From the Executive Director
Town Meeting Day is feeling like a long time ago. Not even a week has passed since Vermonters voted – and showed tremendous support for the members of their communities served by local home health and hospice agencies. Thank you!
But since Town Meeting Day, COVID-19, the disease caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus, has dominated headlines – and by extension the conversations I’m having at work and with friends, family and people at the gym and the grocery store.
My city-dwelling mother is concerned, but not panicked. Her biggest hygiene challenge is that at nearly 80, she touches a lot of railings as she makes her way through her day running a full time real-estate business (people ask me where I get all my energy; there’s the answer). My city-dwelling young adult daughter got a little panicky and needed some help thinking through how to make decisions about subways, buses and social gatherings. My son and husband appear to have no concerns or questions at all and are getting increasingly tired of my handwashing reminders (there’s one way to solve that, guys...)
Our partners at the National Association for Home Care and Hospice have set up a coronavirus
resource page with information specific to home health and hospice providers. Our partners at the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization have set up a hospice-specific
resource page.
Our partners at the Vermont Department of Health have set up a special
webpage dedicated to the 2019 novel coronavirus. This is the most comprehensive source of information for the public, schools and health care providers in Vermont.
Barbara B. Citarella RN, MS NHDP-BC
RBC Limited Healthcare & Management Consultants
Kiernan Brisson, WCAX
Rachel Cohrs, Modern Healthcare
Educational Opportunities
Materials Available Online
Home Health Aide/LNA Training Materials
Caring Connection newsletters and support materials are available for your use in supplementing in-house staff training.
Additionally, we offer a few recorded webinar series on specific topics that are pertinent to LNAs, aides and other direct care providers. Here are some examples with the first video in each series unlocked so you and your team can determine if online learning appeals to them:
Katherine Vanderhorst, RN, BSN and Amy Craven, PT, MS, DPT from C & V Senior Care Services. They are experts in behavioral health and dementia treatment in home care settings.
Purchase entire series
Jennifer Gullison, RN, MSN, COS-C, is the Clinical Director at Cornerstone VNA, Rochester, NH.
Elizabeth DeFeo RN, WCC, OMS, CWOCN, is the Wound, Ostomy & Continence Specialist
Purchase entire series
There is no limit to the number of views or staff that can be trained from your agency once purchased.
Other Materials Available Online
Video of classroom session available for purchase
Hosted by NAHC
"Opiods: What You Need to Know" training materials
Compiled by SASH
Webinars and In-person Events
Part of the Caring Connections Monthly Aide and LNA series
March 12
3 to 4 p.m.
Hosted by VNAs of Vermont
Sold-out but recording will be available for purchase on March 13
Hosted by National Association for Home Care and Hospice
March 17
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Hosted by VNAs of Vermont
Use code
2020PDGM to enroll
March 30, 2020
AC Hotel
Worcester, MA
Part of the Caring Connections Monthly Aide and LNA series
April 9, 2020
3 to 4 p.m.
Hosted by VNAs of Vermont
Grappone Conference Center
Concord, NH
November 21, 2019
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Hosted by the Home Care, Hospice and Palliative Care Alliance of New Hampshire
In-person event
Concord NH
March 16 to 20
Hosted by VNAs of Vermont
In-person event
April 8, 22, May 6, 20 and June 3, 17
The Common Man Concord
Concord, NH
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Hosted by VNAs of Vermont
In-person event
June 24, 25. Exam on June 26.
Fireside Inn, West Lebanon, NH
Hosted by VNAs of Vermont
In-person event