Seafood Gumbo
½ c. ap flour
½ vegetable/ canola oil
2 cups finely diced onions, celery, bell peppers
1 gal. seafood stock
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Garlic powder to taste
Onion powder
You favorite hot sauce
A dash Worcestershire sauce
A couple of bay leaves
Your choice of seafood
Seafood Stock
6 c. shrimp shells
10c. gumbo crabs
Scraps from the trinity
Add enough water to barely cover crabs and shells
Simmer on low heat for about an hour but don't boil
Allow to cool too warm temperature then strain
Final Product
To make the roux place 1/2c. flour and 1/c. oil in a large heavy guage pot.
Heat on low stirring constantly; be sure to catch the rounded edges of the pot.
Continue stirring the roux until it reaches the desired color, light to dark brown.
Once your desired color is reached (we take ours till it smells like popcorn) add the cut up veg, lower the heat and add about a 1/4T of salt.
Continue to stir constantly until the veg turns translucent.
Turn the heat up, constantly stirring and add the stock a little at a time, stirring after each addition until the stock is fully incorporated.
Add a couple bay leaves.
Add just enough stock so that the "mixture" has a nice viscosity to it.
Simmer on low for several hours, adding stock if your gumbo becomes too thick.
Add remaining seasonings, simmer for 30 minutes.
Cool down a place in fridge overnight.
The next day reheat, simmer for 20 minutes.
Add seafood, simmer for 20 minutes.
Adjust seasoning and serve with steamed rice.