Volume 1, Issue 2
September 2017
Home & School Club
Leigh High School Tree Planting Day on Saturday, Oct 21st

The Home & School Club Beautification Team invites you to join us for our annual Tree Planting Day as we spend the morning planting new trees and shrubs on the Leigh High School front lawn and around the gym! This is a wonderful way to join your Leigh student community in making our school a more welcoming and beautiful place to spend your day. 

All family members are welcome to attend and all planting equipment and work gloves will be supplied. Please also consider helping out with a donation whether or not you can be there to help plant. Thank you! Sign up here to join us and/or to make a donation. 

We Love our Teachers and Staff!

With funds from the Home & School Club, the  Teacher Appreciation / Hospitality committee prepared Back To School Baskets for our 19 new teachers and staff. Each basket contained basics for the classroom as well as some treats. 

The Teacher Appreciation / Hospitality committee also hosted a Teacher's Appreciation lunch on September 6th. It was a huge success, and the teachers and staff loved it! Thank you so much to all of the  parent volunteers who provided salads and drinks.

Our next Appreciation event is "Halloween Sweet Treats" on Friday the 13th (October). Please email Susan Lovelady, susanlovelady@yahoo.com, or Carol Hofheimer, prettypopcorn@aol.com, if you would like to be added to the committee and provide baked goods/treats for this and future events for our wonderful teachers and staff.

Recent programs/activities supported by Home & School Club

The following were funded during the month of September:
  • $345 to send College & Career Center parent volunteers to the UC conferences on Sept 11 and CSU conferences on Sept 27.
Volunteers Needed for our Fundraising Team

We need people to join our fundraising team! Jennifer Sarmento is chairing this team and has some wonderful ideas, but she needs support in order to be able to make them happen. If you would like to help in any way, big or small, we would very much appreciate it. We promise it will be fun!  If you are interested, or would like to learn more about this role, please contact Jennifer at fundraising@leighhsc.org.

Relay for Life at Leigh

Relay For Life of Cambrian will be celebrating its 10 year anniversary this year at Leigh High School on April 27-28! We encourage families and students to attend the kick off meeting on October 19th from 6:30-8:00 in the LHS Library. Questions, please contact Carol Hofheimer (prettypopcorn@aol.com)

Help Home & School Club reach our Annual Membership Goal of $25,000

A huge thank you to everyone who has donated to our membership drive to date! It is very much appreciated. Our membership drive is our largest fundraiser of the year and  as of September 29th  we have raised $24, 573. Please help us reach our goal of $25,000! We are almost there! Donate  here

We encourage you to donate your time, talent, and treasure so that we can continue to support important programs such as those listed below:

        • Classroom supplies
        • Staff grants
        • Club support grants
        • College and Career Center
        • Staff Appreciation
        • Positive School Climate programs
        • Capital Improvements
        • Campus Beautification  
        • Parent Education Speakers  
        • Event Hospitality

It takes a Village... this is YOUR Village! 
Thank you for making a difference at Leigh!

Earn FREE money for Leigh

Corporate Matching
Many local companies offer matching donations to school organizations. If you avail of this program you can double or triple your donation to Leigh Home and School Club! Many companies also donate cash to match your volunteer hours contributed to the school. Please check with the HR department at your company to see if it has a matching donations program. Our Tax ID: #77-0199809. Click here for more information and to see a list of companies that offer this program (it is not a complete list - if you do not see your company on this list, please do check with your HR dept).

Shopping on Amazon?
Use our  dedicated Leigh Amazon link  when shopping with Amazon, and Leigh Home & School Club receives 6 - 11% on products you purchased. Bookmark this link for future shopping 'trips'! Does your company shop at Amazon? Then refer this link to the person in charge of purchases. Anyone can use this link and Leigh will benefit.  Note: Do NOT Use Amazon SMILE as donations through this program are significantly less.

Home & School Club Meeting Updates

View the August Meeting Minutes here. Our next Meeting is

  • October 16th, 7:00pm
  • Location: Leigh library 


All are welcome... please join us!

Stay Connected

We invite you to connect with the Home & School Club and be a part of this great community.  Here are a few ways you can do this...

  • Subscribe to our mailing list to receive monthly newsletters and stay up to date with Home & School Club happenings.
  • Become a member and donate to Home & School Club.
  • Attend our monthly meetings.
  • Volunteer your time by signing up to help when needed (sign up sheets included in this newsletter and posted to our mailing list as needed).
  • Join a committee/team. We have lots of opportunities, big and small! Send an email to Home & School Club President, Doug Carlen, at president@leighhsc.org.
  • Check out our website (we are in the process of building a new site so please be patient as we work through the details!)
  • Follow us on Facebook
    Like us on Facebook
Take our Home & School Club Survey

Would you like to share your thoughts with the Home & School Club Board on the programs we fund? On our Mission? On our Communications? Click here to complete the Home & School Club survey.

Your feedback is critical to helping us improve, and this is your chance to share your opinions and preferences.  Thank you!

Click the Amazon Banner below to support Leigh HSC when you shop at Amazon. 
Up to  11% of your purchases goes towards Leigh HSC and supports all of our students. 
Do NOT Use Amazon SMILE as donations through this program are significantly less.
Leigh High Home and School Club | http://www.leighhsc.org