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With summer in full swing, it means that you can now reap the rewards of all the work you've put into the vegetable garden this year. Advice on how to harvest your favorite vegetables that typically ripen in July and August at this link.
Garden Trivia

How long after planting should a newly-planted tree be watered?

Read on to see the answer!
When a summer heat wave arrives, it can be stressful for the plants and gardener alike. Here are a few tips to protect your lawn, garden, and landscape when temperatures soar.
Thinking about adding new strawberry plants to the garden next spring? Get ahead with a fall planting instead! Planting strawberries in fall allows for plants to become fully established sooner and gives close to, if not full, fruit production the following spring.
We have been receiving many photos and samples of plants that appear to have herbicide injury. Information on identifying herbicide injury, managing plants exposed to herbicide drift, and how to prevent injury at this link.
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Garden Trivia Answer

Whether planted in spring or fall, the roots of trees continue to grow until the ground freezes in winter. Small trees usual require watering for 1 or 2 growing seasons. It may be necessary to periodically water large trees for 3 or 4 years. Learn more here.

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