May 17, 2024
Honoring National Speech Language Pathologist Day
Dear Team DPS,

Tomorrow is National Speech Language Pathologist Day and, before we close out the week, I would like to say a huge thank you to the nearly 200 Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) and Speech-Language Pathologist Assistants whose expertise and dedication impact students every day. Our SLPs support nearly 8,000 students in DPS and serve as case managers for 27% of students in special education who need support with speech problems and language disabilities.

SLPs give their best to each student and help them access their learning environment, grow their independent skills and ensure they are prepared for the real world. They collaborate with classroom teachers to support culturally and linguistically diverse students so they receive the help they need regardless of their first language.

SLPs use a wide range of skills to diagnose and treat students with a variety of speech and language disorders such as articulation, receptive, expressive language, social language skills, voice and stuttering. They are outstanding specialists whose work can open greater educational opportunities for a child, and for that, they deserve all the appreciation in the world.

I invite you to thank your local SLPs for the impact they have on exceptional students. SLP team members, thank you for your commitment, creativity, collaboration and camaraderie in your daily work with students, families and colleagues. I am grateful to have such a talented team of professionals here at DPS.


Dr. Tony Smith
Deputy Superintendent
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