
🌞 Hot 🌞 Summer πŸ’°SavingsπŸ’°

Although Shaved Ice (above) is festively posing for the season, has an upclose photo, and is smiling if your LinkedIn profile photo has you wearing sunglasses, you need another photo.


Buy 2 consultations, get 1 half off

Now you can buy one for you, your friend, and figure out who gets the 3rd one (you or your friend). 😊 Special to purchase is good until Fri. July 28, 23 BEFORE 11:55 pm Pacific Standard Time. All consultations can be used up to 1-year from purchase date.


Will your resume make it to the hiring manager?

Increase your chances by having a resume review by me and after hearing how I would improve your resume, determine if you want to develop a brand-new resume yourself or hire me to. We can also discuss any other career coaching, assistance, or prep needs you may have (including pricing) if applicable at a 30-minute phone consultation. Same consultation option & pricing (even if you don't have a resume). All for $95.66 which includes the debit/credit card processing fee in my newsletter so that I can net my $90 rate. You can mix and match these consultations, but limit 2 sets of buy one, get one half off specials per person.


PLEASE NOTE: If you decide to buy more consultation/(s) through my newsletter at another time after already purchasing (between now & 7/28/23), it will tell you that you already registered for my event, what that means is that you will have to use a different email address to proceed as there isn't another way around it. I cannot fix it & my newsletter company is aware of it (I've explained it to them) πŸ™‚ it's been like that for years.


Just want to talk about a career problem you're having and/or career guidance?

This is perfect for those who want to ask questions and need guidance in their career. What's great about this career consultation is that if you need more than 30-minutes, you can purchase however many more you need (i.e. another 30-minutes to make it an hour). You can mix and match these consultations, but limit 2 sets of buy one, get one half off specials per person.


PLEASE NOTE: If you decide to buy more consultation/(s) through my newsletter at another time after already purchasing (between now & 7/28/23), it will tell you that you already registered for my event, what that means is that you will have to use a different email address to proceed as there isn't another way around it. I cannot fix it & my newsletter company is aware of it (I've explained it to them) πŸ™‚ it's been like that for years.


Have you been putting off revamping your LinkedIn profile or discussing other LinkedIn benefits?

As I always preached at my networking events and seminars, almost every business should be on LinkedIn. You don't need to just be looking for a job or a business owner to be on LinkedIn. Most professions (i.e. front desk person at a gym or office, senior-level, executive-level, or anyone in between should be on LinkedIn. Just like most people don't like when people reach out to them only when they need something (the same on LinkedIn) don't just come out of the woodwork posting on LinkedIn when you need a job or business. 8 out of 10 of your posts on LinkedIn should reinforce your brand (or be business) and the other 2 can be whatever else you find interesting, informative, or worthy of sharing.

If you're not a business owner and not sure what to post other than you're in dire need of a job (if that's the case or even if it's not) share an article, book, or training you took & your thoughts of it and what you learned that's related to your industry and/or personal development (in general). You can also share a recent win in your job search (whether you got the interview for a job you really want & what it took to get it and how soon you'll know if you get the job and asking for prayers/positive thoughts from others).

Another way to stay engaged and top of mind to others on LinkedIn is to publicly comment/like, etc. on other people's posts on LinkedIn.

If you've been putting off having me review your LinkedIn profile for my recommendations on how I'd improve it (regardless if you hired me to do), to market yourself/network on LinkedIn, or just learn the many things you can do with LinkedIn, setup a 30-minute LinkedIn phone consultation where we can discuss your specific LinkedIn needs, my recommendations & pricing, & we can ask & answer any questions with working together with LinkedIn. All for $95.66 which includes the debit/credit card processing fee in my newsletter so that I can net my $90 rate. You can mix and match these consultations, but limit 2 sets of buy one, get one half off specials per person. And just like any of my other consultations, more time can be purchased in 30-minute increments (if applicable).


PLEASE NOTE: If you decide to buy more consultation/(s) through my newsletter at another time after already purchasing (between now & 7/28/23), it will tell you that you already registered for my event, what that means is that you will have to use a different email address to proceed as there isn't another way around it. I cannot fix it & my newsletter company is aware of it (I've explained it to them) πŸ™‚ it's been like that for years.


True quote I've seen on the Soundscapes channel on Xfinity.


Have a marketing, writing, or editing project you want to discuss & have me review in general (regardless if you're a business owner or career seeker)?

This is great for those who need help with developing a business plan, getting a new/updated website & would need new/updated copy, their book edited, assistance with writing or editing their "About the Author" (short bio. for their book), writing or editing their synopsis for their book, to discuss ways they can market their business (outside of LinkedIn), discuss & show articles/blogs needed, and so forth. Any of these things can be discussed at a 30-minute phone consultation. And just like any of my other consultations, can be purchased in 30-minute increments (if applicable). Don't know where to start? Or don't have a project yet for me to review (as described-above)? No problem! I have an 11-question form for you to fill out so that I can better recommend service options & pricing to you at this 30-minute consultation to see which ones would be best for you. You can mix and match these consultations, but limit 2 sets of buy one, get one half off specials per person.


PLEASE NOTE: If you decide to buy more consultation/(s) through my newsletter at another time after already purchasing (between now & 7/28/23), it will tell you that you already registered for my event, what that means is that you will have to use a different email address to proceed as there isn't another way around it. I cannot fix it & my newsletter company is aware of it (I've explained it to them) πŸ™‚ it's been like that for years.


A new, easy, & streamlined way to schedule a FREE call with me


I'm happy to announce that I created a page on my website where you can read details of what to expect at a free, no obligation phone call & if it still sounds like something you're interested in, you just fill out the short form and it goes straight as an email to my inbox! πŸ™‚

Now I don't have to ask potential clients, do you agree & understand to the terms & conditions of the call & ask them to type those words in an email to me. NOR do I have to have them comment either way that I have their correct phone number & if not provide me their correct phone number. It's all streamlined and easy because it's required to select the "yes" check box (regarding the understand, agree, & abide to the terms & conditions of the free call) AND so is inputting their phone number for when I call them.

Now all I have to do is direct people to this link which details the call (versus me having to copy and paste [what I did before] OR send a PDF to them) and it's the same link they can schedule one with me as well.

Don't you just love improving processes? πŸ˜€And yes, I thought of it all on my own. 😁

Here's the link for anyone who wants to learn more & schedule one: http://www.worksolutionstoday.com/setup-a-free-no-obligation-phone-call.html


What's a pastime that you did as a child that you did recently or still do today?

In the spirit of not always being about business (I try to do that in my newsletters as well) & so you can get to know me & build that relationship with me remotely I'm sharing a picture of a place I've visited twice recently (this month & a few months ago) to feed geese since I know most public parks have signs saying not to feed the water fowl.

What's great about this location is that it's in-town, plenty of geese & ducks to feed, & even has a nice water view, too.

I remember when I was pursuing my first degree (of three) right after high school & I was working 4 part-time jobs & pursuing my Associate of Technical Arts degree in Computer Information Systems Web Development (the first degree of three), my mom told me to "remember to stop and smell the roses". I remember trying what my mom had said during that time, too walking on campus outdoors and I stopped to literally smell a tulip 🌷on campus and my nose getting zapped (static electricity) ⚑. So, here's to me still making time to "stop and smell the roses" sort of speak when feeding the water fowl (no matter how busy I am). πŸ™‚ A favorite pastime of mine when I was a child.


Thank you,

Carly Calabrese

Career Coach/Business Marketing Consultant/Writer/Editor/LinkedIn Consultant

Email me: info@worksolutionstoday.com

ο»ΏWork Solutions - "Providing career assistance/coaching/prep, business marketing, writing, editing, and LinkedIn services for individuals and freelance opportunities."

β€œIndependence is happiness.”—Susan B. Anthony


Work Solutions| worksolutionstoday.com

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