October 3, 2023

Healthy Living in West Dayton - Construction Update
Dear Homefull Partner:

As you've probably noticed, work is well underway on the Homefull HFJ Project! If you've driven by lately, the changes are very visible. The framework for the structure is up, roof decking is being installed, curb and sidewalk work is happening, and internal walls are being set.

The south entry to the property and the adjacent Homefull Family Living Center has been changed to accommodate greater access to both properties and initial paving of the drives and parking lots have been completed.

The exterior will get closed in over the coming weeks so that work can continue as the colder weather nears and mechanical work inside the building will begin.

Unfortunately, we have experienced some theft issues during overnight hours and have implemented additional measures to combat this. One of those is the use of infrared cameras and lighting that have been installed around the perimeter. Cameras will record all activity and if someone comes onto the property, lights and audible sirens will go off and police will be called. While construction sites seem to be targets for criminal activity, we are hoping that this new technology as well as more eyes on the project, we can eliminate this from happening. If you live near the site, ever see anything or hear of it, please let us know by calling 937-293-1945 to report it.

We are excited about the progress so far and look forward to the next several months as we move closer to an opening in the summer of 2024. Thank you for your support and partnership on this significant endeavor for the West Dayton Community.


Tina M. Patterson