The 42nd annual Stu-Fac Basketball Game on Feb. 28 ushered in March on a high note, with students easily claiming a 30-23 victory over faculty and staff. The following week, the Hotchkiss Dance Company honored retiring Instructor in Dance Alice Sarkissian-Wolf, who has taught at the School for 25 years, during their winter performance on March 2 and 3. A spate of snowstorms blanketed the campus during spring break, when most students departed for home, athletic training camps, or service trips. On March 29, the School welcomed  66 accepted students and their families on the first of three Hello, Hotchkiss! revisit days. View more March events...
    Alumni News
Stanley R. _Stan_ Day Jr. _76 and Frederick K. _F.K._ Day _78
Day Brothers Named
2018 Community Service Award Recipients

Stanley R. "Stan" Day Jr. '76 and Frederick K. W. "F.K." Day '78 are the recipients of this year's Community Service Award. The brothers will be honored in a ceremony at Hotchkiss on April 27. Read more...
Scotty McLennan _66
Scotty McLennan '66:
2017-18 Alumni Award Honoree

Scotty McLennan '66, former dean of religious life at Stanford University, ethicist, Unitarian minister, and current lecturer at Stanford Graduate School of Business, has been named the 2017-18 Alumni Award recipient. He will be honored in an All-School assembly at Hotchkiss on May 11. Read more...
The Hotchkiss School Registers with AmazonSmile

AmazonSmile is a service that enables Amazon customers to designate a charity to receive a donation from Amazon that matches a portion of their purchase price. The Hotchkiss School has recently registered as an eligible charity.  Click here to learn more.
Reminder: The Locke Lord Investigation into Sexual Misconduct by Faculty or Staff

Hotchkiss is committed to investigating reports of sexual abuse by members of the faculty or staff that occurred at any time in the School's history and to taking prompt, appropriate actions as warranted by the investigator's report.

As communicated previously via email and mail, a new investigator, Allison O'Neil with the law firm of Locke Lord, was retained in February 2018 to complete the investigation. The letter also announced that RAINN is providing counseling, as well as assisting alumni with accessing the School's fund to reimburse them for counseling services related to sexual abuse that occurred while they attended Hotchkiss.

Contact information for Ms. O'Neil and RAINN is below and on the School's website. Details about the alumni therapy fund and RAINN'S services, as well as information regarding student safety and well-being at Hotchkiss today can also be found there.

New Investigator: Allison O'Neil, Locke Lord
Phone number: (800) 403-7138
Email address:
Alumni who live abroad can reach Ms. O'Neil at (617) 239-0729.

For questions about the transition from the prior investigator: Miriam Berkman
Phone number: (203) 668-4338
Email address:

Counseling Information
  • Immediate crisis intervention, information, and resources, including referrals for support locally are available 24/7 through RAINN at (800) 656-4673 or at
  • Contact RAINN at the Hotchkiss-specific hot line at (866) 827-4029 to determine whether a treatment is approved by RAINN and to obtain information about reimbursement.
  • Alumni who live abroad can contact RAINN at (860) 300-3389.
"Diversity in the Tech Industry" panel discussion sponsored by the Alumni Association Board of Governors Gender Committee and the Alumni of Color Committee
April 5, San Francisco, CA

Coast to Coast
April 16, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.,  Princeton, NJ

Hosted by Catherine and Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff '81, P'16,'17,'19 at the Sidamon-Eristoff home in Princeton, NJ.
Guest speaker Charlie Frankenbach P'12,'16, instructor in English and The Russel Murray Bigelow Teaching Chair.

Click here for more information Register online
Hotchkiss Parent Cocktail Reception
April 17, 6 - 8 p.m.,  New York, NY

Hosted by John Moore and Laura Fontana P'21 in their home with guest speaker Josh Hahn, assistant head of school and director of strategic initiatives.
Click here for more information

To register, email Gail Massey, assistant to alumni relations and parent programs.
Hotchkiss Retirement Dinner
May 19, Cocktails: 6 p.m.; Dinner: 7 p.m. 
The Hotchkiss School

Join us in celebrating a combined 58 years of service to the School at a retirement dinner to honor Betsy Fuchs Beck P'04,'06,'09, senior associate director of college advising, and Alice Sarkissian-Wolf, director of dance.
Click here for more information
Day of Service Around the World
Eighth Annual Day of Service
May 19, Various locations worldwide
Look for an invitation in early April.

Community service has been a part of the fabric of Hotchkiss since the School opened its doors. The St. Luke's Society, founded in 1892 to promote service, is our oldest student organization. In keeping with the School's mission, the Board of Governors and the Office of Alumni Relations instituted the Day of Service in 2011.
Day of Service Co-chairs: Sirin "Teddy" Bulakul '06, Emily Pressman '98, and Tom Terbell '95.

For more information, please contact Caroline Sallee Reilly '87, director of alumni relations.
Hotchkiss Reunion Weekend 2018
For Classes ending in 3 and 8
June 15-17, The Hotchkiss School

Note: The Classes of 1953 and 1968 will return Sept. 28 - 30 .
Alice Sarkissian-Wolf
Hotchkiss Dance Company Honors Instructor's Finale

The Hotchkiss Dance Company performed March 2 and 3 for the last time under the direction of Alice Sarkissian-Wolf, director of the dance program, who is retiring after this academic year. Sarkissian-Wolf choreographed three of the works; guest artists Ann Marie DeAngelo and Liliana Candotti also each choreographed a dance. View a slideshow.
Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim
We Are All Stardust: Lessons from Profs. Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim

Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, senior lecturers and research scholars at Yale, gave a talk at Hotchkiss on March 2 about their work at the intersection of cosmology and environmental and religious studies. Read more...
Chinatown Visit
Chinatown Visit

More than 40 Chinese language students visited Manhattan's Chinatown on March 1. Instructors Cliff Zeng, Meiling Deng, and Wei Liu hosted the group for a dim sum brunch at Jing Fong restaurant and visited the Museum of Chinese in America to learn about the history of the Chinese-American experience.
Annual Stu-Fac Game
Annual Stu-Fac Game Raises Money for Habitat for Humanity

The students continued their winning streak with a 30-23 triumph in the 42nd annual Stu-Fac Basketball Game, held Feb. 28. The contest pitted about 60 seniors, decked out in costumes, against the faculty and staff. In the end, the students prevailed, rushing the court to celebrate their victory. The event raised $1,500 for the Habitat for Humanity club's 2019 spring service trip.
Arts Day at Hotchkiss
Fourth Graders Get Creative on Arts Day

Richie Crane, a student from North Canaan Elementary School, wasn't sure what he was going to create as he cut out tiny cardboard squares for his sculpture. But that's how art works sometimes, as he learned during the 24th annual Fourth Grade Arts Day, held March 14 at Hotchkiss. Read more...
"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star": AP Physics Students Make Music

Over the past few months, AP Physics students have designed and built musical instruments using the School's new EFX Lab. The students created prototypes of 3-D printed, laser-cut, and Arduino-controlled instruments, which they used to play "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star".  Read more...
Tri-State Mini Maker Faire
Hotchkiss Hosts Tri-State Mini Maker Faire on April 8

This annual event showcases the creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial spirit of students, artisans, and businesses in northwest Connecticut, New York, and Massachusetts. Returning this year will be Ravenbane's Firecraft; new to the event is the Ithaca Physics Bus. The event takes place in the Griswold Science Building and the Class of 2017 EFX Lab, and is open to all ages. Visit to learn more. Register here to be eligible for a door prize. 
Graduation 2018
Graduation Is Around the Corner

Graduation 2018: RSVP today! Invitations are in the mail! For a complete schedule of events and to RSVP, please click here.
We look forward to seeing you in June!
Baseball Team Spring Training in Florida
Hotchkiss in Iceland, Florida, and Arizona

Students traveled to Iceland over spring break, where they visited a glacier, learned about the country's volcanic activity, and toured the Skogar Museum. Read about their experiences here.

Boys varsity lacrosse players travelled to Casa Grande, AZ, for spring break training. Click here to read more. The varsity baseball team went to Vero Beach, FL, for their annual spring training trip, and girls varsity lacrosse practiced in Orlando, FL. The sailing team also traveled to St. Petersburg, FL for spring practice. Read more...
Winter Spring2018 Magazine
Hotchkiss Magazine

Check out the Winter/Spring issue of Hotchkiss Magazine online.
The deadline to submit a class note for the summer issue is May 1. Send your news to or click here.
 Olivia King _19
Girls Swimming Breaks Six Records at Founders

The girls swimming and diving team broke six school records at this year's Founders championships. Olivia King '19 led off with a new diving record and Jillian Cudney '20 and Izzy Lewitt '20 set three individual and two team records. Read more...
Boys Squash
Squash Places Fifth at New Englands

The boys and girls squash teams enjoyed a successful weekend at New Englands, each placing fifth. Every one of the 14 competing Bearcats won her or his opening match, and the boys team received a special award for sportsmanship. Read more...
Emily Rose _18
Rose '18 Wins Squash Sportsmanship Award

Emily Rose '18, a two-time girls squash captain who played at the top of the ladder all four years at Hotchkiss, recently was awarded the DeRoy Sportsmanship Award by US Squash, given each year to one male and one female high school senior. Read more...
Reed '18 Featured in Sports Illustrated

Lindsay Reed '18 was featured in the March 23 issue of Sports Illustrated in the "Faces in the Crowd" section for her stellar ice hockey play, both as goalie for the Bearcats and for Team USA. Read more...
Members of the 1992 New England championship boys hockey team
Boys Hockey Champs Reunite

Members of the 1992 New England championship boys hockey team returned to campus for a reunion weekend, which included watching the current team's final home game against Taft and then scrimmaging with the team on Sunday. Read more...
US Soccer regional team
McClure '21 Plays in ODP Tourney

Charlotte McClure '21 traveled to Costa Rica in late February to play in an international tournament with her US Soccer regional team. The event is part of her continuing participation in the US Soccer Olympic Development Program. Read more...
Upcoming Recitals
April Recitals
April 13, 6 p.m. - Piano Studio Recital
April 17, 6 p.m. - Voice Studio Recital 
April 26, 6 p.m. - Instrumental Studio Recital

Recitals take place in Katherine M. Elfers Hall, Esther Eastman Music Center.

Shockheaded Peter_ A Junk Opera
Hotchkiss Dramatic Association presents Shockheaded Peter: A Junk Opera
April 27, 28, 7:30 p.m.
April 29, 2:30 p.m.
Walker Auditorium

Shockheaded Peter, based on the 19th-century German children's book Struwwelpeter by Hans Hoffman, incorporates the use of pantomime and puppetry.
   Tremaine Art Gallery
Gala Narezo: Voice/Time
Through April 25

Gala Narezo's installation Gala Narezo: Voice/Time in the Tremaine Art Gallery will double as a teaching space while she is artist-in-residence for the visual arts program in April. Narezo will conduct workshops with students, guiding them through a process of mindful change-making through art, design thinking, awareness methodologies, and creativity.
Alumni Mobile App
Alumni Mobile App

Download the Hotchkiss Alumni Mobile App. The app makes it easy to find friends and classmates. Learn more here...
Alumni Career Network
The Alumni Career Network connects alumni advice seekers with alumni advisors. Please consider becoming a volunteer advisor. Need career advice? Sign up today!
Join the Hotchkiss Alumni LinkedIn group   View our profile on LinkedIn
Regional Facebook Pages
Spread the news and keep in touch! We have regional Facebook pages for alumni in
Also, check out our group, managed by the Alumni Association Alumni of Color Committee, and the group, supported by volunteers and the Alumni Association Gender Committee.
"Hotchkiss in Your Hometown"
Stay in touch with alumni and parents in your area! In an effort to support those of you who get together on your own, we've created a kit of Hotchkiss-branded event supplies. Contact  Caroline Sallee Reilly '87, director of alumni relations, or call (860) 435-3892 for more information.
Make Your Gift to The 2017-18 Hotchkiss Fund today.
By Phone: (860) 435-3132 

By Mail: 
The Hotchkiss Fund |  The Hotchkiss School
11 Interlaken Road, Lakeville, CT 06039-2141
Appreciated Stock: Call (860) 435-3132

Many thanks to everyone who has already supported Hotchkiss this school year!
The Hotchkiss School , 11 Interlaken Road, Lakeville, CT 06039-2141,  (860) 435-2591