CICP Social Security Number Update
As mentioned in a recent newsletter, HCPF took a proposed change to the CICP rule at the April and May Medical Services Board meetings to remove the requirement that CICP applicants provide a Social Security Number or sign a No SSN affidavit during the application process. This is a change that has been requested to more closely align the application process between CICP and Hospital Discounted Care, and HCPF is happy to report that our rule change was passed by the Medical Services Board and will be effective July 1, 2024.
As part of this change, there will be upcoming changes to the Uniform Application, the CICP Clinic Patient application, and the CICP Provider Manual to remove the sections related to the Social Security Number. The updated Excel and PDF versions of the applications will be available for providers at the end of June, for use and posting beginning July 1.
As a clarification, this change makes no policy changes to Hospital Discounted Care. All hospitals, both CICP and non-CICP, will need to update the PDF version of the application that will be published at the end of June in order to maintain website compliance.
If you have any questions about this change, please send them to