Going to Prom?

Click here for a printable version.

Parents: Are You Hosting an After-Prom Party?

Click here for a printable version.
If you would like to receive the free pamphlet below, please send your name and address to info@hcdrugfree.org.
Si le gustaria recibir uno de los folletos gratis abajo, favor de mandar su nombre y direccion fisica a info@hcdrugfree.org.
For more information, contact
Joan Webb Scornaienchi
Executive Director
HC DrugFree
Wilde Lake Village Center
5305 Village Center Drive, Suite 206 
Columbia, MD 21044