Volume 4 Issue 4 | October 2020

Leigh's Annual Haunted House was a great success as our theater class tried our first drive-through experience: Phobophobia: Face Your Fears. The show sold out quickly and all reports are that it was a fun (and spooky) time!

Did you miss it? Not to worry! There is a limited-time video available to watch for a small fee at https://www.showtix4u.com/event-details/42166 beginning on Halloween Eve (October 30) through Dia de la Muertos (November 1). Check it out!
Minutes from past meetings and dates of upcoming meetings can be found here.
Next HSC meeting is Nov 16th, 7pm.
Email us any time with questions or suggestions: president@leighhsc.org.
Highlights from Principal Kara Butler
Construction Updates
  • The charging stations in the parking lot are complete!
  • The pool is almost finished, with just a few small details to complete.
  • All the abatement work on the office is finished and the next phase of the work is moving along.
  • Finally, there is construction work underway to make sure all Leigh’s hallways are ADA compliant.

Distance Learning Updates
  • The county now allows one-time outdoor gatherings of up to 200 people so Leigh is looking at the possibility of outdoor events such as an outdoor movie night.

Celebrating Diversity
  • Leigh administration and staff are learning about how to intervene when someone says something racist in their classroom. They have also been learning about microaggressions (what that looks like, what that sounds like, and why it’s unacceptable), and other similar topics. 
  • Leigh has an Equity Team made up of counselors, students and teachers.
  • The student Inclusivity Committee has been planning some events to celebrate diversity.
Highlights from Teacher Representative Celeste Smiley
  • Not many students are attending tutorials. Please come to tutorials! Tutorials continue to be underutilized. Instead students are emailing questions to their teachers, including very involved questions that are not easily answered through an email. We are asking parents to encourage their student/s to attend tutorials to ask questions that are more appropriate for tutorial. There are 165 of them and 1 of us so we would really appreciate an increase in tutorial usage. Link to full tutorial schedule is here.

  • Teachers are busy writing college recommendations for the seniors.

Read Ms. Smiley's full report for more great information on classes, clubs and CHSTA.
Highlights from Student Leadership Representative Julie Schiefer
This month your Student Leadership Team focused on the following items:

Class Plans
  • Leadership class is planning a movie night for the seniors and they’re planning on having that event in person, outside in the Bowl.
  • The juniors and sophomores are planning their class hangout events, which will be online, maybe a movie night.
  • The freshmen had their class hangout, which was a game night online.

Community Service
  • Leadership is planning a district-wide Week of Service with the other CUHSD high school Leadership classes, for next semester.
  • Additionally, leadership is reaching out to all the community service clubs at Leigh to discuss working together on community service projects.

Fundraising and Community Spirit
  • There will be a Halloween celebration, including a costume contest. Students can send in a video of their costume for a chance to win a prize.
  • Chipotle fundraiser will be November 4: 640 Blossom Hill Rd, 5-9pm, flyer.
  • We're organizing a Minute to Win It video every month with Branham High School to raise funds. Additionally we are making videos with Leadership alumni.
  • We celebrated Hispanic Heritage Week with online activities hosted by the Black and Brown Youth Society (BBYS) club. BBYS is also helping with plans for Dia de los Muertos.

For more details, please read the Student Board Report prepared by the students for the Home & School Club Board meeting.
Highlights from CUHSD School Board Representative Kalen Gallagher
  • The district is planning for multiple options for spring semester. There will be a special School Board meeting on December 1 where the board will make a decision about what spring semester could look like.

  • The district is in the process of surveying stakeholders to find out what parents, staff, and students want; reading up on the latest science; and looking at the experience of other school districts to see what has worked and what hasn’t.

To share your feedback with the district:
  • Complete the district feedback form sent on Friday, October 30 at approx 4pm. This form solicits your preference for a Distance Learning or Hybrid instructional model for your student for the Spring 2021 semester (January-June). This information is crucial to inform the district's planning and solidify possible options for spring.
  • Email sent from "CUHSD Communications via Informed K12 <forms@informedk12.com>"
  • Subject line of email: "Submit Your Preference for Spring Semester by Nov. 9"
  • This form must be completed by 11:59pm on Nov 9th.
  • Attend upcoming District Live Q&A sessions and District Board meetings (details below).
  • Each school in the district has a "Board Buddy" and, this year, Leigh's Board Buddy is Kalen Gallagher. If you have comments or questions, you can reach out to Kalen directly at kgallagher@cuhsd.org

To stay informed:
  • Read email updates from our District Superintendent, Dr Bravo. A copy of his most recent message is available here.
  • View the Q&A session held on Thursday, Oct 29, with Dr. Bravo and Board President Kalen Gallagher. This is available on YouTube and Facebook.
  • View results from past surveys here.
  • View the latest information on the District Website.
  • Follow CUHSD on social media @mycuhsd on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 
  • Attend an upcoming District Live Q& A with Dr. Bravo and Kalen Gallagher. A Zoom link to join each webinar will be shared on the day of the event and it will also be live-streamed on the CUHSD Facebook page.
  • Nov 4 at 7 p.m. (Spanish)
  • Nov 10 at 5 p.m. (English)
  • Nov 19 at 7 p.m. (Spanish)
  • View recordings of past District Board meetings and livestreams of future board meetings here. To make a public comment or to learn more about the meetings, go here. Upcoming meeting dates:
  • Nov 5 at 6 p.m.
  • Dec 1 at 6 p.m.

CANVAS is our powerful new Learning Management System that supports online learning and teaching. There are many bells and whistles built into the system, and they can be hard to discover. To that end, here are a few resources to help you get through the learning curve and embrace all the goodness that CANVAS can offer:

  • First, after many conversations and coffees, it appears that using the CANVAS APP provides a far clearer and more effective user experience for most parents. If you continue to experience frustration with CANVAS, download the app and try that interface instead of accessing it via the web browser.

  • One of our wonderful parents, Sylvia Branca, put together a Parent Guide for us that includes links to videos detailing how parents can navigate Canvas.

  • We held a Parent-to-Parent Canvas support session on Oct 30th. We have several parents at Leigh who are comfortable with Canvas and happy to support any parent who has questions or issues. If you need some 1:1 support, please contact us at academictutoring@leighhsc.org and Rama Nemani, HSC parent, will connect with you.

Please encourage your students to use these fantastic resources provided by our Leigh staff:

  • TUTORIALS continue to be underutilized. Teachers are being inundated with emails, but very few students are showing up to tutorials! These opportunities are the best way to get questions answered quickly and personally. The link to the full tutorial schedule is here.

  • COUNSELOR Canvas Courses have been set up for Seniors and Juniors, and will soon be set up for Sophomores and Freshmen. Encourage your student to check out the recording of their grade-specific Counselor Presentation, as well as additional resources for their grade level throughout the year.

  • ACADEMIC TUTORING: Students can be paired up with a tutor for many subject areas. This is a great way to get 1:1 tutoring. It is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 2:10 - 2:40 pm
  • https://cuhsd.zoom.us/j/94702204986
  • Meeting ID: 947 0220 4986
  • Passcode: 361793

Club Support is a new parent initiative at Leigh that our HSC has started together with our Activities Director, Anthoney Roe. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for parent volunteers to get involved and become a resource to students running and participating in Leigh's clubs. During distance learning more than ever we want to offer opportunities that help bring our students and Leigh community together. 

Our initial outreach showed that clubs are in need of parent volunteers to speak on a variety of club-specific topics, ranging from culture to wellness, safety and health (at this time, all speaker presentations will be held via Zoom). View a list of clubs looking for speakers and sign up for a topic that fits your background or interest using this Google Form. Please consider supporting our clubs with your expertise and insights! 

If you have further questions regarding Club Support, please take a look at our FAQ. Anne Haro is our HSC Parent Coordinator for this program and you can reach her at clubsupport@leighhsc.org for any additional questions. 

In more club news, Leigh just started its very own TEDx branch. This year's conference will be held online on December 2nd, 2020 at 6 PM. The students organizing this program are are looking for members of our community who have an idea worth spreading. Speeches would be no longer than 18 minutes. Submissions are still being accepted even though the deadline has officially passed. Click here for more information and for speaker applications.

The HSC Teacher Appreciation team provided October treats for Leigh teachers and staff, including buckets of candy and Flair Pens.
Our teachers and staff are going above and beyond to support and care for our students during this incredibly stressful time. We all know how lovely it is to receive a note of appreciation in our inbox. As we approach this season of thanks, we encourage you to send an email to your child's teachers and to staff members you want to thank. Please also encourage your students to send a note of thanks - it means a lot to a teacher to hear from a student.

You can send an email from your Canvas account. You can also email directly from your personal email account. Staff emails are typically the <first letter of first name><last name>@cuhsd.org. For example, Ms. Celeste Smiley's email is csmiley@cuhsd.org. Teachers and Staff names are listed on the school website and you can also send emails directly to teachers and staff from this page.
Thank you to everyone who has already donated to our Annual Giving Drive! We are just over 86% of the way towards our $30K goal! Your donations are making an impact and ensure that we can support important programs for our students. It takes a Village… this is YOUR Village! Thank you for making a difference at Leigh!

Many employers match donations. Check out our Double the Donation online tool where you can quickly and easily see if your employer will match your donation. You will also be able to sign in to your companies online form and submit your request electronically, or you can directly access the paper form you need to complete and submit.

Questions, please contact our Treasurer, Amy Hogg, at treasurer@leighhsc.org
Thank you for making a difference!
Your support is important and is greatly appreciated!

Leigh High School Home and School Club is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID # is 77-0199809. All donations are tax-deductible.

Incoming funds since the September HSC meeting included the following:
  • $4,252 in Annual Giving Drive donations
  • $3,271 in Corporate Match donations

Programs/Activities funded in the past month:
  • $8,000 for HAERT Program (mental health support for students)
  • $120 for Quizizz & Quizlet subscriptions (Math/ Integrated I & Integrated II)

Weekly Bulletin
  • Principal Kara Butler sends an email update at the end of each week. If you do not receive this in your inbox and would like to, please reach out to Mrs. Butler directly. The archive is located here » If you can only read one thing each week, please read this email as it contains important information.

Daily Bulletin
  • Our Activities Director, Anthoney Roe, sends an email every morning focused on what's happening for students at school for that day and the upcoming week. This is a wealth of information on clubs, student activities, social events for students, homework center info etc. The archive is located here » To opt in to receive these emails in your inbox daily, sign up here » Students are also able to access an activities classroom on Canvas.

Social Media


Leigh Technology Platforms
Information on the following tools, and links to access each, is available on the Leigh website:
  • CANVAS: Learning Management System where teachers post assignments and grades.
  • AERIES: Online student information system that allows families to view/request transcripts, view attendance records, and update emergency contact information.
  • NAVIANCE: a customizable planning portal for families that includes self-discovery assessments, goal-setting, college research tools, and career exploration resources.
  • REMIND: Communication platform for teachers, students and admin.

College & Career Center


Our Leigh Home & School Club supports the campaign to Vote YES on Measure L which will be on the November 3rd, 2020 ballot.

Measure L is a parcel tax RENEWAL. It does not raise taxes - it simply renews existing local school funding to maintain high-quality education in our district schools: Leigh, Branham, Del Mar, Prospect, Boynton, and Westmont.

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on school district budgets.

Without Measure L, our district would have to ...

  • Cut funding for vocational and career technical education pathways for students
  • Cut funding for electives that help students find and develop their passions
  • Cut funding for advanced classes that prepare students for college and career
  • Cut funding for mental health supports to our high school youth
  • Cut funding for computer and technology skills training needed to prepare students for high-demand jobs in high-tech, health care, and engineering
  • Increase class sizes

We need Measure L to pass so that our district can also...

  • Navigate the short-term challenges of COVID-19
  • Provide safe and clean high schools
  • Attract and retain highly qualified teachers

To learn more, please visit the Measure L website

Like/Follow Measure L updates on social media
Share posts with your friends and followers
Leigh High School Home and School Club is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Tax ID # is 77-0199809. All donations are tax-deductible.